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Firebug’s Console Log, Flash debugging made easy - Substance Labs. I have to admit, debugging in Flash has always been a painful thing. There’s nothing more stressful when everything works fine in the IDE, but completely craps out once pushed to the site, and you’ve got to figure out the problem right freakin’ now when the most you have to go on is “um, the Flash doesn’t work.” Enter Console Log. For those of you who don’t have Firebug, get it. Now you can trace out to the Firebug console log from your .swf. First, import the package declaration: import flash.external.ExternalInterface; Next, call to the log whenever you want to trace something out "console.log" , "Hey!

Yes. "console.log" , "My variable is" + myVar ); This is even more useful when you can’t actually view the site. Try it for yourself.


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