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A List of 100 Questions to Ask Your Partner on Date Nights. Date nights for established couples can feel boring and stale if you talk about the same old topics all the time. Talking about work, the kids, or household repairs should not be the primary focus of nights when you’re trying to reconnect as a couple. So, here is a list of 100 — yes, 100 — questions that you can choose from to ask each other on your next dinner out. Use only two to three questions per date night, and really talk about the answers in depth.

They range across various domains, including romance, intimacy, family, career, and many others. What is your favorite memory of dating me? Whew! Featured photo credit: Dinner Date via F1 to F12: Time-Saving Function Key Shortcuts Everyone Should Know. Tvornica zdrave hrane. Susan Cain: The power of introverts. Quiet Revolution: Unlocking the Power of Introverts. Ispred ogledala: O, blago ludima. Ljeto uvijek tako počinje. Izaziva te. Tjedan dana umireš od vrućine i kupuješ kupaći pa tjedan dana tražiš zimske jakne i kišobrane. Bane kroz vrata svojom vrelinom, a onda pobjegne na nekoliko dugih tjedana, kao da mu je tamo negdje u zemlji vječnog sunca i mirisa borova ostala još jedna majica koju mora imati, pa se vratio po nju.

Ovaj je moj ludi svibanj u sebe spojio nekoliko života. Počeo je propalom promocijom moje knjige, plakanjem na kauču i upalom grla. Nastavio se uspješnom promocijom moje knjige, nestvarnim osjećajem pred toliko ljudi u Kosači i savršenim fotografijama koje će omogućiti da tu večer zauvijek urežem u mozak. Barcelona. Sjedili smo na uskom balkončiću, na dvije ni po čemu slične stolice, pili katalonsko vino i jeli kolač s limunom.

„Tko ovo radi,“ izustila sam poluglasno. Nije nam trebala glazba. „Jesmo li mi luđaci? Kucnuo je čašu o moju i nasmijao se. Ljeto uvijek tako počinje. Ovog ljeta budi luđak. Ogledalo duše Jelena Božić. How to schedule computer to shut down at a certain time in the night. Hi thomasreister, What Operating System is installed in your machine? If using Windows 7, follow these steps to schedule your PC(Personal Computer) to shut down at a certain time at night: 1. Go to Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools and click on the Task Scheduler. 2. From the Action menu in Task Scheduler, click "Create Basic Task... " 3. 4. 5. 6.On the "Daily" screen, enter the date and time you want your PC to shutdown. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Now your Windows 7 computer will automatically shutdown at the same time every day/night. Azeez Nadeem - Microsoft Support [If this post was helpful, please click the "Vote as Helpful" (green triangle) button. 7 Types of Women to Stay Away From. *Author’s Note: This is a response to an article written by Dina Strada, 7 Types of Men to Stay Away From. It seems like Dina wrote it from her heart, and based on the reactions I read on Facebook, many women agree with her. I have imitated her style and form in an effort to show another perspective, my perspective—a man’s perspective. As men, it’s too easy to assume women are what we see on the outside. Drawn in by her looks, a smile, we are quick to let our guard down and minimize any negative qualities.

We want to believe she is kind, loving and can make a damn good sandwich. We can usually explain why we fall. It’s not surprising, then, that many men fall for the same types of woman over and over again, even it if always turns out the same way. Complete f*cking bullsh*t. If you stop and take an outsider’s look at your current relationship, you may realize you are in this pattern right now. Everyone can change, though, and who knows, maybe this time it will turn out differently. 1. 2. Domestic Bliss Squared: DIY: fix scratches in wood furniture.

A few weeks ago I read this post at Lily & Thistle about a DIY for fixing scratched furniture. It seemed too good to be true! She claimed that she used a mixture of 1/4 cup vinegar and 3/4 cup olive oil and magically got rid of the scratches in a piece of thrift store furniture. I knew I was going to try it, though!

See, I have this table: My husband hates it, but I just adore it! I have a small large obsession for vintage modern furniture, and this is one of my favorite pieces I've collected (He calls them my "ugly grandpa furniture. " I've tried furniture polish and orange oil, and nothing really makes it look much better. I mixed about 1/2 cup vinegar with 1/2 cup of olive oil, because I didn't have enough Olive Oil and it still worked! I took a kitchen rag and just dipped it in and rubbed it on.

Let's just do a little side by side comparison, shall we? Yikes! I forsee this table and I having a long and happy life together now, sorry Honey! ~Jessica. Disocijativni poremećaji | Istraži Me. Na slici – prizor iz filma “Klub boraca” u kojem glavni junak ima poremećaj opisan u tekstu Disocijativni poremećaji uključuju različite poremećaje koje karakterizira djelomičan ili potpuni slom, obično integriranih funkcija svijesti, pamćenja, percepcije vlastitog identiteta ili percepcije okoline. Osobe s tim poremećajima mogu zaboraviti različite važne događaje iz svog života, privremeno zaboraviti tko su te čak poprimiti novi identitet. Neki od njih imaju osjećaj da je okolina postala čudna i drugačija ili da su se oni sami promijenili.

