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25 great Pinterest boards for educators  - Edgalaxy - Cool Stuff For Nerdy Teachers. From Blogs and Twitter aren’t the only social tools out there that can help you keep up with the latest and greatest developments in educational technology.

25 great Pinterest boards for educators  - Edgalaxy - Cool Stuff For Nerdy Teachers

Pinterest is rapidly becoming a favorite tool of educators all over the nation, and many have amassed some pretty great collections of edtech-related pins that teachers and students alike can use to explore new ways to learn, share, teach, and grow. While it would be nearly impossible to highlight every edtech pinboard out there, we’ve shared some of the boards we think stand out among the crowd here. Many are maintained by major educational websites, key figures in edtech, and well-known bloggers, but others were created by teachers just like you who simply want to share resources and tips with others in education. Vicki Dabrowka, Ed Tech:Browse through more than 180 pins all related to educational technology from teacher and environmental educator Vicki Dabrowka. Edutopia, Students Like Tech! How to Blog: Blogging Tips for Beginners. Blogging: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide - Social Media in Organizations (SMinOrgs) Community.

Starting a blog? 12 ideas for blog posts. I’m currently writing a chapter on blogging for a book on online journalism [ UPDATE: Now published ].

Starting a blog? 12 ideas for blog posts

It includes 12 typical blog post types to kickstart ideas. Here are the examples I came up with – I’d welcome any more: Point 6 UPDATED January 20 2012 in response to this blog post (I’m now wondering: was that linkbait? ). : the best way to start blogging: simply link to something elsewhere that you feel is interesting, or (better) that you disagree with. . : for a story or for a way of doing things. . : a straightforward and easy way to create a post. . : attend a relevant event – a conference, meeting, public talk, demonstration, or even just a conversation – and write about it. . : this typically only works once you’ve established a readership and generated goodwill by contributing yourself on your blog and in comments on other blogs, or if it’s for a worthy cause. Blogging Best Practices - Blogging Best Practices All Bloggers Should Follow. Starting Your First Blog? 29 Tips, Tutorials and Resources for New Bloggers.

Photo Pin : Free Photos for Your Blog or Website via Creative Commons. Which Blogging Platform Should I Use? Joomla is primarily a CMS, which, as a side option, may also double as a blog.

Which Blogging Platform Should I Use?

Wordpress is the other way around. Its primarily a blogging platform, and additionally, with a few hackles, may double up as a CMS. I'm with you on absolutely HATING WordPress. Many sites are misinforming users and stating that WordPress is a good CMS - WRONG! Yes, there are countless plugins and things to make WP into a fully fledged CMS, but it's a blogging platform. Yes, there is a ton of help to solve most issues with those plugins and customizing WP.

I'd tried Joomla, Drupal, and well over a dozen others. I have been using ExpressionEngine for several years now. For blogging, I DO encourage people to try WP. When's the Best Time to Blog & Share? Anyone who spends their day on the Internet inevitably wonders this question.

When's the Best Time to Blog & Share?

Should I start publishing later in the day, to hit the after-work traffic? Should I publish earlier in the morning, to catch commuters while they're on the way to work? Or is everything completely random, driven by the off-chance that a post will end up on StumbleUpon and enjoy a slightly longer tail? Social sharing widget Shareaholic looked at its 2011 data, breaking it down to the top 100 days and times for sharing. See the results in Eastern Standard Time. Shareaholic looked at two metrics: social shares and traffic.

Thursday beats every other day. As most blogs know, the best time of day for social shares is between 8am and 12pm ET. Image via 26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts. Do you blog?

26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts

Feel like you’re trying to reinvent the wheel time and again? Looking for some ideas to simplify your content creation process? What follows are 26 tips, from A-Z, to help you create optimal blog posts every time you sit down to write. #1: Anatomically Correct A blog post contains several areas that require our attention and care. Eye-catching titleIn-text links to landing pagesSidebar/banner calls to actionSocial sharing buttonsCall to action at the bottomRelevancy—making sure the post is relevant from top to bottom Parts of the blog anatomy. Example of more anatomical parts to include in your blog posts. #2: Blogging Platform By knowing the ins and outs of your blogging platform, you’ll ensure that your posts look as good as they can.

Whether you’re working in platforms such as WordPress, Tumblr or Posterous, it’s good to stay up to date on the features and new versions. WordPress' editor where you can toggle between visual and HTML editing functions. #3: Categories.