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Game Studies

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Welcome to DiGRA — Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Between God Mode and God Mood – Projekt. Center for Computer Games Research. ITU delivers internationally leading research and teaching contributing to an improvement of our ability to create value with IT.

Center for Computer Games Research

Since its establishment in 1999, ITU has established a tradition for close collaboration with research organizations as well as industry and professional and industrial bodies, nationally and internationally. In its relatively short time of operation, ITU has been successful in innovation, global interaction, achieving high academic standards and the creation of value. The Center for Computer Games Research was formally established in 2003, building on ongoing work in the area at the ITU since its founding in 1999. The center houses a multi-disciplinary research group with backgrounds in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer Science. Members of the group are involved in editorial boards of the most respected journals in the fields of game studies, game culture, game AI and affective modeling and IEEE Task Forces focusing on games.

Willkommen auf den Seiten der AG-Games. Game Research - The art, business, and science of video games » Home. Games and Culture. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture. Ludologie. Ludologie (lat. ludus „Spiel“ und -logie) ist die Lehre vom Spiel und bezeichnet den noch jungen, transdisziplinären Forschungszweig, der sich an der Schnittstelle von Kultur- und Strukturwissenschaften mit den ästhetischen, kulturellen, kommunikativen, technischen und strukturellen Aspekten des Phänomens „Spiel“ auseinandersetzt.


Den Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung bilden dabei Geschichte, Entwicklung, Analyse und Theorie digitaler Spiele. Der Begriff ist vor allem im angelsächsischen Sprachraum gebräuchlich und wird meist synonym zum Terminus (Video-)Spieltheorie verwendet, womit jedoch nicht die auf bestimmte Spieltypen beschränkte, mathematische Spieltheorie gemeint ist, sondern die deutlich weiter gefasste Theorie des Spielens allgemein. Im engeren Kontext der „Ludologie vs. Narratologie“-Debatte dagegen bezeichnet Ludologie das Paradigma, in dem das Prinzip der Simulation als das Kernkonzept des Spiels aufgefasst wird. Geschichte[Bearbeiten] Status[Bearbeiten] Ludologie vs.

Game studies. Game studies or gaming theory is a discipline that deals with the critical study of games.

Game studies

More specifically, it focuses on game design, players, and their role in society and culture. Game studies is an inter-disciplinary field with researchers and academics from a multitude of other areas such as computer science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, arts and literature, media studies, communication, theology, and more. Like other media disciplines, such as television studies and film studies, game studies often involves textual analysis and audience theory. Game studies tends to employ more diverse methodologies than these other branches, drawing from both social science and humanities approaches.

History[edit] Prior to the late-twentieth century, the academic study of games was rare and limited to fields such as history and anthropology. Ludology - encyclopedia article about Ludology. Game studies or gaming theory is an academic discipline that deals with the critical study of games.

Ludology - encyclopedia article about Ludology.

More specifically, it focuses on game design, players, and their role in society and culture. Game studies is an inter-disciplinary field with researchers and academics from a multitude of other areas such as computer science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, arts and literature, media studies, communication, theology, and more. Like other media disciplines, such as television studies and film studies, game studies often involves textual analysis and audience theory.

Game studies tends to employ more diverse methodologies than these other branches, however, drawing from both social science and humanities approaches. History Prior to the late-twentieth century, the academic study of games was rare and limited to fields such as history and anthropology. The youth of the field of game studies is also another reason for blurred boundaries between approaches.

Social sciences.