Germiest places in the airport you need to avoid - Use Smart SAN. 10 Oct Germiest places in the airport you need to avoid Calling visibly sparkly surfaces as clean is an absolute myth!
All the clean surfaces may not be germ-free. Sanitizing the surface using surface sanitizers is an important follow-up step post cleaning. Likewise, the impeccable looking airport surfaces can still be lurking with disease causing germs. With countries openingtheir boundaries after the pandemic, people just cannot wait to get to their homes and return to their workplaces. Here are few of the most infested spots at the airport Tray Table In a study conducted in 2015, 26 samples were collected from surfaces in five airports and on four flights. Water Fountain The buttons of the water fountain had more concentrated levels of microorganisms with 1240 colony-forming units in every square inch. In flight magazines In flight magazines stay there untouched for at least quarterly. Leather seat and armrests The leather seats are severely infested with germs.
Sanitizing day care centre to control the spread of infection - Use Smart SAN. 20 Oct Sanitizing day care centre to control the spread of infection Sanitizing has become an important part of the cleaning schedules especially with the pandemic situation.
Relaxations have begun to be implemented after strict lockdowns across the world. Daycare centres especially take extra care as children are the most sensitive and most susceptible to infections. Children, especially toddlers, have the habit of putting every single toy, supplies or stationery in their mouths. Surfaces that needs to be sanitized The most effective way to ensure complete sanitization is following a strict schedule that does not miss out any nook. The right way to maintain hand hygiene. 27 Oct The right way to maintain hand hygiene A study by Centres of Disease Control shows that 80% of infectious diseases are caused by the germs in our hands that gain entry into our bodies.
As we touch our eyes, nose, or mouth the virus and bacteria in our hands enter our body. Hand hygiene in the healthcare industry - Use Smart SAN. 30 Oct Hand hygiene in the healthcare industry Sanitization and an infection-free environment is an absolute necessity in a healthcare set-up.
Hand hygiene in food-related outlets - Use Smart SAN. 31 Oct Hand hygiene in food-related outlets You might be surprised to know that over 10 million bacteria can comfortably be present on the head of a pin.
If they are having the right conditions to multiply these bacteria on the surface double every 20 minutes and it could cause serious health-related issues on an individual who comes in contact. Studies show that workplaces are one of the most favorable zones for spreading infections in a community. Hand hygiene in an old-age home - Use Smart SAN. 31 Oct Hand hygiene in an old-age home Have you ever happened to notice that the elderly in your household including your aging mother or father is getting more colds than they used to previously?
It is highly contributed by the lowering immune system in the elderly. It is proven that even vaccines become less effective and the healing process for their illnesses takes longer than usual. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that every adult should get a flu shot every year. Hence the old age home and even the family members who are the primary caregivers of the elderly must implement a strict hand hygiene routine to ward off infections that cause cold and other diseases.
Hand sanitizers sachets. 24 Sep Ways to ‘Break the Chain’ Man has been exposed to dangerous viral outbreaks from the time unknown.
As the advent of science and technology has become manifold over the years, the ways to prevent, tackle and eliminate diseases have improved so well. A systematic approach along with science is all that is needed to ‘break the chain’ of infection. Usually, infections spread from infected people to healthy people or from a contaminated object to a healthy person. When you step into a hospital instantly you are exposed to several kinds of microbes that are present in every sick person and all the objects around you that may potentially have been contaminated. Hand Sanitizer Sachets. Hand Sanitizer Sachets. Everything you need to know about Mosquito-borne diseases - Use Smart SAN. 10 Sep Everything you need to know about Mosquito-borne diseases Commonly known mosquito-borne fevers are Malaria, chikungunya, and dengue.
These diseases can cause severe morbidity in the infected person. The outbreak of these diseases could be mild to severe in its particular seasons and regions. Anopheles mosquito causes Malaria, whereas Aedes mosquitos causes the other two diseases. Back to work - Hygiene practices to follow - Use Smart SAN. 10 Sep Back to work – Hygiene practices to follow The countries around the world are opening up economic avenues after shutting down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The relaxations in restrictions do not mean that the effect of COVID-19 has gone down. It is just that the economy is dwindling fast and we have to gear up for survival. The COVID-19 virus is still very much active and unless a vaccine is found and successfully implemented it is only wise that we all take every preventive measure to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.
There are several ways to protect yourself from flu and even COVID-19 effectively if you choose the right measures to create an unbreakable defence. Hand sanitizers pouch and Surface sanitizers wipes. Germiest places you need to be cautious of while in a shopping mall - Use Smart SAN. Hand sanitizer manufacturers. 01 Sep Help stop spreading of germs in school The world is opening up after the pandemic and the schools are about to start in India anytime soon.
