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Magic The Gathering. The virtual anti-museum of artist Dado. 2001Dado pro­duces his first book illustrated with di­gital col­lages in col­lab­or­a­tion with Alain Jouffroy, La situ­ation est plus grave qu’on ne le croit. 2002Fol­low­ing a profitable col­lab­or­a­tion with founder Régis Bocquel, Dado takes over the block­house at Fécamp, built in about 1942 by the Ger­man Oc­cupy­ing forces.

The virtual anti-museum of artist Dado

After dec­or­ated the walls, he then installs bronzes. Real­iz­a­tion of The School of Prescillia, donated to the Pomp­idou Cen­ter in 2006. RPGObjects. Magic: The Gathering. The Holders Series -