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How to Build an Advanced Keyword Analysis Report in Excel. Analyzing keyword performance, discovering new keyword opportunities, and determining which keywords to focus efforts on can be painstaking when you have thousands of keywords to review. With keyword metrics coming from all over the place (Analytics, Adwords, Webmaster Tools, etc.), it’s challenging to analyze all the data in one place regularly without having to do a decent amount of manual data manipulation.

In addition, dependent on your site’s business model, tying revenue metrics to keyword data is a whole other battle. This post will walk you through a solution to these keyword analysis issues and provide some tips on how you can slice and dice your data in wonderful ways. With Microsoft Excel, we can create a report with all the keyword data you will need, all in one place, and fairly easy to update on a weekly or monthly basis. What we will need to do is push Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Adwords, Ranking data, and Revenue data all into one excel spreadsheet. Amazing.


Date. Most spreadsheet programs have a rather nice little built-in function called NETWORKDAYS to calculate the number of business days (i.e. Monday-Friday, excluding holidays) between any two given dates. I couldn't find a simple way to do that in PHP, so I threw this together. It replicates the functionality of OpenOffice's NETWORKDAYS function - you give it a start date, an end date, and an array of any holidays you want skipped, and it'll tell you the number of business days (inclusive of the start and end days!) Between them. I've tested it pretty strenuously but date arithmetic is complicated and there's always the possibility I missed something, so please feel free to check my math. The function could certainly be made much more powerful, to allow you to set different days to be ignored (e.g. <? Function networkdays($s, $e, $holidays = array()) { if ($s > $e) return networkdays($e, $s, $holidays); $sd = date("N", $s); $ed = date("N", $e); // Calculate net working days.

Return $nwd; } ? Crash Course. Templating basics: Assign content to Smarty, then display a template file. The template file then contains the presentational output interspersed with {tags} that Smarty replaces with dynamic content. As you can see, Smarty cleanly separates your presentation (HTML/CSS) from your application (PHP) code. However, it still contains some logic of its own. With respect to Smarty's design principles, the logic in the templates should be for presentation only. For instance, looping over table row colors or including one template from another would be considered presentation logic.

This way the application code only needs to supply the content, and the template can take care of the presentation. The idea is to keep the template designer role (front-end developer) and application programming role (backend-developer) separated. Sometimes alteration of the assigned content is required for presentation. You can also use or create template functions. Parent.tpl child.tpl output. PHP 101 (part 5): Rank and File. Back to SchoolHandle With Care • Open the file and assign it a file handle • Interact with the file via its handle and extract its contents into a PHP variable • Close the fileDifferent Strokes When Laziness is a VirtueWriting to MaInformation is PowerBreaking Eggs Back to School When you first started reading this series, I promised you that you’d have a whole lot of fun.

If you’re the cynical type, you may be feeling that I didn’t keep my promise. After all, how much fun have youreally had so far? All you’ve done is learn a bunch of theoretical rules, added and subtracted numbers from each other, learnt primitive decision-making and gone round and round in the circular funhouse of loops. I hear you. In this segment of our ongoing saga, I’m going to teach you how to do something that’s definitely not for kids. Let’s get started! Handle With Care I’ll begin with something simple: opening a file and reading its contents. In order to do this, there are three distinct steps to be followed: <? The world's first smart voice badge. PHP 101 (part 5): Rank and File.


Zebra_form. Anatomy Masterclass. Styling. Providing the range of features that DataTables does is great, but you will also wish to style the table and the HTML that DataTables adds to the document. This will allow full integration of DataTables into your web-site, web-application, or whatever it is you are developing! There are a number of ways in which DataTables allows you to style tables: Basic styling - DataTables will add a number of elements to the page, each with a suitable default ID and/or class to allow CSS selectors to address the element.

You can take the demo CSS and customise this to what you require. Custom classes - You can customise the class names that DataTables applied to elements in order to match the style-sheets you already have on your web-site. There are also a few blog posts describing how you can theme DataTables to your requirements: Pagination with jQuery, MySQL and PHP. | Collecting all the cheat sheets.