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Teamworks - Home. Disciplined Email: Five Sentences or Less. Even as a writer, designer, and developer, I still don’t know what I want to do for a living.

Disciplined Email: Five Sentences or Less

This question — of what to do with your life — can be overwhelming, for both professionals and recent graduates alike. Over on Zen Habits, Leo Babauta shares his insights on why you should focus on what you can do now, rather than the future, to build a better life and worthwhile career: You can’t figure out the future. Even young people who have a plan (be a doctor, lawyer, research scientist, singer) don’t really know what will happen. If they have any certainty at all, they’re a bit deluded. How to Negotiate Your Salary. Five Things You Should Negotiate at Work Besides Your Salary. Five Things You Should Negotiate at Work Besides Your Salary.

Five Lessons Your First Job Can Teach You About Your Entire Career. How Can I Make the Transition Easier After a Promotion? How to Deal With Crappy Bosses Altucher Confidential. Posted by James Altucher My boss wanted to publicly humiliate me.

How to Deal With Crappy Bosses Altucher Confidential

He came into my office with a bunch of my colleagues. How Can I Write a Successful Blog and Get More People to Read It? How to Follow Up After Meeting Someone in Person. Lifehacker. How Can I Find a Work-From-Home Job? Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo Doughnut. Long before the resurgence of Brooklyn and the birth of the Cronut, there was a West Coast revolution in sugar, flour, and yeast.

Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo Doughnut

These basic components behind the humblest of all pastries were elevated by two Portland entrepreneurs into a deep-fried mecca called Voodoo Doughnut. How to Get a Job: Take the Initiative. This month, nearly 2 million students left colleges and universities around the country with a bachelor’s degree in hand.

How to Get a Job: Take the Initiative

Some will be headed to graduate school, while others will be entering the job market, many hoping to land their first “real” job. At the same time, 3 million high school graduates have started looking for a summer gig–perhaps their first job ever. Joining them in the job hunt are the millions of Americans who have been laid off, are unemployed, and have been looking to get hired for weeks, months, even years. What all these folks have in common is that they’re searching for a job in a tough economy. While experts debate whether things are looking up or whether we’re headed for even worse times, the reality for job seekers out there is that competition is tight.

Too many men see the job search as a passive process. The job you want is very unlikely to land in your lap this way. Hand in Your Resume in Person. Il embauchent des ninjas, des Jedis et des rockstars. Le monde de l’informatique étant relativement jeune, on trouve de nombreux exemples d’entreprises faisant fi des règles strictes du monde du travail.

Il embauchent des ninjas, des Jedis et des rockstars

Les secrets de ces entreprises qui fabriquent des patrons. WEBJOURNALISME. 11 jobs d’un nouveau genre qui prouvent que le journalisme a de l’avenir. LA RUPTURE DU CONTRAT : LE DEPART NEGOCIE. L’employeur et le salarié peuvent décider de mettre fin par consentement mutuel au contrat de travail.


20+ awesome travel jobs and how to get them. 1.

20+ awesome travel jobs and how to get them

Freelance writer / photographer This may mean travel writer, but it doesn’t have to. How to Dress for a Job Interview: Your 60 Second Visual Guide. Comment définir un bon ingénieur en quelques mots ? "Un bon ingénieur, c'est quelqu'un qui a de la curiosité en permanence, pas forcément quelqu'un qui est le plus apte scientifiquement, mais qui a la curiosité, l'ouverture d'esprit.

Comment définir un bon ingénieur en quelques mots ?

Et quelqu'un capable de travailler en équipe. " Thierry Pilenko est PDG de Technip, un des leaders mondiaux de l'équipement pour l'industrie pétrolière. Mais quand il passe une frontière, il répond toujours "ingénieur" à la question "profession" dans les documents administratifs. Lauréat du plus prestigieux des prix des ingénieurs 2011, le "prix carrière", il résume avec ces deux phrases la vision de ses confrères.

L'esprit d'équipe est la caractéristique qui revient le plus souvent dans le discours des lauréats. La technicité n'est plus la seule qualité attendue d'un ingénieur aujourd'hui. Jeunes diplômés : les clés pour trouver un emploi en 2012. Mais une chose est sûre : la prudence sera de mise, notamment en termes de promotion, bonus et création de postes.

Jeunes diplômés : les clés pour trouver un emploi en 2012

Ce ralentissement touchera, comme souvent en temps de crise, les jeunes diplômés. Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning.


Productivity tools. Job Application. REALISER UN CV. How to Deal with Your Crazy Boss. I Completely Disconnected for 10 Days. Here's What Happened. Il perd plus de 30 kg... grâce aux jeux vidéo. On a déjà tout entendu ou presque sur les jeux vidéo : ils rendent bête, violent, sexiste, etc.

Il perd plus de 30 kg... grâce aux jeux vidéo

Pourtant, on n'a encore jamais eu vent d'un des bienfaits de ce média : bien utilisé, il peut vous faire perdre du poids. Si, si. Le jeu vidéo est un média souvent décrié par le grand public. On n’en est plus à des situations de chasse aux sorcières comme au début des années 90, fort heureusement, mais ce n’est toujours pas la panacée. Pourtant, le jeu vidéo, en plus de distraire, semble renfermer des vertues insoupçonnées : il peut également faire maigrir les gamers.

