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Pan Fried Grouper with Roasted Garlic Cream Sauce from Mike's Table. My ongoing quest to more regularly eat fish continues, but like with anything, some times, you just have a craving for simple, strongly flavored dish, so this dinner was such a quickie.

Pan Fried Grouper with Roasted Garlic Cream Sauce from Mike's Table

I was in the mood for something garlicky, so I decided to make a cream sauce that focuses on roasted garlic and poured it over breaded, pan-fried grouper. Like chicken parmesan, this is simple and delicious. The fish has a nice, crisp, tasty crust with a tender, flaky inside. The sauce, despite its modest appearance, has a creamy, round, full flavor that just explodes with that delicious, nutty, roasted garlic flavor. Unfortunately, your breath won’t help you make any friends in the short-term, but everyone should go on a garlic bender once in a while, right?

Begin with the sauce. While you wait on the garlic, in a saucepan, add the wine, cream, and chopped shallot. Simmer this mixture for 15 minutes, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Now, debone and portion the fish. Finally, its time to plate. Smewoo's Likes. Recipes from Kevin &038; Amanda - StumbleUpon. This post is in partnership with French’s Sweet Yellow Mustard and Spicy Yellow Mustard.

Recipes from Kevin &038; Amanda - StumbleUpon

I received compensation to write this post through the Sweet and Spicy Influencer Program. All content, photos, and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting sponsors that allow me to create new content for Kevin & Amanda! Today I’m partnering with French’s Mustard to bring you this fabulous Honey Garlic Shrimp. This quick and easy dinner is SO fresh and light for summer! How fabulous do these veggie noodles look??

Here’s all you need: Shrimp, garlic, honey, red bell pepper, zucchini, squash, parsley, red pepper flakes, chicken broth, and French’s Sweet or Spicy Yellow Mustard. You can use either one of these new mustard flavors from French’s today! First we’ll make a decadent sauce for this Honey Garlic Shrimp. Next, cut the zucchini and yellow squash into noodles (long, thin strips). Delicious yellow squash noodles! Next, dice up a couple red bell peppers and saute over medium high heat. Watermelonade Recipe at - StumbleUpon. Photo by Roland Bello yield Makes 1 gallon (serves 16) active time 30 min total time 30 min You would be hard-pressed to find something more refreshing than watermelon.

Watermelonade Recipe at - StumbleUpon

This cooler is easy to make, beautiful to behold, and not too sweet. Garnish: lemon slices; mint sprigs. Chicago-Style Deep Dish Pizza. Pumpkin Spice Syrup for Hot and Cold Coffee or Non-Coffee Drinks. Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. I have a confession to make: I don’t always enjoy cooking pork.

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

It is an extremely temper-mental meat to cook, mainly because it’s so easy to ruin a dish by overcooking it. This results in very dry and tasteless meat. Pork, like chicken, can also be somewhat of a tasteless meat when enjoyed on its own. This is why I often prefer cooking with red meat from ruminants like beef, lamb or bison, which is not only much more tasty on its own, but which is also much more nutritious and higher in healthy saturated fat. With that being said however, both chicken and pork can be absolutely delicious when prepared properly and with good care. Pork tenderloin is a very popular cut to prepare because it’s very tender and quick to prepare. Here I chose to prepare a stuffing for the tenderloin because this allows for the flavors to cook from the inside-out, with only half the thickness of the meat for the juices to travel through.

Serves 4 Ingredients Preparation.