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Cute animals

Peace Vincent Gallo. Don’t mind me, just building my house. Dog Mustache. Modern pooch : your daily doggy fix. The goodbye shirt. 19 Best Angry Windshield Notes. Useful Dog Tricks performed by Jesse. Not A Morning Dog Video. DEAR BLANK, PLEASE BLANK - Pìcame – Visual arts smugglers. Un progetto ironico e geniale di Jared Wunsch e Hans Johnson. Le stampe si possono acquistare online ma la cosa più divertente è inviare le proprie submission e vedersele pubblicate sul sito. Altri esempi dentro al post. UPDATE: si può scaricare gratis l’app per iPhone da qui. An ironic and brilliant project by Jared Wunsch and Hans Johnson. The prints can be purchased online but the funniest thing is to send your own submission and see it published on the site.

Other examples inside the post. Comments comments.


Dog Goes Nuts During Soldier Homecoming Video.