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Eyeliner Gels. 4 Natural Hair Straightening and Stretching Methods Explained. Style Icon Teesha Stretching natural hair is not just a style technique, it can actually improve hair health by decreasing knotting.

4 Natural Hair Straightening and Stretching Methods Explained

Here are four great tutorials showing different ways to stretch or straighten natural hair. The Blowdrying Tension Method. 365 Days of Nail Art. Leopard Print Nail Art 2011. Consider upgrading your manicure to the up-and-coming trends with these cute leopard print nail art 2011 designs.

Leopard Print Nail Art 2011

Tint your nails with the most stylish animal patterns using an infinite color palette and the latest nail polish formulas from the market. Gone are the days of the simple and mono-colored manicures, it's time to make a dapper statement with your upgraded nail painting styles. Even a slight change in your worn-out manicure can do miracles with your appearance. Those who are eager to sport a daring and youthful nail painting style will have the chance to skim through the multitude of leopard print nail art 2011 designs presented below. Keep your look playful and don't forget about the wide array of nail polish collections launched by the most influential and prominent nail artists of the moment.

Fun Fridays: Easy Nail Art. As I have mentioned in the past, I am really enjoying Lauren Conrad's new website The Beauty Department.

Fun Fridays: Easy Nail Art

They always have fun hair, makeup, nail, clothing and decorating ideas that are a little out of the box. Take a peek at the website, you may be surprised at what you find. My newest find is nail art! Cinnabuns - Black Girl with Long Hair. FINGER NAILS &TOE NAILS. Photo 1- You Totally Got This: 4 Easy Braids For Rookies. Feb 24, 2014 Even if you've landed your dream job and work in the coolest office ever, it's easy to fall into the business-as-usual rut when it comes to your beauty routine.

Photo 1- You Totally Got This: 4 Easy Braids For Rookies

There isn't anything wrong with alternating…read Feb 18, 2014 If we ruled the world, our first decree would be to make daily braid wearing mandatory. And, we wouldn't expect any complaints — braids are just so darn versatile, we'd bet there's a variation out there…read Nov 22, 2013. Delightfully Tacky: Braided Headband DIY from A Beautiful Mess. Sayonara, Cellulite! - iVillage. Love, Life, Family... and then some: Things I Love: Awesome Nail Designs part 2. Love Life Family...and then some Houston Texas Mom Blogger Never Miss a Single Post Not Found, Error 404 The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. How-To: Instant Nail Arts - Do Yourself. HAIR COLOR HOW TO: Hair Chalking. Get ready to paint the town, I mean, your hair, hot pink, or any color you like.

HAIR COLOR HOW TO: Hair Chalking

All temporary- to wash out at your next shampooing! Fun and creative, without the commitment! Easy Cat Eyeliner Tutorial. Cat eyeliner has got to the most unpredictable thing in makeup.

Easy Cat Eyeliner Tutorial

Follow the Trend With Colorblocked Nails! Darken & Shape Your Eyebrows - New, Innovative and Simple Eyebrows Solution. No Heat Curls - Moms Who Wear High Heels and Swear. Hydrolized Silk Protein. When do I use Hydrolyzed Protein Plus vs.

Hydrolized Silk Protein

Hydrolyzed Proteins? Silk Protein, Hydrolyzed is the natural lipids from palm oil combined with natural SILK derived protein (amino acids). Silk Protein, Hydrolyzed is different from our SilkPro Plus in that it is not given a cationic charge, keeping it compatible with a wide range of cosmetic ingredients. Silk is a long treasured, and expensive material, being referred to as the “princess of fibers”, due it's strength. The exceptional purity of Silk Protein, Hydrolyzed is shown by the clarity of its film and low ash content. Silk Protein, Hydrolyzed will add luster, body, and manageability to hair when used in hair care preparations. Silk Protein, Hydrolyzed will offer the most glide, and silkiness, of all proteins / amino acids. Aids in moisture retention due to its strong hygroscopic properties (silk is credited with the ability to retain 10,000 times its weight in water), resulting in optimum conditioning and increased strength. Pros and Cons of Using Weave as a Protective Style.

By Cipriana of Featured above are a few photos of me rockin a whole helluva lot of a weave years ago for an 8 page editorial spread for Vibe Vixen Magazine.

Pros and Cons of Using Weave as a Protective Style

Yes ladies, I am no stranger to the word WEAVE. Not only did I apply weave for aesthetics but to ease the shock and stress of losing 3 years of natural growth in one night from a self-applied texturizer gone horribly wrong. That would be the last time I placed chemicals on my hair. The idea of wearing a weave was not new to me. Fast forward years later, I was now standing in front of the mirror about to embark on the weave trail once again but this time the idea of wearing a weave was a lot less frightening since I knew all the pitfalls to avoid.

I am going to share the pros, cons and successful tips that will produce the most fruitful results for your natural tresses while wearing a weave. Less Manipulation This is one of the ultimate pros of wearing a weave.