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Games & Mods. Movil. Actionscript 3. C# Programming. SproutCore, la competencia en JavaScript a Flex y Flash. 10 tecnologías web a aprender en el 2012. Serious HAXE. Principles of Color and the Color Wheel. Add the right feeling and mood to your site using the color wheel, mix and match hues and create effective color schemes.

Principles of Color and the Color Wheel

The first color wheel has been around for more than 300 years and was developed by Sir Isaac Newton, according to ColourLovers. Other color charts, though, existed before that time. The basic design has evolved over time but the concept remains the same – almost any color combination from the wheel will work together. A basic color wheel features 12 colors that can be combined in a variety of ways to create a number of different effects. Colors can complement one another, or even create chaos. Expanded color wheels build on this design and add equal variants of color around the wheel. Types of Color The basic principle of the color wheel starts with three primary colors – red, yellow and blue. Secondary colors are made by mixing two primary colors from the color wheel. The last group of hues, tertiary colors, is made from mixing a primary and secondary color.

Serious Front-End Development

5 presentaciones de Node.js. En 5 presentaciones conoceremos algunas características, dificultades, el por qué y cuándo utilizar Node.js, el framework asincrónico de entrada y salida basado en JavaScript creado por Ryan Dahl. 1.

5 presentaciones de Node.js

Introducción a Node.js Grabriele Lana abarca el tema de Node.js explicando qué es y porqué elegirlo, algunas características, cuándo saber utilizarlo y enumera algunos aspectos negativos que son importantes tomar en cuenta. 2. Node.js & Ruby Michael Bleigh presenta algunas de las razones por las cuales escoger Node.js, entre ellas el hecho de ser asincrónico y generalmente rápido. 3. Webintenta - blog de recursos y desarrollo web.

Serious jQuery

CodeJobs - Share codes & find a job! Kendo Blog Posts > Building Your First Kendo UI Mobile PhoneGap Application. Build a Contacts Manager Using Backbone.js: Part 1. Ender - the no-library library. 15 Icon (@font-face) Web Fonts to Improve your User Interfaces. Nowadays web applications have greatly increased and they make extensive use of icons for their user interfaces.

15 Icon (@font-face) Web Fonts to Improve your User Interfaces

Thanks to @font-face rule we should include icons within our web pages using icon web fonts instead of single images. In this post we have collected 15 sets of icon web fonts that you can use to design your user interfaces. The Return of Adventure Games. The Return of Adventure Games Growing up I never really took a shine to adventure games.

The Return of Adventure Games

I was very impatient and didn’t like to be mentally bested by a game. Only recently am I starting to see the appeal. How to make a gravity-based platformer. There has been a bit of interest and intrigue about how I made the gravity mechanics in AirScape.

How to make a gravity-based platformer

So I have decided to write my first tutorial on how I did it, and show how simple it really is. The first thing I must say, is that this method was conceived by Yann Granjon. I did not come up with the idea, I simply implemented it. Building a platform game - a beginner's guide. You'll learn how to:- Best use built-in behaviors- Switch animations: standing > running > falling ...- Test for progress and award points Building blocks - the objects to insert Key to a platform game are two types of objects: Solids and Platforms. Solids are obvious: they form the floors and walls that restrict players' movements. Platforms have a name which might confuse you initially: rather than being the platforms on which players stand and fight and run and jump, they're the objects that do the standing and fighting and running and jumping.

What's so great about Platform objects in Construct 2 is that you get all their basic behavior that you'd expect, without your having to do a single bit of programming: - When you press the left and right arrow keys, Platform objects move right and left (you can change these keys, say to 'A' and 'D', if you like, or replace them with touch gestures on mobile devices). - When they've not got a Solid object beneath them, they fall.

Apuntes sobre Game Design y programación web - HTML5 Game Makers : Lost Decade Games.

Serious Flash

HTML5 Game Development. Beginning HTML5 Game Development. Goals: Learn to use the <canvas> tag.Learn to separate logic to separate source files.Setup a basic game loop.

Beginning HTML5 Game Development

One thing I never liked about programming tutorials is that most are derived from some completed project. Now there’s nothing particularly wrong with this other than the author doesn’t take the time to provide a well documented skeleton to work from, something free of the bloat code specific to their game. They’ll leave in their classes and their draw code, but really I feel that code would be best placed in its own tutorial explaining how to build that game. So what this tutorial aims to provide is a bare minimum code base for you to build on. We’ll start off with the <canvas> tag. Case Study: Bouncy Mouse. Introduction After publishing Bouncy Mouse on iOS and Android at the end of last year, I learned a few very important lessons.

Case Study: Bouncy Mouse

Key among them was that breaking into an established market is hard. On the thoroughly saturated iPhone market, gaining traction was very hard; on the less saturated Android Marketplace, progress was easier, but still not easy. Given this experience, I saw an interesting opportunity on the Chrome Web Store. While the Web Store is by no means empty, its catalogue of high-quality HTML5-based games is just beginning to grow into maturity. In this case study, I will talk a bit about the general process of porting Bouncy Mouse to HTML5, then I will dig a bit deeper into three areas that proved interesting: Audio, Performance, and Monetization.

Moe Fundamentalism. Pickle. Flixel a flash game library and coding community - Homepage.

Serious Game Development

Aplicaciones para programar. Cuantos de nosotros que somos desarrolladores, nos hemos visto en la situación en la que estamos desarrollando un proyecto que incluye fragmentos de código que ya hemos desarrollado antes, entonces nos debemos de poner a revisar nuestros viejos proyectos para reciclar el código y claro eso nos consume tiempo, esfuerzo y en algunos casos hasta dinero, es por eso que quiero presentar ante ustedes Snippex, Snippex es un sistema que trabaja en un servidor local, te ayuda a organizar tus fragmentos de códigos y proyectos.

Aplicaciones para programar

Es como si tuvieras una biblioteca de código para una rápida consulta, puedes guardar algoritmos que hayas realizado y después implementarlos en otros proyectos, ademas Snippex soporta una gran variedad de lenguajes de programación para ser visualizados como HTML, CSS, Javascript, BASH / DOS, RUBY, SQL, XML, LISP, GO, Python, JAVA, C# y C/C++ Resumen del curso HTML5. Python.

Serios Python

Serious Ruby. Serious Javascript.