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Saliency Benchmark. Cutting candidates from a source image for block processing. In several tasks it is needed to cut candidates from a source image for further processing.

Cutting candidates from a source image for block processing

In most cases, the center-point of the candidates are known and we have some a-priori knowedge of the size of the objects. Suppose, that we have an object centered at: If the object can be covered by a 3×3 window, we can cut it from the source image by the following coordinates: A usual code snippet for cutting the candidates can be the following. Please note, that this code is for cutting and processing several candidates, not only the mentioned one: sourceImage = rand(256); centerX = [118];centerY = [202]; windowSize = 3;halfWindow = floor(windowSize / 3); for i = 1 : length(centerX) candidate = sourceImage(centerY(i) - halfWindow : centerY(i) + halfWindow, centerX(i) - halfWindow : centerX(i) + halfWindow); end This is a good approach, altough it lacks of handling candidates around image borders, in addition a for cycle is needed.

With appropriate indexing, the candidates can be cut in one step. Manual ROI selection using mouse. Ravin Balakrishnan. Ravin Balakrishnan Professor & Canada Research ChairDepartment of Computer Science University of Toronto Publications Refereed papers Conference abstracts, posters, technical reports, theses, and other tree wasters.

Ravin Balakrishnan

Jeremy Birnholtz, Abhishek Ranjan, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2008). Jeremy Birnholtz, Abhishek Ranjan, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2007). Igor Mordatch, Patrick Coleman, Karan Singh, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2007). Daniel Wigdor, Chia Shen, Clifton Forlines, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2006). Daniel Wigdor, Chia Shen, Clifton Forlines, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2006). Gonzalo Ramos, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2004). Anastasia Bezerianos, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2004). Ravin Balakrishnan. (2001). Ravin Balakrishnan. (1997). Ravin Balakrishnan, Colin Ware, Tim Smith. (1994). Ravin Balakrishnan, PrzemyslawPochec. (1992). Courses. Computer Vision Central. Computer Vision at MSR. Exploratory Computer Vision. Computer Vision Central. Team Lead Jobs in Bengaluru Bangalore - Team Lead Job in Bengaluru Bangalore - Jobs in Team Lead in Bengaluru Bangalore.

The Computer Vision Industry. David Lowe Note to the reader: I started this web page in the 1990's when there were only a handful of companies with computer vision products.

The Computer Vision Industry

Since then, computer vision has had huge success in developing useful applications, and it is no longer feasible for my list to keep up with the constant growth in the number of companies working in the field. Most large tech companies also have computer vision groups that are not captured here. I am leaving this web page up because many find it useful, but it should only be seen as giving some interesting examples of what is being done rather than being a comprehensive catalog.

This web page only lists companies that develop computer vision products. Image Sensing Systems (St. Iteris (Santa Ana, California).