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Five Ways Store Colors Can Influence Shoppers. Shoppers most often choose what they buy based on color. In fact, it can account for up to 85 percent of the reason people buy one product over another, according to the Color Marketing Group, a professional organization for color designers in Alexandria, Va. Color's influence on consumer behavior isn't confined to just merchandise. The colors surrounding customers while they're shopping also can influence whether they make a purchase. "Colors in a store format can create different emotions and store retailers can use that," says Rich Kizer, a St. Charles, Ill. -based retail design consultant. Here are five ways store colors can affect the shopping experience and help turn browsers into buyers: Quiltique in Henderson, Nev., is decorated in an antique garden theme, with found objects like chairs and window frames providing accent colors.

Photo by Quiltique 1. "There are hardwires we have about colors," says Jill Morton, a Honolulu-based color psychologist and brand identity expert. 2. 3. 4. Sales Training Video - The "PRICE" Objection. Sales Courses - Business Acceleration Webinar Series. Sales Classes St Albans - People Buy Why You Do It Not What You Do Part 1 - Business Wealth Club. Five Ways to Win a Sale Using Your Customer's Mobile.

Now that just about everyone is carrying a cell phone, it's time to consider how to make mobile part of your marketing. You can safely assume that nearly every person who interacts with your business has a mobile phone, smartphone or tablet computer on them. Mobile devices are always on and always ready for you to suggest mobile interactions that will move people closer to a purchase decision. The first step in taking advantage of mobile devices is to think about every possible place where your business has a chance to interact with potential customers. For example: Viewing an adBrowsing the webWalking into your storeVisiting your officeMeeting you at a networking eventTalking to a friend Once you have a list of places where you typically interact with prospects and customers, compare your list with the following five mobile interactions to see which of them can help you to win a sale at the point of interaction or shortly thereafter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7 Killer Tools to Boost Startup Sales in 2012. The Customer Lifetime Value Equation. The principle underlying these moves is customer lifetime value (CLV), a marketing formula based on the idea of spending money up front, and sacrificing initial profits, to gain customers whose loyalty and increased business will reap rewards over the long term. It is a model that is becoming more and more popular among technology companies, including Amazon, Sprint, Netflix and Verizon. And as software companies increasingly turn to subscription-based business models through cloud computing, CLV will become an even larger issue, according to Wharton experts.

The CLV formula looks at the cash flows that are tied to building a relationship with consumers. Companies compute the value of their first interaction with a customer and forecast how much that user is worth in future revenue, both from the purchases he or she will make and from recommending the firm to others, who then sign on as new customers. But Wharton experts warn that CLV is not always a winning proposition. 5 customer service trends you can’t ignore. Technology is helping forward-thinking brands treat customer service not just as an operational must-have but rather as a way of building stronger customer loyalty. Every one of us can relate to a good or bad customer service experience. We can also relate to the fact that social media, mobility and other emerging technologies are completely rewriting the rules of engagement for customer service organizations. I recently interviewed customer service expert, Zack Urlocker, chief operating officer of five-year-old help desk technology company Zendesk, about some of themes transforming customer services for businesses large and small.

Urlocker's insight is shaped by Zendesk's position as the help desk service provider for both fast-growing upstart brands such as Yammer, Dropbox and AirBandB as well as more mainstream companies, such as Zappos and the Four Seasons Hotel. Here are 5 themes on the minds of Urlocker -- and of his company's 15,000 customers. There is no 9-to-5. Seth Godin on standing out.

Qu'est-ce-qui a changé dans la Relation Client ? Une crise durable et de plus en plus imprévisible Clients souvent inquiets, parfois désorientés et de plus en plus méfiants, à la recherche de repères - notamment auprès des marques -, foisonnement d'offres de produits et services manquant souvent de lisibilité, baisse du pouvoir d'achat des ménages et manque de liquidités des entreprises, perte de confiance dans le politique et l'économique : 2012 marque un tournant dans l'évolution de la relation entre les clients (tant B-to-C que B-to-B), et les entreprises offrant leurs services à des marchés de plus en plus globaux.

La crise démarrée en 2008, d'abord financière, puis économique et désormais sociale, est certes durable mais avant tout imprévisible : que ce soit du côté des entreprises ou de leurs clients, chaque journée apporte son lot d'impondérables. Des mutations majeures engendrées par la crise Une crise qui pourrait sembler remettre en cause la discipline de valeur "Intimité Client. Augmenter ses taux de conversion avec très peu d’efforts. Beaucoup de webmasters se focalisent sur le trafic. Or un gros trafic ne sert à rien si le taux de conversion ne suit pas. Peu de gens pensent à travailler sur ce dernier, alors que c’est bien souvent la manière la plus simple d’augmenter ses revenus ! Article rédigé par Jordan Gomès Beaucoup de webmasters se focalisent sur le trafic.

Or un gros trafic ne sert à rien si le taux de conversion ne suit pas. Les splits tests, kézako ? Le split testing est le fait de tester différentes pages, ou différentes versions d’une même page, pour voir celles qui offrent le taux de conversion le plus élevé. En clair, le split test vous permet de trouver la meilleure formulation, la meilleure image ou encore le meilleur design pour séduire vos visiteurs. Quels sont les différents types de split test ? Il existe deux types de split test : Les split tests sont-ils vraiment utiles ? Un peu de théorie : Il est bien plus facile d’augmenter son taux de conversion que son trafic. Comment faire un split test ? One Way to Get a Product into Big Chains.

It's the dream of many inventors to get a big retail chain to carry their product. This summer, there's a unique opportunity to get your ideas in front of several major national retailers -- but it'll cost you. A "Made in America" contest is being held through Aug. 29 by consumer-product development company Edison Nation. The organization -- which spun out of the award-winning PBS-TV show Everyday Edisons -- has a $25 million Innovation Fund that invests in new ideas. For $25, you can send in your product idea. As you may have guessed from the name, the purpose of the competition is to stimulate more U.S. Your business also gets a $2,500 advance against future royalties. Made in America is one of many contests Edison has running. But that 50-50 royalty split seems to be standard with all Edison's contests.

Will your business enter any contests this year?