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Understanding Science. Wonderful World of Wasps - Web Comic. Wasps may not be as big as lions or bears, but these insects are among the most successful predators on Earth!

Wonderful World of Wasps - Web Comic

Different wasps species have different ways of preying on other animals. Wonderful World of Wasps - Carly's Adventures in Wasp Land (Comic) Hi, I'm Carly and I'm a graduate student at the American Museum of Natural History.

Wonderful World of Wasps - Carly's Adventures in Wasp Land (Comic)

I study a group of insects called Hymenoptera, which includes ants, bees, and wasps. My specialty is parasitic wasps, which are wasps that lay their eggs on, or inside, the bodies of other insects (generally caterpillars or larval beetles). The "host" insect's body becomes food for the growing larva. This process, when it kills the host, is referred to as parasitoidism. I study both the physical features (known as "morphology"), as well as the DNA, of these wasps to understand how they have evolved. I also love to draw!

Wonderful World of Wasps - Web Comic - An Interview with Bembi. BBC Nature - Mimicry. Naturstigen. Nationellt resurscentrum för biologi och bioteknik. Såhär i “flipp-tider”… Teacher Resources: Water Science School (USGS) USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS The USGS Water Science School Teacher Resources for Water Science, USGS The Water Cycle We have a water-cycle for schools section with a diagram and an online, interactive version aimed at three age-levels of students.

Teacher Resources: Water Science School (USGS)

Files for printing: PDF (2 Mb poster) | Image (11x17 inch) | Image (poster) Water Properties. Teknik, naturvetenskap, datorer, bredband, elektronik, juridik, solsystemet, robotar. The Energy Story - Introduction. Energy is one of the most fundamental parts of our universe.

The Energy Story - Introduction

We use energy to do work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets. Energy warms our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, gives us pictures on television. Energy powers machinery in factories and tractors on a farm. Energy Kids - Energy Kids: Energy Information Administration. Middle School.

Schools Science Clips - Forces in action. Konkret och kreativ NO. Publicerad: 19 oktober, 2016 Nu i höst och senare i vinter kommer jag medverka vid ett antal gratis-kommun-event som anordnas av Liber.

Konkret och kreativ NO

Nedan hittar du de fyra som hittills är klara. Lekar - Skogsreflexen. Physics and Magnetism for Kids. Species Guide Index. Growing Up Wild. BBC Nature - Dinosaurs videos, news and facts. NRCF: NRCF fyller 20 år. Sheppard Software's Life-Cycles: Learn about different animal life-cycles. Science Online Living Things. Plants Science Fair Projects for Kids - Easy Ideas, Botany, Soil, Grow Seeds. Parts of Plants. Each part of a plant has a very important function.

Parts of Plants

All plants produce flowers for the same reason: to make seeds so another plant can grow. Leaves: These are the parts of the plant where food is made by photosynthesis. Science Videos,movies,kids,students,Grade 1,Grade 2,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5,Grade 6,Grade 7. IT i Naturen. Discover 10 Brain Tricks. Allt om Historia. Under en världsomsegling insåg Charles Darwin hur livet på jorden hade utvecklats.

Allt om Historia

Hans teori om evolutionen var lika enkel som genial, men kastade samtidigt Bibelns skapelseberättelse över ända och mötte hårt motstånd. Text: Anna Larsdotter I augusti 1831 fick Charles Darwin ett brev som skulle förändra hans liv. Avsändare var hans vän John Stevens Henslow, professor i botanik i Cambridge. Av Henslow hade Darwin lärt sig massor om sitt stora intresse: djur och växter. I brevet frågade Henslow om Darwin ville följa med på en forskningsseglats runt jorden. Så gav sig Charles Robert Darwin den 27 december 1831 av på sitt livs resa. Darwin växte upp med en äldre bror och fyra systrar. Charles Darwin var inte av riktigt samma skrot och korn som sin far och farfar.

Han hade lärt sig att stoppa upp djur och byggt upp en imponerande samling skalbaggar. Darwin fascinerades av de arter han hittade på ögruppen. Darwins anteckningar från resan med Beagle var fyllda av entusiastiska utrop. What is Evolution? National Geographic's Great Nature Project. All wildlife Take and upload a photo of a plant, animal, or any other living thing you come across to help us compile the world’s largest collection of nature photos.

