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Low-impact housing

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Custom Tree House Plans, DIY Ideas & Building Designs. No, really: would you want to design, build and live in an real fantasy tree house all year round?

Custom Tree House Plans, DIY Ideas & Building Designs

More and more people have decided to do just that and where treehouses were once novelty architecture for kids they are now (almost) mainstream structures, as attested to by the pictures above via Bella Seven. Many modern tree house designs and home designers and custom builders take a site-specific approach and construct their tree buildings around not only views and rooms but also have to account for access and structural support in unique and novel ways.

Some of the results are little auxiliary spaces intended for guests or vacations while others are fully developed tree homes with everything need for daily living. While a lot of attention is paid to lofty plans by fashionable designers, there are many people who continue to use quite conventional home-building plans, techniques and materials to construct tree homes and cabins that look much like ordinary residences on the ground below. - BINISHELLS - A Low Impact Woodland Home.