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IEMATICS. American Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. International Indian Cultural Festival. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (IJCAES) Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH(AJBMR) IEMATICS -ONLINE INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD (IMO)

American Journal of Electronics & Communication. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (IJCAES) International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics (IJIIP) Https ajie.smartsociety. Https ajac.smartsociety. Https jmscm.smartsociety. Smart Society. Screenshot1. Manuscript-submission. Submit Article Download Link- Download Submit Manuscript Online Original research papers, survey papers and case studies of high quality are called for any allied discipline.


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Call for papers – American Journal of Electronics & Communication

Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference.It is required that the manuscript follows the journal format. Click here for the Journal Template. Submissions must include title, abstract, keywords, author and affiliation with an email address. American Journal of Electronics & Communication. American Journal of Electronics & Communication. Journal volume. Contact Us – American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. International Indian Cultural Festival. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. Publication-ethics. Publication ethics The following statements are based on SMART Publishers recommendations.


See our Plagiarism Detection. AJEC. IEMATICS. AMERICAN JOURNA OF INNOVATION AND ENTERPRENURESHIP(AJIE) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTING. Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics. AJPSA. AJABTR. AJAC. AJIE. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. American Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. International Indian Cultural Festival. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research.

International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (IJCAES) Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH(AJBMR) IEMATICS. SmartSociety AJPSAJIE. SmartSociety AJIE. American Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. International Indian Cultural Festival. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (IJCAES) Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics. AJABTR. AMERICAN JOURNA OF INNOVATION AND ENTERPRENURESHIP(AJIE) IEMATICS. International Indian Cultural Festival. Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics. AJIE. American Journal of Electronics & Communication. AJAC. JMSCM. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics.

International Indian Cultural Festival. American Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. Manuscript-submission. Ajpsa.smartsociety. AMERICAN JOURNA OF INNOVATION AND ENTERPRENURESHIP(AJIE) SmartSociety AJABTR. SmartSociety IJIIP. SmartSociety IICF. SmartSociety AJAMC. SmartSociety AJBMR. SmartSociety IJCAES. SmartSociety AJPSAJIE. SmartSociety AJIE. JMSCM. AMERICAN JOURNA OF INNOVATION AND ENTERPRENURESHIP(AJIE) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTING. American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. Ajpsa.smartsociety. AJIE. AJAC. AJABTR. AJPSA. SmartSociety 13. SmartSociety 12. SmartSociety 11. Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics.

International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (IJCAES) American Journal of Applied Bio-Technology Research. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics. International Indian Cultural Festival. American Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. International Journal of Innovative Research in Physics (IJIIP) American Journal of Electronics & Communication. Volume1 Issue2. Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics. Mbah,M.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computational Mathematics

A1,Ndubuisi, R. U.2,Achaku D. International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (IJCAES)