Disocijativni poremećaji obično se javljaju kao odgovor na traumu, tj. oni predstavljaju način nošenja s ugrožavajućim događajem. Traumatski događaj uključuje u potpunosti preplavljujuće iskustvo za osobu, koje prelazi njezine mogućnosti suočavanja. Može uključivati doživljaj zlostavljanja, prirodne katastrofe, smrt bliske osobe i sl. Disocijacija Prevalencija i podjela disocijativnih poremećaja Prema DSM-V u disocijativne poremećaje ulaze: Reference.

Photography Tutorial {EXPOSURE - PART II} Last week I explained three of the key camera settings which relate to and influence Exposure. Now I will attempt to dig a bit deeper, and then explain how to work them all together. Please forgive me if I do jump around a little, or promise more information on some topics later. Many areas of photography are intertwined and in some effort to cut things down into bite sized chunks {although this one is quite a mouthful} I am going to have to leave detailed explanations of new topic for another post. As these posts do build up, I will start linking things together. This measures how sensitive your camera is to light {referred to in numbers eg. Lower ISO settings, for example ISO 100-400, make your camera less sensitive to light. Higher ISO settings make your camera more sensitive to light and allow you to photograph in darker conditions without using a flash, such as indoors or when photographing sleeping babies.

The images below demonstrate digital noise or grain. Shutter Speed - How To Give Your Puppy CPR - Infographic | Zenhabits. 8 Effective Ways to Let Go and Move On. Email “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ―Ann Landers You are changing. The universe around you is changing. Just because something was right for you in the past doesn’t mean it still is. It happens to you slowly as you grow. The lifestyle you’ve been living no longer fits. If you’re currently dealing with this process you may feel a bit awkward, and that’s OK.

Reasons to Let Go and Move On Someone’s negativity is rubbing off on you. – You are the average of the people you spend the most time with. One Small Example of Letting Go We had been friends since grade school when I finally told one of my childhood friends, “Enough is enough!” Although I did get my degree and a job after college, in our free time Angel and I started writing articles on the blog you’re reading now.

That was the beginning of the end of our story as friends. Finding Focus. By Leo Babauta Do you ever have one of those days when you just can’t seem to find focus? When you fritter away your time on nothingnesses, distractions, wandering without really doing something important? Or one of those weeks? I have those days regularly. I can find myself “working” for several hours, but at the end of those several hours have nothing to show for it. I feel like I’m floating around, with no anchor, no focal point. So how do we find focus? Take a step back. What do you really want to do right now?

Maybe you have 5 things you want to do. Once you’re clear, you need to clear everything. Now sit there with your task. You’ll have the urge to go check something. Do it for 10 minutes, however long you feel is pushing the boundaries of what’s comfortable for a little bit. Then give yourself a nice reward: a short walk, some stretches, checking the thing you had the urge to check (but only for 5 minutes), meditation, read a book, or have some tea. Repeat. 25 Excuses You Must Drop to Be Happy. Email by Sumitha “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” ―George Washington Ever feel like something is holding you back from happiness?

You aren’t sure why, but every so often you find yourself saying “no” when you really want to say “yes.” You turn down critical opportunities that you know you should be grabbing with both arms. Over the years, perhaps without your conscious knowledge, you have adopted some serious self-limiting beliefs that have secretly sabotaged your best efforts of personal growth.

Here are 25 ideas to get you started: 1. As you grow up, you see people achieve things like getting a degree, building a career, making money, getting married, having kids and so on. Alternative: “Now is a perfect time to start.” – Get over the baseless, default beliefs that certain things have to be done by a certain age. 2. Everyone gets the same 24 hours a day as you. Alternative: “I need to properly manage my time.” – Become conscious of the way you use your time. 3. 4. 5. 6. The 6 People You Need in Your Corner. » Best Procrastination Tip Ever. Post written by Leo Babauta. Your first thought as you look at this article will be, “I’ll read this later.” But don’t. Let the urge to switch to a new task pass. Read this now. It’ll take you two minutes. It’ll save you countless hours.

I’ve written the book on ending procrastination, but I’ve since come up with a very simple technique for beating everyone’s favorite nemesis. Try it now: Identify the most important thing you have to do today. Clear away distractions. Sit there, and focus on getting started. Pay attention to your mind, as it starts to have urges to switch to another task. But don’t move. Notice also your mind trying to justify not doing the task. Now just take one small action to get started. Get started, and the rest will flow. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and... How to Control Your Dreams Infographic. Equivalents and Measures. How to Get Dry Skin Off The Bottom of Your Feet.