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Le prix des bières dans les bars de Paris en temps réel. Connaissez-vous Mister Good Beer ?

Le prix des bières dans les bars de Paris en temps réel

C’est la super-invention du jour : Avec pas moins de 120 bars parisiens passés au crible par l’équipe de MGB - du PMU au bistrot du coin, le site vous propose en direct le prix des bières de plein (plein) de bars parisiens. Et en plus de cette belle idée, le site propose un formulaire de recherche avec les critères suivants : Une puce qui émule le cerveau. Il n'y a rien de plus idiot qu'un ordinateur, ou plutôt un programme informatique.

Une puce qui émule le cerveau

Il faut toujours lui expliquer quoi faire dans toutes les situations. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que ça s'appelle un "programme". Marijuana Strain Effects. Backdoor Pharmacist Rides the Walrus. Ambien or zolpidem is a prescription hypnotic of the imidazopyridine class.

Backdoor Pharmacist Rides the Walrus

It is the chemical relative of Sonata (zaleplon), Imovane (zopiclone) and Lunesta (eszopiclone). Colloquially, these nonbenzodiazepine drugs are referred to as “Z-drugs” and are some of the most commonly prescribed “oh just go to bed already” drugs. Die, Workwear! - Saddleback Leather on Quality. Saddleback Leather recently produced a series of short videos explaining how their bags are made.

Die, Workwear! - Saddleback Leather on Quality

For as much talk as there’s been on a “return to quality,” marketing pitches (and the blogs that recycle them) are usually quite superficial. It’s nice then to have the owner of a company explain why they choose certain materials over others, and what to look out for when buying similar products. There are nine videos in all, but I’ve included just three here that I like. The first, above, explains the difference between full grain, top grain, “genuine,” and bonded leather. The other two are about threads and sewing techniques. Le déjeuner, ou comment aller chez les grands chefs moins cher. Les additions somptuaires des dîners dans les restaurants de luxe ont incité les chefs patrons, parmi les plus renommés de France, à présenter à midi des cartes-menus à des tarifs plus décents (de 40 euros à 120 euros), de façon à ne pas se couper de la vaste clientèle des gourmets.

Le déjeuner, ou comment aller chez les grands chefs moins cher

Voici une sélection de tables d’excellence sans coup de fusil au déjeuner. publicité Paul Bocuse à Collonges au Mont d’Or Le monument majeur de la restauration lyonnaise, des plats gravés dans le bronze du temps: soupe aux truffes, poularde en vessie, farandole de desserts dont le gâteau au chocolat Bernachon. Hidden Bookcase. A master pickpocketing thief - Apollo Robbins. Architects Build the Ultimate Cat Transport Tube. If you have a cat, you know that they’ll stop at almost nothing to get to a favourite lounging spot.

Architects Build the Ultimate Cat Transport Tube

Architects Jillian Northrup and Jeffrey McGrew, of the firm Because We Can, solved that problem by building an impressive Cat Transit System (CTS) in a client’s home office. The tube-based system, which has a steampunk look, hangs from the ceiling, allowing Kitty to move across the room without disturbing its contents or other inhabitants. The CTS has small windows that allow the cat to peek out, and its owners to see where it is and what it’s up to. The designers call it “the first step to greater cat mobility throughout the room.” Lieux de vente de matériel. Feng shui. FM 100 Hue Test.


K. The Illustrious Omnibus of Superpowers #2. Geocities – La ville supprimée. Geocities – La ville supprimée En 1999, Yahoo!

Geocities – La ville supprimée

A racheté Geocities, le célèbre hébergeur américain gratuit post-95 sur lequel tous les vieux routards du net ont fait leurs premières pages perso. Malheureusement, 10 ans plus tard, le service a été fermé malgré les 11 millions de visiteurs unique mensuels. Pays du Monde. Chinglish signs—Engrish is funny!—pictures & photos. Chinglish slideshow #1 (bathrooms) Chinglish slideshow #2 (unintentional obscenity) Chinglish slideshow #3 (general public signs)

Chinglish signs—Engrish is funny!—pictures & photos

Dynamic Interview Archive. How to survive the next 100,000 years. MacGregor Campbell, contributor Will humans be around in the deep future?

How to survive the next 100,000 years

Given the track record of most mammals, we've got a pretty good shot at surviving for at least the next 100,000 years and possibly even a million years or more. Of course, that's not to say we won't face any challenges. We can expect threats we've encountered before, like colossal volcanic eruptions and pandemic bugs, as well as new ones like out-of-control technology.


Attraction and Propinquinty. Propinquinty. Tid=080812desk. UFOs : The Disclosure Project (FULL VERSION) Top 10 Reasons Why Ex-Party Girls Make Great Mommies. We hope you enjoy this list by Tanya Bennett and her top 10 reasons why ex-party girls make great mommies. 1.

Top 10 Reasons Why Ex-Party Girls Make Great Mommies

You are used to staying up all night. Just consider all of that late night partying as endurance training for the first few months (possibly years!) Les princesses de Disney sont réelles ! Que feriez-vous d'une baguette magique ? Ryan Anastamendi l'utiliserait sans aucun doute pour rendre réelles toutes les princesses de Disney. Ryan Anastamendi rend hommage tant au cosplay qu’au monde magique de Disney. Day[9]Quotes. Construction of a levitating bed. Zoochosis Presents: Escalator. Weird Ebay Auctions - Top 10 Epic eBay Auctions. It’s often said that there are some things that money simply can’t buy. Anyone who still thinks that that’s the case should spend a little time browsing the wares on offer at eBay, the online auction site. Since its inception back in 1995, eBay has become an award-winning global sales phenomenon, a site on which it’s possible to sell absolutely anything, as long as it’s not considered illegal or offensive. And the really weird thing about eBay – and perhaps the key to its success – is that people will buy absolutely anything.

The proof? Make Thermite out of Sand.


Stuff you need to see. How to achieve your life. Origami. DidYouKnow?