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Angular/angular-seed. AngularJS Cheat Sheet by ProLoser. 5 Awesome AngularJS Features. AngularJS is a great JavaScript framework that has some very compelling features for not only developers, but designers as well!

5 Awesome AngularJS Features

In this tutorial, we will cover what I consider to be the most essential features, and how they can help make your next web application awesome. AngularJS is a new, powerful, client-side technology that provides a way of accomplishing really powerful things in a way that embraces and extends HTML, CSS and JavaScript, while shoring up some of its glaring deficiencies. Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. Sample Application with Angular.js. After I blogged a three-part Backbone.js tutorial (part 1, part 2, part 3), a number of people asked me to try Angular.js.

Sample Application with Angular.js

So I decided to take it for a test drive. I thought it would be interesting to rebuild with Angular.js the Wine Cellar application I had built with Backbone. If you are new to my Wine Cellar application, it is a simple CRUD app that allows you to manage (create, update, delete) wines in a Wine Cellar.