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7 Free CMS That You Should Know About. The best way to power a website these days is through a CMS (Content Management System).

7 Free CMS That You Should Know About

The CMS allows you to create, organize and distribute digital content. Professionals can control each aspect of their website using these extensive programs. 4 Reasons Your WordPress Themes/Plugins Won’t Install. A Brief Guide to WordPress Backend Customization. WordPress Multisite or A Management Tool – What to Choose?

A full-grown website building business finds it quite cumbersome and inefficient to access multiple coexisting web development assignments regularly.

WordPress Multisite or A Management Tool – What to Choose?

Sometimes, a client may want you to create a WordPress website network for them. Under these circumstances, it would be great to simply combine the management for all websites into one dashboard. This is much better than logging into each installation when required. 4 Major Server Issues That Affect WordPress and the Fixes. In many cases, it is believed that a problem with WordPress comes from common factors such as a bloated theme, a hacked login, or conflicting plugins.

4 Major Server Issues That Affect WordPress and the Fixes

However, it is crucial to understand that sometimes the underlying web server is the culprit. Relying on web hosting companies offering attractive WordPress support and maintenance plans isn’t always the right course to follow. You might be on a cheaper plan that keeps you from getting any support or the support team might not be qualified enough to handle issues you encounter with. A fraudulent company might deny any server outages on their end due to a faulty infrastructure. Irrespective of the reason behind the issue, you need to fix them without any delay. Listed below are four major server issues that affect WordPress and their Solutions: The Best Download Management Plugins for WordPress. The Slowest WordPress Plugins that Harm your Site – The Best Alternatives to Try. Visitor experience on a website entirely depends on its speed and performance.

The Slowest WordPress Plugins that Harm your Site – The Best Alternatives to Try

This is also the reason owners use optimized plans for web hosting, caching plugins, and even install CDNs for maintain speed and performance of their WordPress sites. However, increase in traffic numbers and HTTPS requests will require you to make efforts towards lightening overall load on cloud or shared hosting servers. This is crucial to maintain high performance levels. The best way is to prepare a list of the slowest WordPress plugins and replace them with better alternatives.

6 Reasons You Must Look at WordPress Themes and Plugins of your Competitors. Wondering how to spy on your competitor’s sites?

6 Reasons You Must Look at WordPress Themes and Plugins of your Competitors

Well, there are a number of ways you can gain a competitive edge by spying. There are a number of ways you can determine the WordPress plugins and themes your competitors are using these days. You will also be able to know how precisely you can benefit from the info. Feeling guilty of spying? Well, this is no sin because you aren’t doing this for copying someone else’s efforts. In fact, the process isn’t any different from having a look at successful and popular websites for inspiration.

In reality, you are actually taking a sneak peek at strategies and tools used by others for creating brilliant outcomes. Simple Steps To Uninstall and Re-install WordPress. Using CSS Even and Odd Rules foor Create Engaging Tables in WordPress. Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) empower you to create some amazing effects, especially if you hold relevant expertise.

Using CSS Even and Odd Rules foor Create Engaging Tables in WordPress

But a huge number of elements to customize make mastering the language a tough task. For instance, the CSS even and odd rules can be really hard to work on. These are lesser known selectors that allow you to target even and odd elements in lists, tables, and everything you can fancy. Here’s how the CSS even and odd rules work and the best way you can use them: Using CSS Even and Odd Rules to create tables: What is CSS Even and Odd Rules? Installing WordPress within a Subdirectory – The 5 Step Process. Are you forward to install WordPress in a subdirectory?

Installing WordPress within a Subdirectory – The 5 Step Process

The process allows you to run several WordPress instances under one domain/subdomain name. This tutorial will help you know the way to install WordPress in a subdirectory sans any effect on the parent domain name. The Technique Generally, WordPress website is preferred on its own domain name. However, there are times you would want to create additional websites too on the same domain name. Installing WordPress in a subdomain ( a subdirectory ( When it comes to SEO, sub-directories get the added advantage from the domain authority of root domain which makes them rank higher. In case, you are interested in managing both sites separately, simply install different WordPress instances. Top 5 Ways to Add Dribbble to WordPress. Designers are well aware of Dribbble.

Top 5 Ways to Add Dribbble to WordPress

It serves as a platform precisely for web designers and graphic designers to share whatever they work on. It is possible to add Dribbble to WordPress which allows you to showcase your skills to your users without having to move from your home page! The invite-only service will work only once you have been invited by someone to share your work. Otherwise, it is not possible for uploading anything. Creating an Irresistible Subscribe Button – Keys to Follow. It is not uncommon to see subscribe buttons more frequently these days.

