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How to host multiple isolated WCF services within a single Windows service with zero App.config. CodeProject Note: The code featured in this blog posting was put together whilst working with David Marsh on the Tranquility.Net (WCF App Server), an open source .NET app server available on CodePlex.

How to host multiple isolated WCF services within a single Windows service with zero App.config

CodePlex project: The source code for this blog entry can be found on the CodePlex project (using the link above), click on the Source Code tab and download changeset 2671 (Initial commit of source). Hosting plug-in WCF Services - public: class Alon : IArchitect, IAzure, ICPP, ISmartHome, IHomeServer. WCF: Instance Management Techniques For Developing WCF Apps. WCF Essentials Discover Mighty Instance Management Techniques For Developing WCF Apps Juval Lowy.

WCF: Instance Management Techniques For Developing WCF Apps

MSDN Windows Communication Foundation.