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30 Creative Ways to Repurpose & Reuse Old Stuff. We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it. Either it’s “still OK”, or “might come in handy” or just holds some sentimental value to it. In extreme cases, this might lead to hoarding, but if you’re creative enough, you can solve the problem by repurposing, upcycling and reusing your old things. Besides serving a purpose (again), repurposed items add this lovely touch of creativity and coziness to the space. Heck, most of the time, upcycled things become even cooler than they originally were. [Read more...] In order to help you get started, we made a selection of 30 creative repurposing, upcycling and reuse ideas. Try to recognize your old things in the pictures and upcycle yourself! 1. (link) 2. (link) 3. (link) 4. (link) 5. (link) 6. (link) 7. (link) 8. (link) 9.

(link) 10. 11. (link) 12. 13. (link) 14. (link) 15. (link) 16. (link) 17. (link) 18. (link) 19. Toasted bagel + avocado in a CD spindle. 20. (link) 21. (link) 22. (link) 23. Dorm DIYs: 10 Ways to Add Personality to Drab College Digs. Previous image Next image There are a couple of weeks left until college students move in and classes start — which means there's still time to think about dorm decor. These ten project ideas will help students save money, get set up and make their rooms stylish and homey. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (Image: as linked above) Serendipity (otherwise known as a diy laundry bag) Everyday Mom Ideas: Scrap Paper Tree Centerpiece Tutorial (Featured guest blogger)

Hi there! I'm Sharon from Two Girls Being Crafty, and I am so delighted to be today's guest blogger on Everyday Mom Ideas! Thank you so much, Julia, for having us. My co-blogger, Tristin, and I create fun and inexpensive crafts that anyone could do. Our goal is to inspire. So come check us out! Today I would like to share with you all our newest craft. This simple project uses scrapbook paper leaves to create a bright and cheery Spring ambiance for your home. First, drag out your unseemly healthy assortment of scrapbook paper scraps. Cut out a template of your leaf from the cardboard (you can also use chipboard or card-stock). Take your floral wire and cut strips anywhere from 5"-8" long.

Lay down some newspaper next to your workspace. Now for the fun part! ...or make them funky. And you're done! Thanks again, Julia, for having us here today! The Magic With Corks | Home Decorating - Design And Ideas. If you enjoy in good wine and you didn’t trow away the old corks you can create interesting home gadgets that are both interesting and creative. Home decorating can be improved using one of the 25 home ideas with corks we presented here. You don’t need to spend money for your home, you can easily recycle and reuse the old corks for coasters, maths and much more. Stamps Thread Spool Corks Wreath Magnetic Cork Planters Cork Ball Key Chains Coasters Cork Letter Placecard Holders Trivet Bathmat Plant Marker Cheese Knives Cork Candles Cork Candle Votives Simple Cork Necklace Embroidered Cork Necklace Wine Corkboard Champagne Cork Knobs Wine Charms Lampshade Fridge Magnets Animal Sculptures Cork Pen Journaling corks arts, corks usage, diy corks.

DIY - En lekfull hyllning till PRÄNT | Redaktionen | inspiration från IKEA. Dorm DIY: Geometric Wall Hanging. If you’re living in dorms (or have ever been a teenager, for that matter), you’ve likely come across wall hangings. I’m sure you know the type — sold at the local head shop and printed with any number of psychedelic images such as kaleidoscopic patterns, tie-dye, dancing wolves and moonlit dolphins. Wall hangings, with their inexpensive materials and large dimensions, make wonderfully cost-effective ways to decorate your dorm room.

Unlike posters, which can be laborious to hang and often end up looking mismatched and cobbled together, a single wall hanging can lend a bit of cohesion to an otherwise jumbled space. If artwork reminiscent of an acid flashback isn’t your cup of tea, however, the art of the wall hanging might leave a bit to be desired. Materials One standard, flat sheet — We used a full-sized white cotton sheet. Above image: Triangle blocks from Todd Oldham’s Block Party Kit for Kid Made Modern. Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dorm DIY: Beanbag Chair Makeover. As a college student, there are a lot of good reasons to buy a beanbag chair. They’re lightweight, they’re portable, they’re inexpensive, they’re somewhat comfortable, and they’re kind of fun. Let’s be real though— they are not cute. You might search high and low, but rest assured, it’s practically impossible to find an attractive beanbag chair.

Oftentimes covered in a heinous vinyl fabric in an equally atrocious color, bean bag chairs —despite being fixtures in dorm rooms for decades— can be quite the eyesores. Luckily, this problem is remarkably easy to fix! With a few basic materials and supplies, you can convert any run-of-the-mill beanbag chair into a surprisingly stylish addition to your space.

Supplies Directions 1) Find out how much fabric you will need by measuring the diameter of your beanbag chair. 2) Using a canvas drop cloth that accommodates two circles with the diameter of your above measurement, fold your cloth in half and lay it flat on the floor. 11) That’s it!