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Math & Related Computer Science. Maths E.G. Mathematical Study Skills. Mathematics resources - or. Little Proof by Induction. Khan Academy. Proof by induction FP1 further pure mathematics. Completing the Square: Finding the Vertex. {*style:<i><b>Completing the Square: The vertex form of a quadratic is given by = ( – ) 2 + , where ( , ) is the vertex.

The " " in the vertex form is the same " " as in = 2 + + (that is, both 's have exactly the same value). The sign on " " tells you whether the quadratic opens up or opens down. Factoring Quadratics: The Simple Case. Factoring Quadratics: The Simple Case (page 1 of 4) Sections: The simple case, The hard case, The weird case A "quadratic" is a polynomial that looks like "ax2 + bx + c", where "a", "b", and "c" are just numbers.

Factoring Quadratics: The Simple Case

For the easy case of factoring, you will find two numbers that will not only multiply to equal the constant term "c", but also add up to equal "b", the coefficient on the x-term. For instance: Spask.

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