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Highly motivated digital marketing professional with strong customer service background and creative ability.

Website Dos and Don’ts [INFOGRAPHIC] If you’re a small business just starting out, it can be hard to determine what should be on your website, how it should look and how it should function!

Website Dos and Don’ts [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whether your website is new or just needs an update, these top 10 website do’s and don’ts will help you put your best foot forward and attract more visitors! Infographic by: WeddingWire Some key tips: Dos Do invest in creating a professional, secure site for your business. Do keep it simple - too much content, page copy or too many calls to action will overwhelm your prospects.

Don'ts Don't underestimate the importance of a strong, easy-to-navigate site for generating more inquiries. How to Start a Web Design Project [Infographic] Share Share Tweet Share Pin It There’s a first time for everything — and it’s finally time for your very first web design project! While landing your first gig is a huge accomplishment in itself, keeping your first client happy requires a whole different set of skills. You’re not just a designer — you’re a project manager, and offering a great customer service experience is essential for winning over your clients’ repeat business, so you’ll need to be on target from day one. But where should you begin? You may not have learned so much project management in school, so we’d like to offer up a few tips. You’ll need to know your client’s goals up front, because that’s how you’ll determine budget. So you’ve set expectations up front — great! The wireframe that results from all this research and planning helps to make your plans clear to your client.

Now it’s time for the coding — your favorite part! Online Email Template Builder Try FreeOther Products. The History of Web Design [Infographic] - Smashfreakz. Pin on Dev & Design. Best Infographics on Web Design And Development. Need some inspiration when it comes to web design or development?

Best Infographics on Web Design And Development

Whether you are just getting started building your own website or you are an experienced web designer or developer, here are 10 great infographics about the history of web design, color, programming, typography, templates, technology, and more that should get your creative website imagination rolling. Have a link to a great web design or web development infographic? Leave it in the comments! Be sure to click on the images to see the full sized versions! The Evolution of Web Design Web design has come a long way in 20 years. Does Design Matter 1,500 small businesses and startups were surveyed about design, and here is what they answered when asked about the importance of design to business success. Create website, Web design, Web design company. 10 Tips for Building an Effective Business Website -

These days, an online presence is vital for any business, even for brick-and-mortar stores that don't conduct e-commerce.

10 Tips for Building an Effective Business Website -

Studies have shown that 97 percent of consumers search for local businesses online, while 94 percent of B2B buyers research companies online first. Creating a website isn't especially difficult with the many website creation tools available. Whatever software you choose, keep these design principles in mind. 1. Make your site mobile responsive. In 2016, OuterBox reported that more than 62 percent of shoppers made purchases using their cell phones, and the 2016 stats show that over 90 percent of shoppers use their smartphones even while in retail stores for comparing prices and looking at product reviews.

"If you plan on running a successful eCommerce website, or any website, you absolutely must cater to mobile users," wrote Justin Smith, CEO of OuterBox, in his company blog. 2. 10 Key Steps To Building A Great Small Business Website. By Allison Bowlus Whether you are a freelance photographer, own a hardware store, or have another type of small business, a great website is essential for your company’s success.

10 Key Steps To Building A Great Small Business Website

As a webmaster who has worked on building or marketing over 100 small business websites, I know what it takes to create great and engaging business websites. 5 Web Design Tips for an Outstanding Site. 15 Tips to Create Killer Website Content, Crisp Copy & Intuitive Design Are Best. The best websites are written and designed with the user’s perspective in mind.

15 Tips to Create Killer Website Content, Crisp Copy & Intuitive Design Are Best

Quick Summary Start with a clear navigation.Use conversational English.Apply SEO best practices in mind.Provide all the relevant information.Leave out the hype.Make your home page a to-the-point summary.Create unique landing pages for specific topics.Let pictures help tell your story.Include trust-building content.Keep your website up to date.Use a straightforward layout.Make it easy for visitors to contact you.Keep forms simple.Include a call to action on nearly every page.Make it perfect or as close to it as you can get. Need help creating killer content? 30 Tips for Building Your First Business Website - Small Business Trends. A Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide. How to Build a Website in 9 Steps Choose the right website builder for you.Sign up for a plan that suits your needs and budget.Choose a unique and relevant domain name.Pick a design template you love.Customize your template design.Upload and format your own content.Choose and download apps.Preview and test your website.Publish your website on the internet. 1: Choose the Right Website Builder For You Website builders are super popular nowadays – and with good reason – but you need to pick one that matches up with your needs.

We’ve shown you our top five, and what they’re best for, but if you’re short on time, you can take our quick quiz for a personal recommendation. Save Time with Flossing Alternatives. A Day In The Life Of A Dentist. 22 Top Tips for the Best DIY Website. How to Make a WEBSITE for FREE! How to Make an E-Commerce Website in India - Build an Online Store. How To Create A Free Website - with Free Domain & Hosting. What is the best way to make a website? Beginners Guide. 5 Tips for Professional Web Design! Web Design Tutorial - 5 IMPORTANT Tips! 5 Website Design Hints. Web Design Tutorial For Beginners. How to Make a Website? How to Make a Website in 10 mins - Simple & Easy.