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Why Don't We Check-In At More Places We Care About? What Your Favorite Websites Say About Your Politics. En deux mois, 100 000 Cubains s'abonnent à Internet. En deux mois, 100 000 Cubains s'abonnent à Internet. Hey kids! Learn to be “cyber smart” from the NSA’s youth page! The National Security Agency wants your kids to know that it's cool to be "cyber smart.

Hey kids! Learn to be “cyber smart” from the NSA’s youth page!

" As part of the agency's outreach to promote interest in technology and recruit a future generation of computer security experts, the NSA has links on its homepage to two sites targeted at children and adolescents. The "Kids Page," intended for elementary age children, appears to be down at the moment—either that, or the error code reference (Reference #97.887ffea5.1374616699.dc7bfc5) is an encoded message to grade school operatives that it's time to report in. But the "Change The World" page, targeted at middle and high school students, is chock full of crypto-clearance fun. There's a word search, a PDF to print to make your own letter substitution code wheel, and a collection of tips on how to be a good cyber-citizen. Live map of recent changes to Wikipedia articles is mesmerizing.

This Is the Most Detailed Picture of the Internet Ever (and Making it Was Very Illegal) Why would you need a map of the Internet?

This Is the Most Detailed Picture of the Internet Ever (and Making it Was Very Illegal)

The Internet is not like the Grand Canyon. It is not a destination in a voyage that requires so many right turns and so many left turns. The Internet, as the name suggests and many of you already know, is nothing but the sum of decentralized connections between various interconnected computers that are speaking roughly the same language. To map out those connections and visualize the place where I spend so much of my time may not have any clear use, but it intrigues the pants off me.

An anonymous researcher with a lot of time on his hands apparently shares the sentiment. The resultant map isn't perfect, but it is beautiful. Influence sociétale d'INTERNET ? Les trolls, ou le mythe de l’espace public. Survey Shows Growing Strength of E-Books. E-books continued their surge in popularity last year, surpassing hardcover books and paperbacks to become the dominant format for adult fiction in 2011, according to a survey of publishers released Wednesday.

For several years, consumers have been rapidly switching from print to digital for reading novels, a sign of the growing strength of the e-book for narrative, straightforward storytelling. Over all, digital books kept up their explosive growth in 2011, the survey confirmed. Publishers’ net revenue from sales of e-books more than doubled last year, reaching $2.07 billion, up from $869 million in 2010.

E-books accounted for 15.5 percent of publishers’ revenues. But as digital revenue grew, print sales suffered, dropping to $11.1 billion in 2011 from $12.1 billion in 2010. 4chan Users Get Burger King Employee Fired For Defiling Lettuce in Photo. The employee, whose name has not been released to the public, originally posted a picture of himself standing in the restaurant's supply of lettuce with the caption, This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King.

4chan Users Get Burger King Employee Fired For Defiling Lettuce in Photo

The photo caused an uproar on the site. While 4channers are an anarchic lot, they don't like people messing with their food. Users checked the photo's metadata to determine where and when it was taken. Within nine minutes, the original poster was tracked down to Mayfield Heights, Ohio. After another three minutes, users had tracked down the contact information of the Burger King in question. Plans were made to call local news agencies. Another user wrote, The bar code on the box will tell everything. Un algorithme pourrait traquer les fausses rumeurs sur Twitter jusqu'à leur source. Mardi 21 août.

Un algorithme pourrait traquer les fausses rumeurs sur Twitter jusqu'à leur source

Le sciento, le flic et le Vicieux anonyme. A l'occasion du méga-raid européen des Anonymous contre l'église de Scientologie, qui se tient ce samedi 25 août 2012 à Paris, Vicieux, l'un d'entre-eux, a raconté à Owni comment un policier l'a récemment bousculé, avant d'infliger à plusieurs Anonymous des contraventions pour avoir manifesté masqués.

Le sciento, le flic et le Vicieux anonyme

Le port du masque de Guy Fawkes ne relève pas que d’un folklore potache de geeks biberonnés au soi-disant “anonymat” qui régirait le Net. C’est d’abord et avant tout un moyen utilisé par les pionniers du mouvement Anonymous pour se protéger du Bureau des affaires spéciales (Office of Special Affairs, ou OSA), le service de renseignement de l’église de Scientologie. C’est ce qu’avait expliqué Vicieux, l’un des rares Anonymous français a avoir accepté de passer à la télévision, lorsqu’il avait été interviewé par Thierry Ardisson dans son émission Salut les terriens, sur Canal +. Does the Internet Know More About Us Than We Do? Did you ever wonder how LinkedIn generates that list of “people you may know?”

Does the Internet Know More About Us Than We Do?