The rise of infections especially in children is alarming to even think about. Hence placing a very strong defence system in place is the key to provide a safe environment for the children. Studies show that an average child contracts six to 10 colds in a year. To make a difference to arrest the spread of the germs hand hygiene plays an important role. How to prevent the spread of germs in the classroom? Are the fruits and vegetables you eat really healthy? - Use Smart SAN. 01 Sep Are the fruits and vegetables you eat really healthy? With the advent of advanced farming techniques that laden with chemicals that are sprayed on crops throughout their growth for the maximum benefits. But the increasingly added pesticides sometimes nullify the benefits of the fruits and veggies we eat are causing more harm than good. Studies show that high amounts of chemicals and pesticides harm our health by damaging the nervous system, reproductive system, immune system and can even lead to cancer in some cases.
The common practice is to wash vegetables in tap water. Fruits and vegetables – what comes along with it? Hygiene tips to follow before heading out while and after the pandemic - Use Smart SAN. 30 Aug Hygiene tips to follow before heading out while and after the pandemic Grabbing your keys, phone and wallets and heading out is just not possible anymore. The post-pandemic world has a new normal that you need to follow to protect yourself and your loved ones. You need to keep your hygiene a high priority with equipping yourself with the right hygiene products. Here we have discussed the important hygiene tips you can follow while you are heading out during and after a pandemic! Toilet seat sanitizers wipes. 28 Aug Stress-free use of public toilets with Smartsan Toilet Seat Spray! As soon as someone speaks about public toilets there is an uncomfortable feeling that comes in your mind. Most of the public toilets we come across are stinking, dirty and filled with germs. With the pandemic on the rise, the hygiene practices of all have elevated.
Everyone is aware of the importance of hand hygiene and the dangers of contracting germs from high touch surfaces. Hand sanitizer sachets. 27 Aug Know the difference between handwashing and hand sanitizing Every department store, small grocery stores around the corner and the medical shops ran out of hand sanitizers as the pandemic struck in early 2020. Why do you think the hand sanitizers sold out so quickly when handwashing was accessible to all? There are striking differences in how they both work even though their ultimate result is to protect from germs. Surface sanitizers spray. 27 Aug Disinfecting your hotel room while travelling after a pandemic One thing the pandemic changed upside down is our hygiene habits. Even the laziest people have equipped themselves with smart hygiene practices to keep them and their families safe.
We are tackling one of the worst pandemics the world has seen. It is wise to plan ahead of our lives post-pandemic. Hand Hygiene while travelling - How can hand sanitizers help? - Use Smart SAN. 25 Aug. Tips for avoiding mosquito bite - Effective ways of prevention to keep them away! - Use Smart SAN. 21 Aug. Health and hygiene in the kitchen with sanitizers - Not only clean but germ free - Use Smart SAN.
Are you applying hand sanitizer properly? Here is a guide to do it right! - Use Smart SAN. 21 Aug Are you applying hand sanitizer properly? Here is a guide to do it right! Keeping illness at bay with personal hygiene during monsoons. Bathroom sanitizing - Tips and tricks to maintain a healthy home. 17 Aug Bathroom sanitizing – Tips and tricks to maintain a healthy home One of the major things in your weekly to-do list must be the deep cleaning of bathrooms. Sanitization in restaurant and bars - Use Smart SAN.
13 Aug. 5 best practices to sanitize your building - Use Smart SAN. 13 Aug 5 best practices to sanitize your building COVID-19 has impacted the world countries so much so that public life is never going to be the same. Hand sanitizers - A pocket-sized defence against germs - Use Smart SAN. 11 Aug. Sanitizing your smartphones - How to do it right to keep it free of COVID-19? 11 Aug. How to safeguard your children who are into sports during this COVID-19? - Use Smart SAN. Surface Sanitizer spray. Personal hygiene tips to improve in children to boost immunity - Use Smart SAN. Maintaining hand hygiene out of home - Use Smart SAN. How to keep your home safe from COVID-19 - Use Smart SAN.
Why is it important to choose a DEET free mosquito repellent sprays? Why is it important to have a personal hygiene routine - Use Smart SAN. Children using hand sanitizers have fewer respiratory infections - A study. Why use Smartsan Hand Sanitizer sachet? - Use Smart SAN. Alcohol based hand sanitizer. Smartphone sanitizing wipes. Toilet Seat Sanitizers. Toilet Seat Sanitizers. Smartphone Sanitizer Wipes. Why is N95 mask the best bet for protection against infections? - Use Smart SAN. Hand hygiene - A complete guide - Use Smart SAN. Face Masks - Your personal frontline warrior against infection - Use Smart SAN. Smartsan - Prevent the bite that can cost your life!
Smartsan - Is your home safe? Which are the spots that need to be cleaned with surface sanitizer? Bio-Hand Sanitizer pouch. Smartsan - Why are hand sanitizers and surface sanitizers essential in your workplace? Smartsan - Hygienic ways to reduce absenteeism in schools. Smartsan - Why do you need to keep a mosquito repellent handy? Hand sanitizer spray. Smartsan surface sanitiser wipes. Toilet seat sanitizing spray. SMARTSAN smartphone sanitizers. Untitled. Smartsan toilet seat sanitizing wipes. Smartsan hand sanitizing wipes.
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Non-Alcohol based Hand Sanitizers. Toilet Seat Sanitizing wipes.