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Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Gender Inequality: Map Shows Places With the Least Equality for Women. This Is Not A Conspiracy Theory. This is Not a Conspiracy Theory (Part 1) Does America hate millennials? The problems with student loans that are crippling a generation of young Americans may be well-documented. But when it comes to solutions, the conversation has been strikingly narrow, failing to explore the superior systems of other nations – and whether we view education in entirely the wrong way here in America.

In Britain, students don’t begin paying off their loans until they find stable employment, and the cost is in proportion to their earnings. Australia similarly ties the cost of paying off the loan to the income of the graduate. In Denmark, education is considered a right by the people and an investment by the government, and is therefore free. Some students are even offered a stipend by the government to defray costs. In America? The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) measures the difference in test scores between children from a high socioeconomic background and a low socioeconomic background. What can we do? La puissance commerciale de la Chine en 5 graphiques.

Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Mathilde Damgé La Chine a annoncé, vendredi 10 janvier, être désormais la première puissance commerciale mondiale, en déclarant pour 2013 un volume d'échanges annuel pour la première fois supérieur à celui des Etats-Unis – dont les statistiques ne seront publiées que le mois prochain mais qui ne devraient pas rattraper l'écart creusé par le géant asiatique. >> Lire (édition abonnés) : La Chine revendique la place de premier commerçant mondial Certes, le volume total des échanges commerciaux semble indiquer un renversement de tendance par rapport à 2012, dont on connaît les chiffres. Il y a un an, l'addition des exportations et des importations donnait un total d'échanges commerciaux de 4 102 milliards de dollars pour la Chine, soit moins que les 4 959 milliards des Etats-Unis.

Dans le détail, cette inversion s'est faite grâce à la conjonction de deux facteurs : L'Union (européenne) fait la force. Why Does the Government Have a Monopoly on Lotteries? States that run lotteries in blue. Source: Wikipedia They are available in convenience stores and gas stations around the country: lottery tickets, scratchers… the chance to win a fortune. Or, more often, $3. Like any form of gambling, buying lottery tickets essentially amounts to throwing money away: The expected value of buying a $1 ticket is around 50 cents.

But even if you know the odds, there is something to enjoy. The fantasy of getting rich, the anticipation, the ritual of playing, and the burst of dopamine from even a small win. The ubiquity of lottery tickets is odd. A little history can help us understand how states ended up embracing one form of gambling even as it disdained of others. Lotteries can claim a proud American heritage. Opposition to Britain’s rules about the holding of lotteries fueled anger alongside the taxation without representation mantra, and the Continental Congress tried to finance the revolution with a lottery, although it failed to sell tickets. Jean-Baptiste Hollande | Sparse Thoughts of a Gloomy European Economist. Le temps est venu de régler le principal problème de la France : sa production. Oui, je dis bien sa production. Il nous faut produire plus, il nous faut produire mieux.

C’est donc sur l’offre qu’il faut agir. Sur l’offre ! France is often pointed to as the “sick man of Europe”. François Hollande has tackled the second half of his mandate subscribing to this view. From the time of Say and Ricardo the classical economists have taught that supply creates its own demand; meaning by this in some significant, but not clearly defined, sense that the whole of the costs of production must necessarily be spent in the aggregate, directly or indirectly, on purchasing the product. Yes, this is chapter two of Keynes’ General Theory (bold is mine), where he famously challenges the (neo)classical view that price changes can generate demand capable of absorbing any level of supply.

Does this mean that all is well in France? I am sure Hollande could do better than this… Like this: Like Loading... Three arguments about climate change that should never be used. Stop me if you've heard any of these before: "The warming is just part of a natural cycle. " "We've been warming up since the last ice age. " "To think humanity can influence the climate is pure arrogance. " If you haven't heard these arguments before, it's clearly because you've never read any of the discussions attached to our climate articles. One or more of these statements appear in just about every single climate article we run, which is made even more disappointing by the fact that these arguments are ludicrously, laughably wrong. People should be embarrassed to be making them (although I'd imagine most are oblivious to that fact).

