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Smiileyfacexo on HubPages. Facebook vs. Google Plus. Will Google Plus be the new Facebook? I don't know much about Google Plus but I know that people have been talking about it and have been comparing it to Facebook.

Facebook vs. Google Plus. Will Google Plus be the new Facebook?

I was about to join Google plus. I just want to know, is it another social networking website? Or will it be the next Facebook? I was on the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and found that Facebook has had the most hits followed by Youtube in the global monthly searches category . That was obvious! Why I Favor The HubPages Search Engine to Find Quality Information. I had an idea.

Why I Favor The HubPages Search Engine to Find Quality Information

I remembered that content is key in HubPages. I typed some keywords on the HubPages search engine and read the hubs on the first page of the search results. I actually found the hubs easy to read. The hubs were straight to the point, so informative and detailed.