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How to Plant an Avocado Tree. Some growers find that placing the seed in water to sprout it risks producing a long, leggy tree that fails to fruit. In this case, it is better to place the seed in the ground without soaking first. 1Obtain a good quality avocado fruit. Cut the fruit flesh away from the seed. It is easiest to cut it the long way around. 2Twist the seed to remove it. Whack it with a knife, then twist, and the seed will come out. 3Find the pointed end of the seed. this is the top of the seed. 4Choose a planting locale.

See the above method for plant positioning suggestions. Clear the sod or whatever else is there, in readiness for planting. Gardening, for people that have too much time. Faith in humanity, restored. SCORE 501 Favorite part of The Lion King SCORE 96 What sex ed should be. SCORE 137 Grocery Turtle! My Type of People SCORE 154 It's not about the money... Let's get fat. Wall Photos. Facebook. Wall Photos. VERTICAL VEGETABLES: "Grow up" in a small garden and confound the cats! - StumbleUpon. 1-2-3- weeeee! let’s build a garden...