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Site Structure. When confronted with a new and complex information system, users build mental models.

Site Structure

They use these models to assess relations among topics and to guess where to find things they haven’t seen before. The success of the organization of your web site will be determined largely by how well your site’s information architecture matches your users’ expectations. A logical, consistently named site organization allows users to make successful predictions about where to find things. Consistent methods of organizing and displaying information permit users to extend their knowledge from familiar pages to unfamiliar ones. If you mislead users with a structure that is neither logical nor predictable, or constantly uses different or ambiguous terms to describe site features, users will be frustrated by the difficulties of getting around and understanding what you have to offer. Figure 3.1 — Don’t make a confusing web of links. Factory method pattern.

Factory method pattern in UML Definition[edit] The essence of this pattern is to "Define an interface for creating an object, but let the classes that implement the interface decide which class to instantiate.

Factory method pattern

The Factory method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. "[3] The factory method pattern relies on inheritance, as object creation is delegated to subclasses that implement the factory method to create objects.[4] What are best practices for reusing tiny snippets of code across projects? This Q&A is part of a weekly series of posts highlighting common questions encountered by technophiles and answered by users at Stack Exchange, a free, community-powered network of 100+ Q&A sites.

What are best practices for reusing tiny snippets of code across projects?

Stack Exchange user and C# developer George Powell tries hard to follow the DRY principle. But as any good dev knows, it's not always possible, or even optimal, to stay original. Powell writes: Often I write small methods (maybe 10 to 15 lines of code) that need to be reused across two projects that can't reference each other. The method might be something to do with networking / strings / MVVM etc. and is a generally useful method not specific to the project it originally sits in. So how should you track shared snippets across projects so you know where your canonical code resides and know where it's in production when a bug needs to be fixed? See the original question here. How I Taught Myself to Code in Eight Weeks. Recursion or while loops: Which is better?

This Q&A is part of a weekly series of posts highlighting common questions encountered by technophiles and answered by users at Stack Exchange, a free, community-powered network of 100+ Q&A sites.

Recursion or while loops: Which is better?

It's a response often encountered during technical interviews: "OK, you solved the problem with a while loop, now do it with recursion. " Or vice versa. Stack Exchange user Shivan Dragon has encountered the problem and he knows how to answer: show that you're able to code both ways. Give the interviewer what he wants. But which method is generally preferable? See the original question here. What's the problem that needs to be solved? Jk. answers (20 votes): It depends. Some problems are very amenable to recursive solutions e.g. quicksortSome languages don't really support recursion e.g. early FORTRANsSome languages assume recursion as a primary means for looping e.g. Convertir une image en CSS. Si vous pratiquez l'envoi de newsletters dans lesquelles vous avez mis des images, vous avez peut être remarqué que la plupart des webmails et clients mails bloquaient les images.

Convertir une image en CSS

Gmail, Yahoo! , Hotmail, c'est toujours à vous d'autoriser l'affichage des images dans les emails. Et pourtant il existe un moyen de les afficher quand même malgré ce blocage. Plus t’es vieux, plus t’es fort ! Plus t’es vieux, plus t’es fort !

Plus t’es vieux, plus t’es fort !

Stackoverflow, communauté de développeurs (en langue anglaise), a rendu public les données sur les personnes inscrites à son service. Sur 70 000 inscrits, un blogger du nom de Peter Knego a eu la bonne idée d'extraire 37 400 profils où les personnes avaient précisé leur age. A partir de là, il a pu déterminer l'age moyen des développeurs en fonction de leur niveau de réputation sur le site. Première stat, la majorité des développeurs inscrits sur le site ont entre 25 et 28 ans. Monter une Time Machine Apple sous Linux. Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and the FACS Manual. Forked from: [BetweenAS3]uzumaki. #12510 DTC. Binary - it's digitalicious! Créer une application portable. Unified Modeling Language. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose modeling language in the field of software engineering, which is designed to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.[1] It was created and developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh at Rational Software during 1994–95 with further development led by them through 1996.[1]

Unified Modeling Language

F.A.Q. Business-Objects. Object-oriented programming. Overview[edit] Rather than structure programs as code and data, an object-oriented system integrates the two using the concept of an "object".

Object-oriented programming

An object has state (data) and behavior (code). Objects correspond to things found in the real world. So for example, a graphics program will have objects such as circle, square, menu. An online shopping system will have objects such as shopping cart, customer, product. If a programming language was a boat… This one is inspired by a recent forum post, that still leaves me in amazement.

If a programming language was a boat…

Hi, Im wondering how i can create a boat in turing and if someone can post a example. This makes no sense, since one doesn’t normally make water vehicles in Turing, the programming language. Untitled. Quel est LE livre que tout développeur doit lire absolument ? Celui qui vous a le plus marqué et inspiré. Les meilleurs livres pour le développement WEB. Les meilleurs livres pour le développement WEB.

Le livre sur MySQL 5 est vraiment très complet sur ce que peut être ce SGBDR.

Les meilleurs livres pour le développement WEB

Tous les meilleurs livres pour le WEB. Les meilleurs livres pour le développement WEB. Le livre sur MySQL 5 est vraiment très complet sur ce que peut être ce SGBDR. On pourra y voir les notions fondamentales des bases de données sur ce que peut être une base de données (BDD), les cas d'utilisations, et tout le système afin de permettre, aussi bien au débutant qu'à l'expert désireux de pousser ses connaissances, de pouvoir manipuler cet outil.