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Body Mass Index (BMI) - Calculator - Calculate your BMI. Your health is not a matter to ignore at any cost. Everyone must take good care of the health to the possible extent. If your health is not good enough then you can’t enjoy the life in way it deserves to be enjoyed. Health also plays an important part in building up your personality. It can make you a good looking or a bad personality guy. You must keep a track on your health but how? There are certain elements and scales which can help you in tracking your health. Why You Need BMI and How to Calculate? There must be a good balance in your body weight and Height. How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin on Face - Natural Cure for dry skin. How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Face: We all may get confused with the term dry skin. Dry skin is nothing but flaky, dull, and rough patches that appears on face.

There are too many reasons for such skin condition. Some time it appear but to weather and environment. The most basic fact behind this is concerned with sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands (exocrine gland) in skin are accountable for the secretion of oily stuff called sebum. How to get rid of dry skin on face home remedies Natural face pack for white flaky skin on face (Constituent – olive oil, rose water, lime juice, egg yolk) Olive oil is well known for its significance in field of natural skin care remedies. Coconut oil layer a natural cure for dry skin: If you are suffering from dry skin (face or anywhere) then first thing you should do is, moisturize your skin because lack of moister not only leads to dry skin but many other skin complications as well.

Natural Scrub: (Constituent – Lime juice and sugar) Papaya: Sesame oil. How To Get Rid Of Blemishes Fast - Best Total Care. How To Get Rid Of Blemishes Fast: Blemishes are usually an after effect of acne. Generally during teens and many times till the age of 30 people suffer from acne on their face. Even though the acne goes off but it leaves a blemish or a scar which is very difficult to get rid of.

Blemishes are usually inflammation of the dermis. It is created as a result of wound trying to heal itself. Wash your face daily: Atleast two to three times in a day wash your face with a face wash and most importantly when you come from somewhere outside and when going to sleep. How well you take care of your face, no matter the appearance of large pores, blemishes is always too big, which can pop up. Here are some suggestions of how to get rid of blemishes fast Being careful not to overwash, wash your face every day: They just become inflamed, causing dirt, oil, or filled with bacteria expanding the pores.

Ice Cubes a remedy to get rid of blemishes A baking soda paste to remove blemishes naturally. Home Remedies for Vitiligo - Vitiligo Natural cure. Home Remedies for Acne - Natural ayurvedic home remedies for acne. It’s more than a shock when you see a pimple appearing on your skin. The situation is worse when it appears on facial skin area. When some acne appears on the skin, it feels like there’s nothing on the face, not the beautiful lips, no magical deep eyes nor even the cute nose. If there’s something on the face, that’s the ugly acne. You want to cry, you want to scream and you want some overnight acne treatment so when you wake up next morning, you may not see this ugly pimple on your face.

Acne has no direct cause actually rather it appears for various reasons. Identifying the Type of Acne For overnight pimple treatment you must know first that which acne type actually appeared on your skin. Whiteheads appear on your skin when dirt of oil is locked under your skin. Blackheads, like whiteheads are caused by dirt and oil but in this case this dirt and oil is stuck in open pores of skin. How to Treat Acne Your skin is sensitive and so are the skin problems. Tea Tree Oil Jojoba Oil Sea Salt Well! Home Remedies for Acne - Natural ayurvedic home remedies for acne. How To Get Rid Of A Hickey - Tricks To Get Rid of Hickeys. So, you were out with your girlfriend or boyfriend last night, things got fun. You wake up in morning to attend school, college or office and when you stand in front of mirror, “Aaah what really this spot is?”

This is nothing but hickeys. Before discussing about how to get rid of hickeys, first we need to know what are hickeys and why they formed. Generally people use the common words for the hickeys like LOVE BITE, KISS MARK, LOVE SYMBOL, OR SUCK MARKS. People often think the cause behind the hickeys. How To Get Rid of Hickies Fast? As we have discussed earlier Hickeys typically last from five to twelve days and may be treated in the same way as other bruises. following are few tricks to get rid of hickeys.

Recent hickeys – Icing to reduce swelling, rubbing them with a chilled spoon to break up blood clots.Older hickeys – Applying a warm compress to dilate vessels and promote blood flow. They can be covered with powder or fake tan. How To Get Rid Of a Hickey 1. NOTE: Warning! 2. 3. 4. 5. Home Remedies for Weight Loss - How to lose weight fast. How to lose weight fast: Today, weight loss has become more of a trend both men and women. The entire internet is flooded with various weight loss techniques, works out, and different home remedies for weight loss . In a perfect world, there are various regular weight loss programs that fit well for your needs.

Figuring out how to shed pounds actually at home is extremely valuable and most of all it saves time. Undoubtedly, the home remedies for weight loss passed down to us from our grandmothers are compelling and effective. At the point when a man puts on excess of weight, he seems to lose certainty, but having a decent eating regimen for weight loss would be the first step to increase back that certainty. How To Lose Weight Fast Individuals who are having issues with their weight would often imagine that shedding pounds is much harder than to put on weight.

Appropriate and Healthy Diet Before discussing home remedies for weight loss , proper and healthy diet is necessary. Advertisement.