And how about when Amazon recommends “other books and music you might like?” The recommendations after my last purchase were so on target that I actually took out my credit card! Is it magic? No. L'essor fulgurant du QR code. Twitter releases “transparency tool” to reveal government requests. In the vein of what Google has done for a few years now, Twitter released a “transparency tool” on Monday.

Twitter releases “transparency tool” to reveal government requests

The company showed the public for the first time exactly how many times governments ask for user information or ask for content to be taken down. The tool also shows how many DMCA takedown requests are made. The new tool's release comes on the same day that a New York criminal judge denied Twitter's motion to quash a subpoena request for an Occupy Wall Street protestor's data. Not surprisingly, requests from the United States government top the list, coming in at 679 (out of 849 requests made in 2012). Les Anonymous publient une liste de pédophiles présumés. Publié par : pintejp | juillet 12, 2012 Le collectif de hackers a diffusé sur Pastebin, un site de partage de documents, les mails, numéros de téléphone, profils Facebook… d’individus qui fréquenteraient des sites pédopornographiques.

Les Anonymous publient une liste de pédophiles présumés

Le collectif de hackers, Anonymous poursuit sa lutte contre la pédophilie. Books. Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists Casey Reas and Ben Fry (Foreword by John Maeda).


Published August 2007, MIT Press. 736 pages. Hardcover. » Order from Downloads: Table of Contents and Index (PDF, 500 KB) Sample Chapters with Contents and Index (PDF, 7.6 MB) All code examples in the book (ZIP, 24 MB) Errata (Updated 8 January 2014) This book is an introduction to the ideas of computer programming within the context of the visual arts. It targets an audience of computer-savvy individuals who are interested in creating interactive and visual work through writing software but have little or no prior experience. The majority of the book is divided into tutorial units discussing specific elements of software and how they relate to the arts. La curation : entre usages individuels et pratiques professionnelles - Dossier Doc & SI (ADBS)

InfosOutilsFroids J’ai eu le plaisir de coordonner le dossier du dernier numéro de la revue Documentaliste & Sciences de linformation consacré à cette pratique en devenir qu’est la curation.

La curation : entre usages individuels et pratiques professionnelles - Dossier Doc & SI (ADBS)

Une quinzaine d’auteurs ont accepté de me rejoindre dans l’aventure et je les remercie d’autant plus que les délais étaient particulièrement serrés. Zynga's Top-Performing Game? Yep, Still FarmVille. - Tricia Duryee - Commerce. Sometimes I hate internet. Le jeu s'installe résolument comme un pan de la stratégie marque employeur.


Paiement. TweetLevel & BlogLevel: 'GPS' for navigating influence online - TNW. Edelman, one of the world’s largest independent PR firms, today launches two web-based platforms designed to enable companies to identify key online influencers on specific topics. TweetLevel and BlogLevel are free to use, and are designed to be used by brands as social media planning and measurement tools. TweetLevel finds the influencers on Twitter, and BlogLevel does the same for the blogosphere. The new tools build on the original TweetLevel, launched back in 2009, which MTV later used to select its first ‘Twitter Jockey’.

But Twitter later placed greater restrictions on third-party access to its API, which meant many platforms were affected by this – including TweetLevel, which was forced offline. It seems that rather than throwing in the towel, Jonny Bentwood, Director and Head of Influencer Engagement at Edelman and who is also the creator of TweetLevel (and now BlogLevel), changed tack and the platform now procures its data from social search engine Topsy’s API. Smartphones are taking over wallets in Canada [Infographic] Canadians are adopting banking apps on their smartphone rapidly and are slowly ditching wallets in favor of banking on the go, according to a report. Toronto-based Solutions Research Group reveals that over 2.5 million Canadians are already banking on the go, which shows remarkable traction given the first mobile bank app launched only a year ago.

Interestingly, it took online banking four years to reach the same level of penetration in Canada. According to the report, banking apps are well-positioned, already surpassing music, news, video, and entertainment apps, virtually all of which have existed since the first iPhone was introduced, in downloads. About eight percent of Canadians who download banking apps don’t end up using them, most likely due to security concerns. Entreprises - Enquête sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication et le commerce électronique 2011. Des journalistes et des hackers français menacés de mort à cause du DPI.

Quel avenir pour les informaticiens au sein des grandes entreprises ? Des enjeux nouveaux pour les informaticiens Les enjeux de la GPEC appliquée aux informaticiens, qui représentent une filière à la fois clé et importante en nombre dans les grandes entreprises, sont avant tout démographiques, avec un vieillissement de la population informatique, et des salariés qui vont rester de plus en plus longtemps en fonction. Quand le jeu vidéo éducatif s'empare de l'iPad. C'est un secteur qui suit les dernières évolutions technologiques. Le numérique, aussi dans l'entreprise et la société.