National Geographic's Great Nature Project

Sign in to join mission Created by. Fråga en ekolog. Games & Activities. Time: Animals Under Siege. Endangered Species - Endangered Species. Biomes and Ecosystems. - ARKive - Extensive Animal Encyclopedia. Wildscreen's Arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the world's biggest encyclopaedia of life on Earth.

With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Freely accessible to everyone, over half a million people every month, from over 200 countries, used Arkive to learn and discover the wonders of the natural world. Skogen i Skolan. Mr. Mejia's 5th Grade Classroom / Ecosystems: Science Games. National Geographic Kids. 7 Free iPad Apps for Science Lessons. Cross-posted from my other blog I'm preparing to do a virtual presentation for a small district next month.

7 Free iPad Apps for Science Lessons

My hosts asked for a list of some science apps that their middle school and high school students can use. This is part of the list that has free apps. The Bill Nye The Science Guy iPad app is a free iPad app on which students can watch Bill Nye videos, play games, and discover kitchen table science experiments to do at home with their parents. The app is beautifully designed. GoREACT is a free iPad app from the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Powers of Minus Ten: Bone is a neat iPad app for biology students. Virtual Heart is a free iPad app that allows users to take a closer look at how the human heart functions. 3D Brain is a free iPad app that features a model of the human brain. he app provides a three dimensional model of the human brain that students can rotate. Schools Science Clips - Ages 10-11. Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab. Science Experiments You Can Do At Home or School.

5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids. Everyone knows science is awesome, but did you know you can do science right in your own kitchen?

5 Fun Science Experiments for Kids

Ok, maybe you did, but if you're not sure where to start, we've got five really fun experiments that demonstrate the scientific principles of buoyancy, surface tension, density, chemical reaction and non-Newtonian fluid. Best of all, families can do these easy experiments with common, household items. Sesame Street's fuzzy, blue scientist Grover stopped by the #5facts studio to teach us a few things about the scientific method. Watch the adorable video above to see the experiments in action, then use the instructions below to gather everything you need for your home science lab.

Looking for more amazing experiments families can do together? Be sure to tweet your discoveries with the hashing #5facts, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more fun trivia about science, history and pop culture. 1. What you'll need: Regular orangePeeled orangeDeep bowl or pitcher of water 2. 3. 4. 5. 50 Really Cool Online Tools for Science Teachers. A 21st-century education revolves around the Internet for everything from collaboration, tools, lessons, and even earning degrees online.

If you are looking for ways to integrate online learning into your science class or science degree programs, then take a look at these cool online tools that are just perfect for both teachers and students. Science Tools to Use with Students. Hands-On-science. PROFESSOR ROCK. Snilleblixtarna i Sverige.

Om sidan. Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Cool Facts, Online Games, Activities, Projects, Ideas, Technology. Introducing DIY We started building DIY a few... We started building DIY a few months ago and now we’re sharing the first thing we’ve made. This is a company that we hope to spend decades crafting, but it’s important for us to do it out in the open, bit by bit, to encourage our community of kids and parents to share feedback with us continuously. From Zach’s experience making Vimeo, we understand that this sort of culture fosters collaboration and admiration between a company and its community, and ultimately leads to something that is loved. Our ambition is for DIY to be the first app and online community in every kid’s life.

It’s what we wish we had when we were young, and what we’ll give to our kids. Today we’re releasing a tool to let kids collect everything they make as they grow up. We’ve all seen how kids can be like little MacGyvers. We’re looking to you parents as partners to make it all work. Here’s how it works today: Kids are ready for this. PS. Educating for a Sustainable Future - Cool Australia. ARKive - Discover the world's most endangered species. Online Science Education Topics for Kids - Classroom Teaching Resources by Topic. A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change. National Geographic Young Explorer (Student Magazine) - April 2013. Elementary Science. Kids' Crossing in the Classroom: A Science Education Resource for Elementary and Middle School Educators.

Weather Watch Home. Weather Wiz Kids weather information for kids. Winter StormsHow do winter storms form? Winter storms derive their energy from the clash of two air masses of different temperatures and moisture levels. Winter storms usually form when an air mass of cold, dry, Canadian air moves south and interacts with a warm, moist air mass moving north from the Gulf of Mexico. The point where these two air masses meet is called a front.

If cold air advances and pushes away the warm air, it forms a cold front. DragonflyTV . Episodes . Matter and Motion. Motion and Forces. Konkret och kreativ NO. Nationellt resurscentrum för biologi. Experimentskafferiet. Tom Tits Experiment startsida - Tom Tits Experiment. Välkommen till NTA - Hem.