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Le crochet. 1.

Le crochet

Patrons gratuits à télécharger. Le crochet. Crochet. I spent about an hour standing in the craft store Saturday staring at a wall of yarn in the coolest muted tones and edgy colors ... a palette I would have murdered for (with my bare hands) years ago.


Seriously. I'm especially impressed with the acrylic selection. Vanna's Choice, Cotton Ease (which also has great labels), and Red Heart Soft are all being made in totally amazing colors. Back in the 90s when I was crocheting ALL THE TIME, there wasn't a lot to choose from if you were making $10 an hour in San Francisco and wanted muted, edgy colors. OK, there was *nothing* to choose from. There was one granny square blanket in particular that I made in variegated rainbow, bright purple, yellow, green, etc., that would make your eyes bleed.

How to crochet granny ripple. I am sure many of you who can crochet fairly well may not know how to crochet a granny ripple.

How to crochet granny ripple

While I was crocheting my vibrant pillow 3 I thought I would make a tutorial on granny ripple but for some reason I couldn't do it then. Here it is now. Once you get started and go in the right direction granny ripples are fun to make, but getting started is what irks me a lot. The major problem here is deciding upon the number of chains to start with. Since you are not going to work in a straight pattern the length of the chains that you make at the beginning have to be somewhere around one and half times the length of the finished pattern. So to start with, make chains of length that you desire. 1. 2.

Tuto de ma fleur XXL - Alma Chita. Plusieurs d'entre vous m'ont demandé si j'avais prévu de faire un tuto de cette grande fleur et c'était le cas.

Tuto de ma fleur XXL - Alma Chita

Voilà donc qui est fait maintenant avec ce pas à pas en images... C'est parti ! Crochetez 5 mailles chaînettes et fermez par une maille coulée. Rang 1 : 2 brides écoulées ensemble, 1 maille en l'air. Répétez. 6X2 brides écoulées ensemble en tout. Vive le Crochet !!! Vous avez envie de créer mais vous ne savez pas trop par où commencer ?

Vive le Crochet !!!

Corbeilles et leurs grilles gratuites ! Adorables corbeilles aux motifs assemblés ou aux points fantaisies , trouvées sur le site de " " , avec ses grilles gratuites !

Corbeilles et leurs grilles gratuites !

Clic sur les grilles pour les agrandir. Modèles gratuits. Modèles pour Bébé au Crochet - Partage de modèles gratuits , trouvés sur le net . Tout l'univers de bébé autour des layettes , des bonnets , des chaussons , des robes , des modèles pour filles .... Bon crochet et excellente journée à toutes ! Passion-Crochet. Petite Purls Blog. Today I will tell you about our sponsors from the Marketplace: Three Fates Yarn and Pollika.

Petite Purls Blog

Three Fates Yarn is owned and operated by Stephania Fregosi, who happens to be an old friend of mine from college! She offers hand-dyed, hand-painted and kettle-dyed sock yarns and fiber for knitters, crocheters and other crafters. Her colors are vibrant and she offers many different weights of yarn. I had the opportunity to catch up with Stephania and see her yarns at Vogue Knitting Live in Seattle last Spring, and they are lovely. On her Etsy profile, Stephania explains about the title of her business, Three Fates: Who are the Three Fates? These days, perhaps its me as a mother, me as a dyer and me as a career woman… Stephania lives and works in Salem, OR with her husband and their young daughter.

We are fortunate to have Pollika as a long-time sponsor for Petite Purls. *Luxury Undyed Yarns from Yarnundyed in the United Kingdom and exquisite Hand-dyed Yarns from Ancient Arts. Granny mania ! Le blog de Oma Annick. Pénélope's sisters. MemeRose... crochet...vintage... Cols et accessoires etc... Les patrons gratuits, tricot & crochet - tout faire à son enfant. Ravelry - a knit and crochet community. In the loop. Attic24. Every time I look at this yarn rainbow the very sight of it makes me soooooooo happy!!!


Isn't happy colour a wonderful, wonderful thing? I think so, I really do, I feel like I can gaze at these colours and absorb all the vibrant, happy brightness into my soul and feel the warmth radiating. Simple pleasures..... I've had this Sunny yarn in my yarn bag for many months now, 18 shades of Summer Sunshine looking radiant right there. Some of the colours individually could be quite tricky to work with (bright in-your-face Citron, I'm looking at you here!) You can see in the above photo that I had already chosen the colour order for the first set of stripes - this is a great method if you are making a striped blanket with random colour order. I love it when a stripy blanket reaches the length when you think it could possible make a pretty good scarf.

These stripy rows of "granny trebles" are so easy, so relaxing and so meditative, addictive too. .....oooooo, rather suddenly finished! ♥ 1. . ♥ 2.