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Facebook Twitter - Thousands of Anime Wallpapers, DvD Covers, Artbooks and more... 8 nice text-based applications in Linux. The terminal is arguably the most used application when it comes to Linux.

8 nice text-based applications in Linux

And together with the excessive usage of the terminal in Linux, there are a lot of text-based applications to use directly on the terminal for almost every task you need to perform daily. Text-based applications are usually simple, clean and very easy to customize. And moreover, since these applications are text-based, they dont consume much resource, you then can run these apps on old computers without any problem. Moreover, when you incorporate these text-based apps with tiling window managers like Awesome or XMonad, the result is really nice.

Here are the list of my favorite text-based applications that I use everyday in my Linux computer: 1 - Vim Vim is one of the most used text editors in Linux. 2 - Calcurse 3 - Mutt Not as well known as Evolution or Thunder Bird but Mutt is an awesome mail client. 4 - Mpd with ncmpcpp I got a lot of questions about the "rainbow" music player I use in some of my screenshots. Después de Instalar… Fedora 16 “Verne” « Pingüino Libre. Fedoreando. Xenode Systems Blog. HOWTO Setup Android Development. Abstract This page should provide "how-to" document about using Fedora Linux for developing applications for Android platform.

HOWTO Setup Android Development

This document will cover requirements, steps how to go from source code till final application and how to use Android Emulator for testing of application. Target Fedora version F-12 and higher Requirements Android Emulator This is importantIf you have problems like [Bug875490] try to install the "Fedora Eclipse" group rather than just "yum install eclipse" Eclipse IDE (3.5 and higher is needed because of ADT plugin dependency on Equinox P2) yum install eclipse-jdt Android SDK Download SDK from page Install ADT plugin for Eclipse Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install new software... Or for Eclipse version 3.6 use: For Eclipse version 3.7 (Fedora 16 and current Rawhide (as of Oct. 10, 2011)), use: For Eclipse version 4.2 (Fedora 17 and current Rawhide (as of Jun. 6, 2012)), use: For Eclipse version 4.3 (Fedora 19 and current Rawhide (as of Jun. 5, 2013)), use: 32 bit packages.

Que hacer despues de instalar Fedora 16. QUE HACER DESPUÉS DE INSTALAR FEDORA 16 What to do after installing Fedora 16?

Que hacer despues de instalar Fedora 16

¡Guiá rápida para enchular Fedora 16 Verne! Como bien sabran, si encuetran mi post anterior, decidi cambiarme a Fedora, y estoy como un niño explorador, estoy enamorado de Fedora, posiblemente en cualquier motor de busqueda encuentres post similares, pero esta guia fue hecha para que no te falte nada y podas explotar algo de lo que nos ofrece Fedora. Es por esto incluyo una guia sencilla para enchular la maquina y dejarla como navaja suiza jeje. Descargar Fedora 16 Existen varias alternativas, a mi criterio es preferible descargar la version live de 610MB aprox en cualquiera de sus sabores, KDE o GNOME en version torrent para no sobrecargar los servidores y para no tener problemas con una mala descarga, asi tambien es preferible bajarlo de esta manera para los que tienen un conexion a internet lenta; e instalar solo que nosotros utilizamos. dijo: Actualizado 28/03/2012 dijo:yum -y update Adobe 64-bit x86_64 Listo!