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Wp-content/uploads/2014/04/RSTREET20.pdf. Legislative Explorer. Legislative Explorer. A deluge of data is challenging scientific researchers across disciplines to develop new techniques for detecting patterns in large and complex datasets.

Legislative Explorer

This general area of research is known as data-driven discovery, or ‘D3.’ Visualizations are a particularly important area of innovation because they help researchers to investigate complex processes at a more holistic level. The goal of Legislative Explorer is to leverage the same benefits of data-driven visualizations to advance understanding of government.

Anyone can use Legislative Explorer to observe large scale patterns and trends in congressional lawmaking without advanced methodological training. An exploration of cultural production. Pantheon, a project from the Macro Connections group at The MIT Media Lab, explores cultural influences across countries and domains.

An exploration of cultural production

To make our efforts tractable, Pantheon will not focus on culture, as it is understood in its broadest sense, but on cultural production. In a broad sense, culture can be understood as all of the information that humans—or animals [1]—generate and transmit through non-genetic means [2]. At Pantheon, however, we do not focus on the entire range of cultural information, but in a subset of this information that we define narrowly as cultural production. Meet Loomio, the small-scale decision-making platform with the biggest ambitions.

Technology can enable many things, both good and bad.

Meet Loomio, the small-scale decision-making platform with the biggest ambitions

In the case of democracy, we’ve recently seen how technology can concentrate power through surveillance, but there’s a clear flipside too – social media gives more people a powerful voice, and it’s a lot easier to organize people around an idea these days. But what of decision-making? Oui, la publication de Séralini est un poison.

Stewart Brand’s Reading List: 76 Books to Sustain and Rebuild Humanity. By Maria Popova From Homer to home health, by way of Shakespeare, conceptual physics, and a gender-imbalance lament.

Stewart Brand’s Reading List: 76 Books to Sustain and Rebuild Humanity

UPDATE: The folks at the Long Now kindly invited me to contribute my own reading list — see it here. On the heels of Brian Eno’s reading list comes another installment in the Long Now Foundation’s effort to assemble 3,500 books most essential for sustaining or rebuilding humanity, as part of their collaboratively curated library for long-term thinking, the Manual for Civilization.

Only one lament: One would’ve hoped that a lens on rebuilding human civilization would transcend the hegemony of the white male slant and would, at minimum, include a more equal gender balance of perspectives — of Brand’s 76 books, only one is written by a woman, one features a female co-author, and one is edited by a woman. Sorry Banks, Millennials Hate You. When Scratch polled 10,000 millennials to find out which industry was most prime for disruption, the results were clear: Not only did banks make up four of their top 10 most hated brands, but millennials increasingly viewed these financial institutions as irrelevant.

Sorry Banks, Millennials Hate You

The three-year study from Scratch, an in-house unit of Viacom that consults with brands, found that a third of millennials believed they'll be able to live a bank-free existence in the future. In the age of Simple, Square, and Bitcoin, these millennials, defined as those born between 1981 and 2000, overwhelmingly believed that the way they access money and pay for things will be completely different in five years. "As consumers, millennials have been slow to accumulate wealth. They have huge debt. They're facing unprecedented underemployment. Which Companies Dominate Your State's Politics? Pourquoi si peu de morts sur les routes suédoises.

L'organisation des Etats fédéraux : démocratie, répartition des compétences, Etat de droit et efficacité de l'action publique. L'organisation des Etats fédéraux : démocratie, répartition des compétences, Etat de droit et efficacité de l'action publique. In cyber-war, you could change history at the touch of a button. Not all violence in war and conflict is simply strategic.

In cyber-war, you could change history at the touch of a button

And not all the destruction that takes place is a consequence of territorial or geopolitical objectives. Taking over the next village, blocking a trade route or destroying the critical infrastructure that supports everyday life are the fundamentals of strategic advance but other actions are intended to undermine morale and have a psychological impact on the victim. The degradation of the urban environment, or urbicide, is one such action. This is the destruction or desecration of buildings, the eradication of public space, the attempt to erase history and memory through attacks on libraries and sites of historical importance. Regulating Mass Surveillance as Privacy Pollution: Learning from Environmental Impact Statements by A. Michael Froomkin. US law has remarkably little to say about mass surveillance in public, a failure which has allowed the surveillance to grow at an alarming rate -- a rate that is only set to increase.