Creating an Irresistible Subscribe Button – Keys to Follow

These buttons can be seen on practically all sites. Available in varied shapes and colors, developers must focus on creating one that is irresistible and incredibly convertible. Here are the keys to developing an irresistible subscribe button: The A/B Testing It facilitates you to observe how well the subscribe form is performing. How to Install WordPress on Your Mac in Just 10 Easy Steps! WordPress is one of the best platforms of all.

How to Install WordPress on Your Mac in Just 10 Easy Steps!

It has facilitated users to blog on top of attractive websites with no upfront costs at all. Presently, WordPress has evolved into a fully functional CMS that offers excellent ability to users to create almost all types of websites as per their requirements. It is the easiest way to develop your own blog. Installing Locally Prior to actually enjoying the benefits of WordPress and its features, you need to install it well.

When you work with WordPress locally, you can make several changes and revisions to design of your website, its functionality, or the theme options. Additionally, the testing concept plays a crucial role. 4 Best Websites to Find Pre-Written Code Snippets. Want to learn code? If you are new to the programming world, it may seem to be an intimidating task. Most people fail to make out where to actually start. Well, experts believe that coding doesn’t need to start from the ground up. The Programming Language You Should Learn First. This is what most programmers want to know. They want to answer that will help them stay good for life.

Although some programmers enjoy successful careers with just one programming language, most developers these days have the knowledge of several different languages. These professionals may even decide to change their focus until they find the right one for them. 16 Amazing Development Tools for Boosting Website Performance. Are you looking forward to enhance performance of your website? Listed below are some of the best tools to ensure excellent performance of your site: Penthouse The critical path CSS generator facilitates you to get the requisite CSS for rendering the above-the-fold content of any specified page. All you need to do is specify a full CSS file of your website and a target page. Moz Local Listing Score. Some Helpful Tips for WordPress Custom Fields 101 - Technology for Mankind. Understanding WordPress Custom Fields These are metadata used for adding extra information related to a page/post such as name of author, title, time, date, etc. WordPress by default saves a new page or post into two areas: 1.

Body of content that you add with post editor. 2. How To Install Wordpress! Simple Steps To Re-install and Install WordPress. Ways to Use Social Media to Maximize Email Subscribers in WordPress. Are you looking forward to exploit the power of social media to increase your email subscribers? In case, you are not already using social media for this purpose, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. Social media platforms are a great way to establish instant interaction with your users. This will also keep them engaged. Easy and Effective Method to Block IP Addresses in WordPress.

Simple Way to Change Category Base Prefix in WordPress. 8 Essential Tips to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area. How to Display Author's Twitter and Facebook on the Profile Page. If you wish to display your author’s Facebook and Twitter links on their WordPress profile page, this article will help you learn a few effective methods to do so. The user profile page of WordPress does not have any fields for adding profiles of Twitter and Facebook. Use Author Bio Box. Add Custom Meta Boxes in WordPress Posts and Post Types in Just 13 East Steps.

If you want to add custom meta boxes in your WordPress posts, pages, and custom post types, this post will help. Usually custom meta boxes are used for integrating a better user interface for adding meta data (custom fields) into your content. Best Ways to Customize WordPress for your Users. WordPress has been considered as one of the most simplest Content Management Systems. It offers a very clean user interface. Offering significant power, this free open source content management system is easier to install. However, sometimes WordPress can get daunting even for those who use it frequently. If not used carefully, it can invite a malicious plugin or wipe a database. Stocks vs. Bonds – Which Financial Instruments to Rely on? Stocks vs. 4 Plugins for Streamlining Your Workflow with a Minimal WordPress Dashboard. Most people hate working on their digital platforms for not being intrinsically intuitive and safe.

They expect their platforms to be integrated with some amazing set of features. Unfortunately, all of these remain clogged in WordPress admin only to deter users from achieving maximum potential while building websites. WordPress covers the basic elements one requires for managing site within the admin. However, this may not work as the ideal setup for most users. Most experts from the industry recommend de-cluttering as an important element in the process of web design and development.

There are many benefits of giving WordPress admin a minimal makeover. How to Create a Button for Running a Query. The Best Way to Code an Automatic Section Menus Widget in WordPress. Most regular users of large e-commerce websites or news sites must have observed section menus that have links to all of the pages. Best Way to Create Onboarding Process and Set Expectations. 7 Ways to Customize WordPress for your Users. Best Plugins that will Attract More Traffic for your Website.

Best Way to Create a Maintenance Plan for WordPress Websites. One Stop Shop for WordPress Social Media Management. Best Plugins that will Attract More Traffic for your Website. Kick Start Your WordPress Freelance Career With Website Maintenance Services. Safe Updates ensures your WordPress Website up to date - TechKnol. WordPress Support & Maintenance Services.