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Facebook Twitter Answers to Life's Questions. 永生之道. KJV 1611 vs. KJV 1769. I have heard this enough in varying places that I wanted to post this just to help others not be duped by the statement: “The only changes made since the 1611 translation of the KJV until now have been changes of spelling or printing only.”

KJV 1611 vs. KJV 1769

That statement is a lie, and people who love Jesus & the Bible should not make such a claim — even if they do have the best of intentions in doing so! So here is a list of significant changes (i.e., changes which affect meaning) made to the KJV text since 1611. The 1611 reading is first, followed by the 1769. 1 Corinthians 12:28 – “helpes in gouernmets” vs. “helps, governments”Joshua 3:11 – “Arke of the Couenant, euen the Lord” vs. If anyone wants to check out the above readings for themselves, both the 1611 KJV and the 1769 KJV are available freely for e-Sword.:”(The list itself can be found in Differences Between Bible Versions Updated and Expanded Edition by Gary F. Jeremiah 34:16 – “whom ye had set” vs. And what about those modern versions? 好牧人 - Links. 和合本新約的漏譯、誤譯與誤加的糾正 - 真理天城 和合本新约的漏译、误译与误加的纠正 前言 圣经都是神所默示的(提后3:16),是人受神的灵感动说出神的话来(彼前1:19)。

和合本新約的漏譯、誤譯與誤加的糾正 - 真理天城

在神默示写经人写了原稿之后,原稿虽然没有保存下来,但神却以他的大能奇妙地使用了历史上无数忠心的抄经人把圣经完完整整地保存下来(诗12:6~7)。 现存的大多数抄本都和原本一样是神所默示的,也是准确无误的。 圣经旧约的原稿是用希伯来文和亚兰文写成,新约则用希腊写成:为了使全世界的人都可以得到神的话,神便在各族各民中兴起翻译者,把圣经翻译成各种文字。 在众多文字的译本翻译过程中,神奇妙感动和引导一些忠心的信徒,使他们能够得到神所保存的原文抄本《公认经文》 (Textus Receptus),也使他们把圣经忠实地翻译成当今世界最 流行的文字,英文。 圣经华文的最早翻译可以追溯到第七世纪前半期。 " 华文的译经真正地开始应该从十三世纪算起,但在马礼逊于 1814在广州出版"新约"于1823年出版圣经全书《马礼逊、 米怜译本》之前,所有华文圣经的翻译都属华文译经史中的凤毛鳞爪。 以《马礼逊、米怜译本》到今天,华文的圣经译本最多也没有超过几十种,远远不及英文的译本之多。 《现代圣经译本》是从《今日英语圣经》(Good News Bible)翻译过来的,它的问题主要是因为其原文抄本有许多的错误,其次是翻译者有些是天主教徒,在神学上与基督教基要真理有许多偏差和不同,最后整个翻译都采取"意义相符,效果相等"(Dynamic Equivalent)的译经原则:翻译者按自己的理解,随意改写神的话。 《思高本》因为是天主教的圣经,与基督教基要真理背道而驰。 《和合本》是一部受海内外华语教会和信徒欢迎的译本,面市后不到十年,其销售量远远超过任何其它译本,甚至到了2003年的今天,情况依然如故。 感谢神这么多年使用《和合本》。 本作者想用正确的译经原则分析和合本存在的问题。

正确的译经原则. 我怎麼知道欽定本聖經(KJV)是上帝的話?(全文翻譯) - 真理中的自由. The N. I. V. INFECTION. The King James Bible in mp3 audio. The New World Order: Forging the Image of the Beast. Introduction Our world will soon (as in years rather than decades), be facing a global crisis which will herald its end.

The New World Order: Forging the Image of the Beast

Because people worldwide need to be prepared, we are taking this message across many countries, at a great expense and sacrifice. To those who dare continue reading, World's Last Chance may sound preposterous, if not reckless, because you are naturally hoping for global peace and prosperity, and definitely not a universal crisis engulfing the world and ending it. We have tried to envision your reaction and questionings and will begin this journey into the future by answering some of your questions as we share with you why this world is staring at its last chance! The Bible as a Guide 1. We are part of a small group of people spread around the world who take the Bible as our only rule. 2. Initially we did not take the Bible so seriously until we were astonished to discover how accurate it is.

Fulfilled Bible Prophecies 3. 4. A Most Fearful and Solemn Warning 5. 6. 7. 8. 粤语本圣经朗读 by 中华圣网-圣经频道:经文搜索、朗读、各版本圣经,圣经查考,注释. 福音文摘(Gospel News-WEB Site) 粵語朗讀 聖經 和合本 Cantonese Audio Bible Union Version.