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Programme des cours 2014 du Centre Patronal. <photo tzest. Brevet. Impro Vidéo - l'improvisation théâtrale en vidéo. User interface design for beginners, intermediates or experts? Dear visitor: Please keep in mind that this post is originally from Vibor Cipan's personal blog, the name of which we eventually adopted as our company name together with its conveniently-named URL.

User interface design for beginners, intermediates or experts?

We're keeping the posts on our official company blog for all the subscribers to Vibor's blog who have read and commented on his previous posts. Please be aware that this post represents Vibor's personal thinking few years ago and doesn't necessarily represent the opinions of the UX Passion as a company today. As user experience designers we are regularly in situations where our design decisions will have a significant effect on the end users of the web sites, applications or other user interfaces or services we design. Apart from the need to understand the business case and idea, probably the most important thing is to understand who are the users of our interfaces? Introduction.