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The Mechanics of Morality: Why Moral Choices in Video Games Are No Longer Fun. Moral ambiguity is an increasingly ubiquitous part of modern computer game character mechanics – so why are the moral elements to gameplay increasingly less enjoyable?

The Mechanics of Morality: Why Moral Choices in Video Games Are No Longer Fun

I remember when having a game take into account the morality of your character was something of an innovation. I remember banging my head against the Eye of the Beholder Dungeons and Dragons games appalled at the fact that something as complex as tabletop role-playing had been reduced to throwing knives at spiders in someone’s basement. The Baldur’s Gate games changed this. Suddenly, if you played an evil character good characters refused to join up with you and if you played a good character then certain solutions to problems were denied you.

It was a revelation. The idea began to take root after it was popularised by RPGs such as Knights of the Old Republic (2003) and Fable (2004). In order to be fun, transgressive behaviour requires the existence of a strong moral code to transgress against. Be Sociable, Share! Video Games and Morality Plays. One of the aspects of video games that I find both interesting and irritating, depending upon my mood, is the inclusion of morality into video game framework.

Video Games and Morality Plays

There is a trend among many popular titles (Bioshock, Fable, Mass Effect, Knights of the Old Republic, ect) to include situations where the main character is presented with moral predicaments in which the different choices of action should (but not always) have an affect on future gameplay. There has been morality systems in video games for quite a while but recently there has been increasing usage of these systems in order to increase player immersion and replay value. There is an increased incentive to replay a video game if the player knows that the different moral choices made throughout the game can alter the storyline. Variety is the spice of life they say, and yes it is even for video games. Moral choices are explicitly labeled, usually bad/good, wrong/right requiring little critical thought from the player.

Moral calculus in videogames. A number of games, especially recently, contain moral calculus systems: game mechanics and associated representations that interject some notion of ethics or morality into gameplay, usually tied to the player's actions.

Moral calculus in videogames

The most common approach is to position a player along a good/evil axis reminiscent of the "alignment" in traditional role-playing games. A player has a dynamic alignment, updated towards one end or the other as she performs actions deemed good or evil. This is the approach taken by, for example, Black and White (Lionhead, 1998), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (LucasArts, 2003), and Fable (Lionhead, 2004). A player's goodness or evilness then affects what she can do and how non-player characters react to and interact with her. The Sentry - Morality in games will make an interesting future. By: Jeremy Harris Posted: 2/15/10 Morality is slowly becoming a constant in video games. Several games and game franchises over the last couple of years such as the Fable series, the Fallout series, the Mass Effect series, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and many others have included the ability to make choices that impact the game's plot and the main character's personality.

After having played numerous games that make use of a moral scale, I have to say that it's a system I like, but only if it is developed properly. One company that has been able to use morality properly is Bioware which has Developed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I & II, Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (or KOTOR for short) and its sequel allowed players to choose dialog options during certain in-game conversations that would reward the player with either light side points or dark side points.

The next game series I want to address is Mass Effect. Moral Decisions (video game concept) Video Game Renaissance » Blog Archive » The best moral choice system is no system at all. Warning: Massive Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins spoilers inbound in this post.

Video Game Renaissance » Blog Archive » The best moral choice system is no system at all

You’ve been warned. As we ring in the new year, video game enthusiasts should be celebrating because the number of major releases scheduled in the first few quarters alone is staggering. BioWare, purveyor of quality RPGs of the space and fantasy variety, is going to be quite busy between the releases of Dragon Age II, Star Wars: The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3. With BioWare in mind, let’s travel back to 2003 for a minute. Review: Shadow of the Colossus. A slow ride on horseback through the woods brings you before a massive stone castle overgrown with moss where shadowy figures lurk.

review: Shadow of the Colossus

Sound familiar to another highly stylistic game from SCEI? Right from the start of Shadow of the Colossus, you will be transported to a vividly imagined world instantly familiar to ICO veterans. In fact, toward the end of the opening sequence you'll experience something eerily reminiscent of the four-year-old classic. But the similarities end there and Fumito Ueda's new masterpiece emerges from the shadows of its colossal hype as a rather unique action/adventure experience that attempts to attract novice and advanced gamers alike - with mixed results. You and the horse you rode in on The hero of this story doesn't make the opening journey alone. Online - Quo Vadis 2008 in Berlin: Spieleentwickler zwischen Politik und Bankschalter.

