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How to Cut a Lime in half with a cigarette! - Scam School. How to throw cards like Gambit! - Scam School. Nontransitive dice. A set of dice is nontransitive if it contains three dice, A, B, and C, with the property that A rolls higher than B more than half the time, and B rolls higher than C more than half the time, but it's not true that A rolls higher than C more than half the time.

Nontransitive dice

In other words, a set of dice is nontransitive if its "rolls a higher number than more than half the time" relation is not transitive. It is possible to find sets of dice with the even stronger property that, for each die in the set, there is another die that rolls a higher number than it more than half the time. Using such a set of dice, one can invent games which are biased in ways that people used to transitive dice might not expect (see Example). Example[edit] Use Non-Transitive Dice to cheat your friends! - Scam School.

Look like a card shark with the one-handed cut! - Scam School. Learn how to eat some balls of fire! - Scam School. Freeze a beer in two seconds - Magic Trick. Keith Barry does brain magic. How to Open a Beer Bottle With a Dollar Bill Video. How to Cheat and Win a Drinking Race - Scam School. Dimes in a Shotglass - Scam School.