Regulating Mass Surveillance as Privacy Pollution: Learning from Environmental Impact Statements by A. Michael Froomkin

This article proposes 'Privacy Impact Notices' (PINS) -- modeled on Environmental Impact Statements -- as an initial solution to this problem. Data collection in public (and in the home via public spaces) resembles an externality imposed on the person whose privacy is reduced involuntarily; it can also be seen as a market failure caused by an information asymmetry. Current doctrinal legal tools available to respond to the deployment of mass surveillance technologies are limited and inadequate. The article proposes that -- as a first step towards figuring out how to understand, value, and ultimately regulate this mass-privacy-destroying behavior -- we should borrow from the environmental movement and require anyone planning a large-scale public data collection program to file a Privacy Impact Notice (PIN).

Brian Eno’s Reading List: 20 Essential Books for Sustaining Civilization. By Maria Popova Deconstructing a magnificent mind through his reading diet for intellectual survival.

Brian Eno’s Reading List: 20 Essential Books for Sustaining Civilization

UPDATE: The folks from the Long Now have kindly asked me to contribute to the Manual for Civilization library — here is my own reading list. There is something inescapably alluring about the reading lists of cultural icons, perhaps because in recognizing that creativity is combinatorial and fueled by networked knowledge, we intuitively long to emulate the greatness of an admired mind by replicating the bits and pieces, in this case the ideas found in beloved books, that went into constructing it.

After the reading lists of Carl Sagan, Alan Turing, Nick Cave, and David Bowie, now comes one from Brian Eno — pioneering musician, wise diarist, oblique strategist of creativity — compiled for the Long Now Foundation’s Manual for Civilization, a collaboratively curated library for long-term thinking. Pour une meilleure visibilité de la recherche française 2/3 : Gestion des informations tout au long du cycle de vie de la recherche. IPCC Working Group I.

Politician wants to raise greenhouse gas limits, for the plants. A Utah politician is angling to prevent his state from regulating greenhouse gas emissions because, he claims, we need more CO2 in the atmosphere, and not less.

Politician wants to raise greenhouse gas limits, for the plants

Rep. Jerry Anderson (R), who is, troublingly, a former science teacher, stated that plants need the extra carbon dioxide and that he "think[s] we could double the carbon dioxide and not have any adverse effects. " A Zen Priest explains how spirituality will evolve in the future. As long as people need an emotional crutch to go on with life because they can't stand it at face value there will be religions and ideologies.

A Zen Priest explains how spirituality will evolve in the future

You say that like it's a bad thing. Like everyone should just have the mental fortitude to be able to be unaffected by a chat with Cthulhu itself. We need to rely on others, if that's an "emotional crutch", fine then. I prefer to hope for a future when human beings are mentally stronger and healthier than the current minds prone to imperfections due to evolution. Long shot, but worthy of pursuing. Can You Live on the Minimum Wage? More than 4.8 million workers now earn the lowest legal pay. This calculator, for a single childless worker, shows the hard choices that have to be made living on the smallest paychecks. Start by choosing your state: Tally your living expenses by entering what you think is the least you need for each item. You may find that even your rock-bottom expenses aren’t met and that you have to work more hours, pay your bills late, borrow money or do without.

Related Editorial » Minority languages fight for survival in the digital age. Language is about much more than just about talking to each other; it’s one of the bases of identity and culture. But as the world becomes increasingly globalised and reliant on technology, English has been reinforced once again as the lingua franca. The technological infrastructure that now dominates our working and private lives is overwhelmingly in English, which means minority languages are under threat more than ever. Stanislas Kraland: Ce que veut le Parti Pirate. How would humanity change if we knew aliens existed? Controverse documentée à propos de quelques idées reçues sur l’agriculture, l’alimentation et la forêt. Episode n°1 : « Nous ne pourrons pas nourrir 9,5 milliards de personnes en 2050 » Crowdfunding Platform for Science Research Grants. The sub-prime crisis was predictable, and we're making the same mistakes again. The US has wasted its “sub-prime” mortgage crisis.