In an attempt to forestall further public humiliation, I'm going to explain why, exactly, they're such terrible arguments. “The warming is just part of a natural cycle” Is this a natural cycle? “We’ve been warming up since the last ice age” OK, so maybe there's something very subtle and longer-term going on around here. Amelia Earhart: Breaking Barriers of Earth and Sky | Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Editor's Note: This post is part of a series produced by HuffPost's Girls In STEM Mentorship Program. Join the community as we discuss issues affecting women in science, technology, engineering and math. If Amelia Earhart were alive today, there is a good chance she would be a NASA astronaut. I say that, not only because of Earhart's noted passion for breaking barriers of possibility in flight, but also for her determination to break barriers of exclusion here on Earth.

At a time when women and minorities were rarely seen in the cockpit of an airplane, Amelia Earhart's pioneering achievements broke the silence barrier, inspired a nation and paved the way for so many others who have followed in her path. She holds a special place in our hearts at NASA. It is no secret that the requirement that our earliest astronauts be military test pilots essentially precluded applications from women. "If Amelia Earhart were alive today, there is a good chance she would be a NASA astronaut. " The Secret Life of San Francisco Street Performers. Thirty-five years ago, Robert Nelson stepped onto a small platform in the unlit courtyard of a San Francisco pier, raised his arms to the fog, and began to juggle. It was muggy and dark, and few were there to witness the show. In its infant stages, Pier 39 and had yet to develop into a tourist metropolis.

But Nelson, The Butterfly Man, seemed content merely pursuing his artistic visions as a street performer. Street performing was in vogue long before The Butterfly Man. In a 1718 memoir, Ben Franklin recalls reciting "grub-street ballad[s]" in the cobbled pathways of Boston for change. "It seems strange…that she should throw away her melody in the streets for the mere chance of a penny, when sounds not a hundredth part so sweet are worth from other lips purses of gold. " But it wasn’t until the late 1960's that performers began to make names for themselves on the streets of San Francisco. Norbert Yancey (twentyfouratheart) Then, of course, there is the World Famous Bushman. Jordan B. Cette fois, il est temps de supprimer le Sénat. - Serge Dassault et Charles Pasqua sur les bancs de Sénat, le 22 octobre 2000.

REUTERS/Charles Platiau - C'est vraiment la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase. Pour la deuxième fois en mois d’un an, le bureau du Sénat a refusé, mercredi 9 janvier, la levée de l’immunité parlementaire de Serge Dassault (UMP), demandée par la justice. Le sénateur de l’Essonne, ciblé par une très sérieuse enquête sur des achats de voix lors d'élections à Corbeil-Essonnes, a échappé de justesse à cette levée de protection. Les socialistes, qui ne disposent pas de la majorité absolue au bureau (neuf sièges sur un total de quatorze pour la gauche, contre douze pour la droite), et jurent qu’aucun traître ne figurent en leurs rangs, en sont sortis furieux, pour ne pas dire verts de rage... publicité Sur fond de discrédit de la classe politique, réputée protégée les siens, ce triste épisode n’est pas de nature à redorer le blason de l’action publique.

Jospin avait raison «Le Sénat est une anomalie démocratique.» Etat de droit et propagande : est-il possible de nier l’évidence ? Pour conclure cette série d’articles sur les révélations de Snowden établissant une surveillance totale de la population, sans que grand monde ne vienne contredire cette théorie digne d’une conspiration tirée d’un James Bond, il semblait nécessaire de revenir sur quelques événements majeurs.

Comme le coup d’Etat au Chili en 1973, l’assassinat de Kennedy et les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Mais revenir aussi sur des concepts centraux et déjà traités sur Reflets, comme la fabrique du consentement et l’influence de masse. La problématique centrale des Etats de droit depuis des décennies, comme cela était stipulé dans le précédent article « Bien avant #Prism, #StellarWind : allo Houston, il y a un problème ? » reste avant toute chose le consentement des populations. Agir avec le consentement. Convaincre. Une nation comme les Etats-Unis a un long passé de manipulations révélées, reconnues, de ses services secrets.

