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Facebook Twitter Best Node.js Tutorials and Resources for Beginners. Node.js is increasingly gaining popularity among web developers. Due to all hosting companies Node.js remains the prerogative of dedicated servers and VPS. Actually VPS is a solution that even a small startup can afford. For more details refer to the documentation on As you know, Node.js supports modules. You can find the folder for global modules here: \winginx\nodejs\node_modules\. Winginx includes module manager NPM, popular framework Express.js, and template engine Jade.For debugging Node-Inspector module is connected. In brief we can say that Node.js, in contrast to PHP, is not interpreted but is compiled into a single server, and therefore occupies separate port.

Lets consider an example: take the foundation Node.js-server from the developer: Save this script via path home/nodejs.local/server.js. Pay attention to the port, it has to match the one in Node.js-script. What remains is to notify Winginx that we need to run out server on Node.js. Node.js Docs.Node.js Node Tuts. Contents -- Eloquent JavaScript. Table of Contents. Learning JavaScript as a designer. Two weeks ago, I decided that my very basic JavaScript knowledge wasn't enough anymore.

Lately, every project I worked on utilized JS heavily. I had to deal with complex JS code more and more to solve my (often trivial) design problems. And it started to bug me that I have to rely on developer friends and collegues to help me figure things out. I didn't want to bother them with those little code changes. So I decided to learn JavaScript. No, not only jQuery. The day I made that decision I came across a tweet from @codecadamy. The long and hard way So I decided to go deeper. Neither to easy nor to hard So I kept on searching for alternative and more interactive ways to learn JavaScript. To constantly give me a reality check, I started working on a small fun project. Conclusion so far Don't let anybody tell you that you can't learn anything you want. Suprising discovery: Developing complex code is really hard work (complex from my point of view, not from a developers point of view).