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Extra Slider. 45+ Very Functional Javascript Sliders and Scrollers. Every web developer needs to use Javascript in creating web applications, and when it comes to displaying multiple items on a page with a focus on a single item, sliders and scrollers come in handy.

45+ Very Functional Javascript Sliders and Scrollers

You can use Javascript sliders and scrollers with news, images or products to display data in an organized and user friendly way. In this article, I compiled a list of 46 very functional Javascript sliders and scrollers for you to use in developing web applications. Cluster Cluster has a great solution to fit the large bold text. Javascript: 10 sliders, carousels et slideshows pour embellir votre site. Sliderman.js - Examples - JavaScript Image Slider Library - Created by Devtrix. Demo 1 Nullam nec velit vel leo tristique commodo.Nulla facilisi.

Sliderman.js - Examples - JavaScript Image Slider Library - Created by Devtrix

Fusce lacus massa, ullamcorper sed hendrerit quis, venenatis eget tortor. Features: slides navigation, slides pagination, images' html-descriptions — always visible for illustration purposes Effects: Matrix sliding (10x5), TopRight, delay 10 miliseconds, fading. Description: Loading button is showing for 0.2 second just for illustration purposes and defined in display section by always_show_loading parameter.