Complots, conspirations et conformité normative. Less than half of U.S. Republicans now believe in evolution. Okay, fine. I'll be the lone dissenter. I'm college educated. I understand the processes and theories behind evolution well enough to ace sophomore levels of college biology, but that's where I moved on to my major coursework, so I'll admit I'm not an expert but I believe I have a rather thorough understanding of evolution. That being said, I have to say I do not believe in darwinian evolution as the origin of man. I am, (prepare yourselves,) a creationist. In my mid-twenties I abandoned my faith, (term chosen carefully,) in evolution based on epistemological reasoning. So why then did I change sides? To shorted things up I read a huge book called Evidence for Christianity by Josh McDowell and yes there are counterpoints to that and I won't go into it right now.

My main point is not to convert anyone. Backdoor Pharmacist Is Dreaming of a High Christmas. Whenever people talk about drug decriminalization or much more radical drug legalization, opponents point towards the crime and sickness that’s in actually existing drug culture today. This is an implicit question they are asking is: “so what is your alternative?” What we should want is a world where recreational drugs are unified under one framework. What we have today, is a trillion dollar “War on Drugs”, that has seen drugs become cheaper, more powerful, greatly enriched drug cartels, and sent prison budgets and populations skyrocketing. To underscore the futility of Nixon’s war, are the unending waves of new synthetic drugs, often initially created by a legitimate pharmaceutical company or university as part of their medical research. The natural world is full of examples of other animals that get high. This idea is not impossible; it is achievable. However let’s not fool ourselves — nicotine, ethanol, caffeine, are drugs.

This is not a pipe dream. So what of the addicts? Sex workers need more than condoms and shelters. In the ongoing debate on the law’s response to sex work, it has not been forgotten that sex workers have pressing health needs. However, the debate is still very much focused on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and simplistic, individualised responses to violence. As research I and others have produced shows, sex workers' needs are more complex than this, and require imaginative and ambitious responses. While taking care of sexual health is paramount for people who sell sex, the treatment of STIs is only one aspect of health that needs to be addressed.

Violence, problems with drugs and alcohol, unstable housing and mental health are often far more significant. These problems may be worsened by inadequate social policies, and an enforcement-based approach to sex work that further marginalises sex workers. The available data suggest that among sex workers in the UK, the prevalence of STIs is in fact low – even among groups perceived to be at greater risk, such as migrants. What works. Only a minority of UK sex workers have been trafficked.

The moral panic on the supposed prevalence of trafficking in the global sex industry rests on a lie: that the majority of sex workers are trafficked. In fact, the opposite is true. However, on the basis of this fiction, the dangerous abolitionist campaigns in favour of the criminalisation of clients as a way to fight trafficking are gaining ground in several EU countries, inspired by the example set by Sweden in 1998. The most relevant problem with the approach aiming at abolishing prostitution through the criminalisation of clients is that it has the potential to further criminalise the entire sex industry, which as a result would be pushed underground, therefore making it easier for sex workers to be exploited and trafficked.

This is what happened in London in the aftermath of the Policing and Crime Act 2009 which which made it illegal to purchase or attempt to purchase sexual services from a person subjected to force. Minority report Stigma and risk Click to enlarge Understanding consent. Légalisation du cannabis: Daniel Vaillant, un pragmatique bien seul en France. Chaque fois qu'il s'exprime sur le sujet, Daniel Vaillant se sent obligé de rappeler qu'il n'a «jamais fumé un seul joint» et qu'il n'est «pas pour la consommation». Car c'est ainsi: dans beaucoup de pays, et peut-être plus en France qu'ailleurs, prôner une autre approche du cannabis que la prohibition et la répression vous classe dans la même catégorie que les manifestants brandissant chaque année leurs pétards pour fêter l'«appel du 18 joint».

L'ancien ministre de l'Intérieur de Lionel Jospin est une figure atypique dans le paysage des partisans de la légalisation du cannabis. Ce social-démocrate pure souche n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec les libéraux anglo-saxons qui mènent le combat à l'international et dont le journal de référence, The Economist, vient de décerner à l'Uruguay le titre de «pays de l'année» pour sa légalisation contrôlée de toute la filière du cannabis.