Ah, si seulement toutes les salles de sport étaient équipées de la sorte… (on irait sans doute plus souvent !)

Time Management & GTD

Why I Gave Up Job Security to Go Freelance. Try "Location Boxing" to Get Your Brain to Switch Gears. How Can I Balance Multiple Jobs Without Losing My Mind? Travailler à la maison, c’est cool. On me demande souvent en off plus de détails sur ma façon de bosser la journée et mes horaires... Alors pour répondre à tout le monde une bonne fois pour toutes, j'ai décidé de faire un post qui mixera le côté télétravail de ma life avec l'aspect blogging de mon activité. Mon matos La question qui revient souvent, ce sont les outils que j'utilise. Au niveau matos donc, j'ai un Macbook Air pour mes déplacements et pour pouvoir bosser sur le canapé. Ensuite dans mon petit bureau, j'ai un vieil iMac avec un double écran, un PC Windows avec double boot Ubuntu et un petit NAS pour mes backups.

Pour ceux qui me diront : "Et les machines virtuelles ? ". Mes logiciels. Travailler à la maison, c’est l’enfer ! Double the Price of your Next Web Design Project. Part of my job is consulting with web designers to help them make more money. I get to hear about a lot of pain within the web design community. It never fails. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Mediocre People. The Beginner's Guide to Working From Home. Why and How I Switched to a Standing Desk. 10 of the Most Effective Ice Breakers for Starting Meaningful Conversations. Whether you want to start a conversation with a new guy or girl you find attractive or you want to get a training session off to a great start, a good ice breaker can help you make a memorable first impression. It can turn that first encounter with someone new into something wonderful that blossoms into lasting friendships and valuable partnerships. A bad ice breaker, however, can be a recipe for disaster.

It can spiral out of control pretty quickly and at best be a terrible waste of time or worse an embarrassment for everyone involved. How Can I Become More Comfortable When Speaking in Public? The Best Ways to Apologize When You Screw Up At Work or At Home. Do More By Planning Less: The Power of the Anti-Plan. May 7th, 2013 · 42 comments Seeking Full Capacity Since becoming a professor, my productivity (as measured by original publications in quality venues) has improved. I’m happy about this fact. Hacking Deep Work with Project Step Labels. June 5th, 2013 · 13 comments Hacking Depth The equation is simple: the more deep work you do the more new value you create. And creating value, of course, is the key to a remarkable life. Knowledge Workers are Bad at Working (and Here’s What to Do About It…)

November 21st, 2012 · 107 comments An Inconvenient Observation Knowledge workers are bad at working. I say this because unlike every other skilled labor class in the history of skilled labor, we lack a culture of systematic improvement. The Best Ways to Ruin Your Professional Reputation. What Should I Know Before I Change Careers? If Your Job Sucks, It Might Be Your Fault; Let’s Fix That. Find and Offer Your Own Solutions to Team Problems to Win Over Your Boss. How I Use Robot Mode and Non-Digital Creativity to Accomplish More in the Day. How to Effectively Complain About Your Boss. How to Mentally Prepare Yourself to Start a New Job. 100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School – Eternal Code. [via] With classes, homework, and projects–not to mention your social life–time is truly at a premium for you, so why not latch onto the wide world that Google has to offer?

From super-effective search tricks to Google hacks specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time. Search Tricks. 3 Ways to Get Noticed and Promoted at your Job « dan gold, esq. I’m all about self-promotion. I’m not ashamed to admit it either. You know why? Because every person is their own brand. As Tom Peters who wrote the thesis for this in 1997 or Dan Schwabal, the young man who has taken what Tom did and turned the concept of personal branding into a machine … it’s all about Your Brand! Combined with extremely hard work, it’s one of the reasons why I have had the success and visibility in my organization for 5 years now.

Self-promote. Five Simple Ways to Boost Productivity. Follow these common-sense tips to get more stuff done -- faster. Odessa Hopkins Courtesy of Peggy Morris Photography Odessa Hopkins knew she wasn't spending her time as wisely as she could. The owner of a small Greenbelt, Md., marketing and advertising consulting firm called Another Approach Enterprises, was always juggling projects and keeping busy. But she "would work on a lot of things all day long, but at the end of the day I didn't really finish anything," says Hopkins, 52. How to get back to Inbox Zero after vacation, Part II « dan gold, esq. By now, at least if you live in the US, you’ve come back from the 4th of July weekend, asking yourself the following question: “Why did I have to drink that one last [insert drink name here]?” And you’ve needed to slowly dig yourself out of your inbox again. Even if you don’t live in the US, and you’ve taken a holiday break, coming back is not easy.

How to Deal With Crappy Bosses Altucher Confidential. Top 10 Items for Any Office Survival Kit. The office can be a dangerous place. Things spill, buttons pop and wounds happen. Rather than having to MacGyver something out of Scotch tape and plastic forks from the office pantry, pick up the items on this list so you’re prepared for anything your workplace throws at you. 1. Deodorant You’re a busy person, always on the go, running from meeting to meeting. 2. 10 Things You NEED to Do if You Were Hired Today Altucher Confidential. Posted by James Altucher.