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28 Decorating Tricks To Brighten Up Your Rented Home. Toronto seven best work-friendly cafés. How to Make a Collage of Words in Any Shape! You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that at 2:00 this afternoon, this post was almost completely written! Then... I got sidetracked for eight hours (doing something fun and exciting for a friend... a surprise)! Now, here we are again, posting the Technology Tuesday post so close to the stroke of midnight that it's almost a Technology Wednesday post! Regardless, I am SO excited by being able to blog about How to Make a Collage of Words in Any Shape! So many people know about Wordle which lets you make awesome "word clouds," but today we're going to play around with a fun website called Tagxedo, which in my opinion, is like Wordle on steroids! This option swept the technology poll, leaving us with yet another landslide!

Now, onto the tutorial! You can download this tutorial as a PDF by clicking this picture! Note: This tutorial is hosted on Google Docs. I'm having such a hard time figuring out what to add to the poll! April Fool's Day- 33 HARMLESS, PESKY PRANKS. Pesky pranks 1. Spray nozzle or taped faucets- this one's kind of sentimental for me... THIS is the VERY PRANK that fueled my fire and love for this holiday! The first April we were married, my husband took a rubber band and wound it tightly around the kitchen sink's spray nozzle and left it aimed at where my face would be. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. **This one was suggested by a viewer...32. 33. Click Here and Here for more fun prank ideas! THINGS YOU LEARN IN COLLEGE & The Career Closet - StumbleUpon. I had to post this hilarious list from you don’t learn these things in class Quarters are like gold.Flip-flops become as important as soap, and shampoo.

Asleep by 2:30 AM is an early night. New additions to the food groups: Mountain Dew, Doritos, Ben & Jerry’s, Ho-Hos and Oreos. Make sure your alarm clock has back-up batteries. Duct tape heals all wounds. Showers become less important. Sleep becomes more important. 10 minutes is more than enough time to get ready for your first class. Going to the mailbox was never an ego-booster (or ego-breaker) before. You begin to nap again. The book your professor wrote is always required for his class.

E-mail becomes your second language. Frat parties are exactly like they are in the movies. Ten-page papers used to sound impossible, now they’re a Godsend. You never realized so many people are smarter than you. You never realized so many people are dumber than you. Professors are like celebrities: you see them, but they never see you. 10 Самых тупых придурков в мире =) Boney M. - Rasputin (just dance 2) [WII] Shoes. ..:: ::.. The Tool that makes addicted! 7 Free Websites That Let You Edit Images Online.

Usually for photo editing, people will use Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. However, its complex functions are not really user friendly for whoever just want to enhance an image. Thanks to Google, internet users start to process file online. Not only document files or excel files, we can even process our photos or images online too. Here are the 7 websites that allow us to edit images online: 1. A.viary Phoenix Aviary is a suite of web-based applications (RIAs) for people who create. 2. flauntR is created with the vision of enabling consumers to enhance and monetize their photos or images without reading through heaps of user manuals or purchasing and downloading expensive software. MobilR template allows user to create wallpaper for mobile phone. 3.

User friendly GUI and several languages are supported in 4. A very complete website to edit image online. 5. Registration is needed. 6. No registration required. 7. Registration is required. Conclusion Updates. Games for the Brain.