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Louismullie (Louis Mullie) Louismullie/treat. Manual · louismullie/treat Wiki. Installation Installing Treat Core You can install Treat as a gem: gem install treat Or clone the git repo: git clone Getting Language Packages A language package is a set of dependencies that Treat uses for a given language.

Manual · louismullie/treat Wiki

You can install a package through a Ruby program or IRB session: require 'treat'Treat::Core::Installer.install 'english' Quick Tour · louismullie/treat Wiki. DSL for textual entities Treat is built around a tree structure that represents a wide variety of structural elements found within a text, from text collections, to documents, paragraphs and words.

Quick Tour · louismullie/treat Wiki

The Treat DSL (which can be included by calling include Treat::Core::DSL) allows you to easily build these textual entities from the data you have. For example, the following will load each file found in the folder into a collection object: c = collection '. /folder' Documents can be created from various formats. D = document 'text.txt'd = document 'page.html'd = document 'essay.doc'd = document 'paper.pdf' You can even directly load in images with Google Ocropus installed: d = document 'image.jpg' Use port install ocropus poppler antiword graphviz to install all binaries that Treat supports. The Stanford NLP (Natural Language Processing) Group. A Suite of Core NLP Tools About | Citing | Download | Usage | SUTime | Sentiment | Adding Annotators | Caseless Models | Shift Reduce Parser | Extensions | Questions | Mailing lists | Online demo | FAQ | Release history About Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools which can take raw text input and give the base forms of words, their parts of speech, whether they are names of companies, people, etc., normalize dates, times, and numeric quantities, and mark up the structure of sentences in terms of phrases and word dependencies, indicate which noun phrases refer to the same entities, indicate sentiment, etc.

The Stanford NLP (Natural Language Processing) Group

Stanford CoreNLP is an integrated framework. Its goal is to make it very easy to apply a bunch of linguistic analysis tools to a piece of text. Citing Stanford CoreNLP If you're just running the CoreNLP pipeline, please cite this CoreNLP demo paper. Download Download Stanford CoreNLP version 3.5.2. GitHub: Here is the Stanford CoreNLP GitHub site. Usage. Louismullie/stanford-core-nlp. Making Stuff Up Since 1994. Making Stuff Up Since 1994. Artificial intelligence - Natural Language Processing in Ruby. The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Open Source Project on Ohloh. The Ruby Linguistics Open Source Project on Ohloh. Making Stuff Up Since 1994. Ged / Linguistics. Ged/linguistics. Making Stuff Up Since 1994. Ruby Linguistics Toolkit. Add linguistics functions for the specified languages to Ruby's core classes.

Ruby Linguistics Toolkit

The interface to all linguistic functions for a given language is through a method which is the same the language's international 2- or 3-letter code (ISO 639). You can also specify a Hash of configuration options which control which classes are extended: :classes Specify the classes which are to be extended. If this is not specified, the Class objects in Linguistics::DEFAULT_EXT_CLASSES (an Array) are extended. :monkeypatch Monkeypatch directly (albeit responsibly, via a mixin) the specified classes instead of adding a single language-code method. def self::use( *languages ) config = languages.pop if languages.last.is_a?