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Digital portfolios

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Giving Students Meaningful Work:Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning. What if Darwin had a Smartphone? ShareThis Back in the day, science was often relegated to wealthy, self-funded explorers and “gentlemen scientists” the likes of Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin, and Isaac Newton. One could argue that they were the original “citizen scientists” but back then you had to have money and time to explore the world and formulate big thoughts. For the average citizen, science was an expensive endeavor accessible to the privileged – and certainly not something in which you were encouraged to participate. Flash forward 200 years… and imagine that Carlos Darwin, an inquisitive and smart kid from a not-so-wealthy family is able to use a smartphone to document the finches on each of the Galapagos Islands where he lives?

And his cousin Josefina Darwin, is able to send him pictures of finches she is seeing in her backyard in New Jersey? What if all those budding “Darwins” in OUR classes and communities used their cell phones for more than Facebook and Snapchat? What if Darwin had a Smartphone? Use These Four Easy Tips To Master Evernote On Your iPhone And iPad [Feature. Evernote is a fantastically useful service, with clients for the web, Mac, PC, and iOS. The iOS version is as full featured as the desktop version, a rarity these days, and really makes Evernote my go-to app for keeping track of stuff of all kinds. Here, then, are four fantastic tips and tricks to get the most out of the Evernote app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Create and Manage Evernote Reminders On Your iPhone Or iPad I really enjoy Apple’s own Reminders app, especially as it integrates with Siri. If you’re looking to remind yourself of the things you keep in Evernote, or are just looking for an alternative to the Reminders app in iOS, here’s how to create and manage them in Evernote for iOS. You’ll need the latest version of Evernote for this to work, so make sure you check your Updates tab in the App Store and update Evernote if need be. Then, launch Evernote on your iPad or iPhone, and create a new note. Quickly Create New Items On Your iOS Device Using Evernote 5 And? Student Work – Fall 2011. For the third year in a row (see 2009 and 2010), I wanted to use the last post of the year to share a few examples of the great work that is being done by my graduate and undergraduate students. I am so very fortunate to have creative & hard-working students who are committed to improving their knowledge of teaching and learning in light of our new digital landscape.

I hope that some of these examples will inspire you to take up new challenges in your own context. From EC&I 831 (Open graduate course, Social Media & Open Education): Summaries of Learning: Final Projects: Tannis’ Global Gateway – a wiki resource for global citizenship.Lorena’s Social Media Classroom – a reflection on the use of social media in a high school classroom as a final project. From ECMP 355 (An Undergraduate Technology Integration Course): Summaries of Learning: Electronic Portfolios: There were many other good projects to share, but this represents a good sample of the student work from the semester.

Specialized Collectives / Portfolios. Excel for Educators.

Teacher blogs

What’s a Digital Portfolio and Why Should You Use it? The feedback on Otto’s answer to Mary’s question about which digital portfolio to use with her students was tremendous. Clearly, it’s a topic on people’s minds. Here’s a thorough discussion of this including what ‘digital portfolios’ are and why you should be using them: By fifth grade, students have lots of school work that needs to be 1) saved for future use, 2) accessed from home and school, 3) shared with multiple students for collaborations, 4) linked to other pieces of work or online sites. For example, a student can create a project summary at school, access it at home and link key words to websites found by a classmate that supports the project discussion.

As an educator, you might have goals for your class that aren’t adequately fulfilled by network file folders or binders on a shelf in the classroom. Take most of one 45-minute class to introduce students to wikis, get them set up with Wikispaces and joined into the class wiki. Follow me Like this: Like Loading... Related.