The story of how and why this has happened is of interest not only for its own sake, but for the broader themes it reveals. I am a theoretically trained economist who started investigating US housing finance markets more than 20 years ago. Nobel laureate Robert Shiller and I separately made proposals to reduce systemic risk in the market. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Actor Kevin Spacey, Georgetown's Ron Klain Discuss Politics and Ethics. Gender Inequality: Map Shows Places With the Least Equality for Women. This Is Not A Conspiracy Theory. This is Not a Conspiracy Theory (Part 1) Does America hate millennials?

The problems with student loans that are crippling a generation of young Americans may be well-documented. But when it comes to solutions, the conversation has been strikingly narrow, failing to explore the superior systems of other nations – and whether we view education in entirely the wrong way here in America. In Britain, students don’t begin paying off their loans until they find stable employment, and the cost is in proportion to their earnings. Australia similarly ties the cost of paying off the loan to the income of the graduate. La puissance commerciale de la Chine en 5 graphiques. Why Does the Government Have a Monopoly on Lotteries? States that run lotteries in blue. Source: Wikipedia They are available in convenience stores and gas stations around the country: lottery tickets, scratchers… the chance to win a fortune. Or, more often, $3. Like any form of gambling, buying lottery tickets essentially amounts to throwing money away: The expected value of buying a $1 ticket is around 50 cents.

But even if you know the odds, there is something to enjoy. Sparse Thoughts of a Gloomy European Economist. Three arguments about climate change that should never be used. Amelia Earhart: Breaking Barriers of Earth and Sky. The Secret Life of San Francisco Street Performers. Cette fois, il est temps de supprimer le Sénat. Etat de droit et propagande : est-il possible de nier l’évidence ?

Less than half of U.S. Republicans now believe in evolution. Backdoor Pharmacist Is Dreaming of a High Christmas. Sex workers need more than condoms and shelters. Only a minority of UK sex workers have been trafficked. Légalisation du cannabis: Daniel Vaillant, un pragmatique bien seul en France. Why Are Textbooks So Expensive? Choice on offer in brothels not consistent with sex trafficking.

All those likes and upvotes are bad news for democracy. Political polarisation: United States of Amoeba. How Partisan Is Congress, Anyways? Prostitution in the Nordic Countries. Les logiques contradictoires de l’Europe de l’électricité. OGM : un débat à reprendre - Entretien avec Marion Guillou. State Gun Laws Enacted in the Year Since Newtown - Interactive Graphic. Democracy Wiki. Kazakhstan shows how dictators can survive diversity.

The uncomfortable racial preferences revealed by online dating. Honesty in Politics.

Sex Equality

Monde Politique. Immigration. Crime. La loi «anti-Amazon», une loi Maginot qui protège les commerçants, pas les lecteurs. A l'Assemblée, un débat lyrique sur le prix du livre et Amazon. L'heure H: le moment clé de François Hollande est arrivé. La France a-t-elle l'Etat le plus bête du monde? The Survey Bay. Insects are key for food security in a growing world. L'Inde gagne le droit de voter «non» Must-See Chart: Cost Of PV Cells Has Dropped An Amazing 99% Since 1977, Bringing Solar Power To Grid Parity. «Si on s’engage sur 5% de chômeurs et qu’à l’arrivée il y en a 10...» Explore the world’s constitutions with a new online tool. Troll-Killing Patent Reform One Step Closer. Tabac : des députés européens fichés par Philip Morris. Why we need an independent Parliamentary Budget Office.

c4248. How Minimum Wage Makes Workers Unskilled. Diamonds Are Bullshit. France 2, la chaîne qui est restée scotchée à l'année 1998. De-dupe time: GAO finds $321 million in redundant government IT spending. U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)


Big Affairs. Economie. Santé. Numeric world. Education. Nationnal Politics. Information & Journalisme. Science & Society. Geopolitics. MagSafe For Headphones Is Here (And Patents Have Already Killed It) Spotify: y a-t-il des droits d'auteur sur les compilations? Biker Hit by Car, Punched by Motorist: Anti-Bike Road Rage Incidents on the Rise.