Seit dem 6.

online - Quo Vadis 2008 in Berlin: Spieleentwickler zwischen Politik und Bankschalter

Mai tagen in Berlin 570 Game-Designer, Animationskünstler und Medienexperten bei der sechsten Quo Vadis, einer von den Berliner Aruba Studios mit Unterstützung des Bundesverbands G.A.M.E. im Rahmen der Deutschen Gamestage veranstalteten Entwicklerkonferenz rund um Computer- und Videospiele.

Fallout 3

WoW. Black and White. KotOR. Dragon Age. Fable. Mass Effect. Gewaltdebatte: Gut oder Böse? Die Wissenschaft ist sich inzwischen weitgehend einig, was Computerspiele bewirken und was nicht.

Gewaltdebatte: Gut oder Böse?

Moral Decision Making in Fallout. By Marcus Schulzke Abstract Many open world games give players the chance to make moral choices, but usually the differences between good and evil paths through a game are slight.

Moral Decision Making in Fallout

In order for moral choices in games to be meaningful they must be fairly calculated and have significant consequences. The Fallout series is one of the best examples of how to give players thoughtful moral problems and multiple paths to resolving them. This essay looks at the series, and Fallout 3 in particular, as examples of how moral choice can be incorporated into video games. Keywords: Fallout, Aristotle, Phronesis, practical wisdom, morality, education. Introduction In the Poetics Aristotle initiated a new line of thinking about tragedy that dominated aesthetic thought for centuries (Aristotle, 1997). Moralische Entscheidungen in Spielen. Über einen Filmheld, der unmoralische Entscheidungen trifft, kann man sich als Zuschauer ärgern – ändern kann man die Situation nicht.

Moralische Entscheidungen in Spielen

In Romanen können die Gedankengänge eines Charakters sehr plastisch dargestellt werden – dennoch kann man sich immer nur hypothetisch fragen, wie man selbst in einer solchen Situation handeln würde. Videospiele, vor allem Rollenspiele, haben in den letzten Jahren immer bessere so genannte Moralsysteme entwickelt, die gute und böse Handlungen des Spielers erlauben und gleichzeitig die Konsequenzen der selbigen aufzeigen. Gut oder böse: Die Wertefrage in Rollenspielen - Digital. Levine: Gamers don’t need dumbed-down narratives. BioShock creator Ken Levine has said publisher Take Two signed off on the game’s complex themes without hesitation.

Levine: Gamers don’t need dumbed-down narratives

“God, no,” Levine told VG247 when asked if narrative had to be dumbed down for gamers. “With some of the stuff we’re doing on Infinite, I need to dumb it down for me.” The Irrational games head said Take-Two had been very supportive. “Take Two in particular, is pretty bold on this stuff. [Take Two chairman and CEO Zelnick] Strauss and the gang signed off immediately,” he continued. “Frankly, in their shoes, I don’t know if I would have written a check for [BioShock 1]. Asked whether Take-Two had faith in the intellectual prowess of gamers, Levine said the company has faith in developers. “I think for them its about ‘We pay the talent to be, you know, talented, so let’s trust them,’” he explained. Ich will GRAU! Warum Gut oder Böse – Entscheidungen in den meisten Spielen bescheuert sind. In-Game-Moral - Moralische Urteile in Spielen. Auf den Spuren der Moral: Eine Bewertung von Gut und Böse in Fallout 3, Bioshock und The Witcher.

Zunehmend oft stellen Sie Spiele vor moralische Entscheidungen. Gut oder böse: Moralische Entscheidungen in Rollenspielen. Gewissensfrage: Ob Sie in „Fallout 3“ die Stadt Megaton atomisieren, ist allein Ihre Entscheidung. „Nach 20 Jahren habt Ihr den Mörder Eures besten Freundes gefunden. Allerdings stellt sich heraus, dass er der alleinige Ernährer eines jungen Mädchens ist. Gut oder Böse? - Das Karmasystem in Spielen - Top-Themen - GIGA.DE - GIGA.DE. (Robin) In manchen Spielen treten immer wieder bestimmte Momente auf, wo man moralisch gute oder unmoralische Entscheidungen treffen kann.

Je nachdem, wie man sich entscheidet, ändert sich das Spielgeschehen.