Publicité «Il y a une forme d'hypocrisie, regrette Vaillant. 2003, le déclic «Ce type est un peu malade» Why Are Textbooks So Expensive? Source: John Lui on Flickr Editors note: The following is guest post by Zachary Crockett, who used to work in textbook publishing. Textbooks were not always so expensive. College Board recently estimated that the average student spends upwards of $1,200 per year on textbooks. (This figure is much higher for students at for-profit colleges and trade schools.) At some point during the 1970s, books started to get expensive. After extensively complaining about book prices during my time in college, I went on to work for one of the "Big 3" publishers in the United States. Textbooks have long been criticized by the media and student interest groups for being grossly overpriced. Source: American Enterprise Institute While much research, marketing, and specialized knowledge factors into the creation of a college textbook, it seems hard to justify an 812% increase in price since 1978 — more than double the increase in home prices over the same time period (see graphic above).

Bookstore Markup Profit. Choice on offer in brothels not consistent with sex trafficking. All those likes and upvotes are bad news for democracy. Political polarisation: United States of Amoeba. How Partisan Is Congress, Anyways? Prostitution in the Nordic Countries. Les logiques contradictoires de l’Europe de l’électricité. OGM : un débat à reprendre - Entretien avec Marion Guillou. State Gun Laws Enacted in the Year Since Newtown - Interactive Graphic. Democracy Wiki. Kazakhstan shows how dictators can survive diversity.

The uncomfortable racial preferences revealed by online dating. Honesty in Politics | Reality Prose.

Sex Equality

Monde Politique. Immigration. Crime. La loi «anti-Amazon», une loi Maginot qui protège les commerçants, pas les lecteurs. A l'Assemblée, un débat lyrique sur le prix du livre et Amazon. L'heure H: le moment clé de François Hollande est arrivé. La France a-t-elle l'Etat le plus bête du monde? The Survey Bay. Insects are key for food security in a growing world. L'Inde gagne le droit de voter «non» Must-See Chart: Cost Of PV Cells Has Dropped An Amazing 99% Since 1977, Bringing Solar Power To Grid Parity. «Si on s’engage sur 5% de chômeurs et qu’à l’arrivée il y en a 10...» Explore the world’s constitutions with a new online tool. Troll-Killing Patent Reform One Step Closer. Tabac : des députés européens fichés par Philip Morris. Why we need an independent Parliamentary Budget Office. c4248. How Minimum Wage Makes Workers Unskilled. Diamonds Are Bullshit. France 2, la chaîne qui est restée scotchée à l'année 1998.

De-dupe time: GAO finds $321 million in redundant government IT spending. U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)


Big Affairs. Economie. Santé. Numeric world. Education. Nationnal Politics. Information & Journalisme. Science & Society. Geopolitics. MagSafe For Headphones Is Here (And Patents Have Already Killed It) Spotify: y a-t-il des droits d'auteur sur les compilations? Biker Hit by Car, Punched by Motorist: Anti-Bike Road Rage Incidents on the Rise. Into the night with Garry Kasparov and Peter Thiel. The 59 Countries That Are Most Prepared To Handle An Uncertain Future. Your tax dollars at work: Inside the United States’ $52.6B “black budget”

How to Tackle the Vicodin Abuse Problem. Le directeur de la NSA se fait chahuter lors de la Black Hat. Assemblée buissonnière: votre député est-il pénalisé pour ses absences? Des extrémistes russes utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour attaquer les jeunes LGBT. Surveillance Footage Saves Shop Owner from Police Informant Set-Up. Les outils pour reconstruire l'Europe. Daily chart: Antique cabinets. 14 reasons why this is the worst Congress ever. Nouvelle constitution en Islande : la conspiration du silence... Evasion fiscale  The Messy History Of Political Parties. La gentille milice du village. WISE - World Innovation Summit for Education. Russell Brand - 2012-04-24 - Committee on Addiction (complete)

Things China Does Better Than Us, And It's Not Even Close. FOIA Machine Could Make Freedom of Information Requests Easier. Bilderberg Meetings | The official website. Bilderberg Group. Une ONG dénonce la présence "massive" des entreprises européennes dans les paradis fiscaux. 30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison. Hotels. Cinq propositions en plus pour le logiciel français - Informatique., l'actualité politique.