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View topic - Complete Ships Guide [SPOILERS] Figured a main post thread where everything is consolidated and explained is in order. This guide will detail how to unlock every ship, as well as have a picture of both A and B types and detail anything of note about them. I have not unlocked the Federation B Type yet, so if anyone has a picture that would be great.

Likewise, I do not know the new/easier requirements to unlock ships, such as for the Mantis ship, so if anyone can provides, that would be equally great. Also, if anyone has exact text for the dialogue options, that would be appreciated. Each Ship and Type B can be unlocked in Easy, and will still be unlocked when playing Normal. To find a larger image of each ship, click on either the "Ship: Name" or "Type B. " Ship: The Kestral Cruiser 16 Fuel, 8 Missiles, 0 Drones, 10 Scrap, 8 Power Bars To Unlock: >It's the starting ship, dummy! Notes: Standard ship, not much to say. Type B: 16 Fuel, 5 Missiles, 0 Drones, 10 Scrap, 8 Power Bars Notes: The Glaive Beam is amazing strong. Notes: Events - FTLWiki - FTL: Faster Than Light community wiki. Text-based events are encountered throughout the game. Depending on the choices made, the outcomes will be different.

Choices in blue are usually good choices to make and will only be unlocked if a certain asset has been acquired, i.e. a Slug crew member, an Anti-Bio Beam, et cetera. The following events occur in unmarked beacons. [edit] #Wife of The Grand Basilisk of Numa V This event takes place in the Rock Homeworlds. A Rock captain hails you: "It is improper of me to contact off-worlders, but this is an emergency! Accept the passenger "You surprise me off-worlder. [edit] #Slug Ships in Communication Range This event takes place in Slug-controlled Nebulae You arrive in sight of two Slug ships in communication range. Tap their comm frequency. [edit] #Strange Signal You catch glimpse of a strange signal coming from a nearby station before your sensors shut off unexpectedly. [edit] #Mantis vs. Local sensors pick up two ships engaged in a heated battle. [edit] #Slavers Demand Crew-Member.

► WTF Is... - Awesomenauts (PC) ? X: Beyond The Frontier | Space Game Junkie. Take This Box of Super for 50% Off! Thanks to Daniele over on Facebook for pointing this out. Apparently Steam’s Midweek Madness is to sell the entire X Superbox for 50% off, or $20. You also can get the games individually for half off as well. This amounts to: for $2.49 for $2.49 for $2.49 for $4.99 for $7.99 (which reqires ) for $4.99 Or the whole for $19.99. Not a bad deal, if you ask me. We've got more info on Albion Prelude and Rebirth... When was announced last week , I was as surprised as anyone. When I came out of that shock, I contacted the PR folks covering and asked for more info. Continue reading “X3: Albion Prelude Q&A – Freedom, Conflict and The Future” » This...purple thing...and more can be yours for a song! As part of GamersGate’s Thanksgiving sale , they’re having a sale on all of the games by Egosoft . The for $20 if you want all of the games in one go.

The original for $3. The standalone expansion for $3. for $3.50. for for $4.98. for for $7.48. Enemy Unknown. Ships - FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki. Planetside 2 Gameplay E3 2012 Demo - IGN Live. Endless Space sur Steam. For any fan of Sci-Fi, Space Opera or just enthusiast of space Endless Space is a real treat of a game to pick up. The visual style of the game is simplified but it works extremely well for the game and it has a really appealing design which is gentle for eyes. Especially the space and the stars look just gorgeous. The music enhances the feeling of being in space well and it is one of my favorite soundtracks ever. The gameplay is the usual for any 4X game but it's very well polished making it one of the better ones. Still depending on your skill level with 4X games Endless Space might not be the most hardcore game out there, but for someone who casually enjoys the more popular ones such as Civ 5 it's a fun game to play and offers a good amount of challenge.

Also the effort put into creating the endless universe seems quite passionate and it is an interesting one to digest more into!