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Guidelines for panning (Metro style apps) Panning or scrolling lets users navigate within a single view, to display the content of the view that does not fit within the viewport.

Guidelines for panning (Metro style apps)

Examples of views include the folder structure of a computer, a library of documents, or a photo album. See this feature in action as part of our App features, start to finish series: User interaction: Touch input... and beyond. Guidelines for cross-slide (Metro style apps) Use cross-slide to support selection with the swipe gesture and drag (move) interactions with the slide gesture.

Guidelines for cross-slide (Metro style apps)

See this feature in action as part of our App features, start to finish series: User interaction: Touch input... and beyond Dos and don'ts Use cross-slide for lists or collections that scroll in a single direction.Use cross-slide for item selection when the tap interaction is used for another purpose.Don't use cross-slide for adding items to a queue. Additional usage guidance. Exercise 1: Build a Multitouch Application. GESTUREINFO structure. Stores information about a gesture.


Syntax typedef struct _GESTUREINFO { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwID; HWND hwndTarget; POINTS ptsLocation; DWORD dwInstanceID; DWORD dwSequenceID; ULONGLONG ullArguments; UINT cbExtraArgs; } GESTUREINFO, *PGESTUREINFO; Members cbSize.