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Free Software Foundation. Free Software Foundation. Licenses libres et non libres (d'après la FSF) We try to list the most commonly encountered free software license on this page, but cannot list them all; we'll try our best to answer questions about free software licenses whether or not they are listed here. The licenses are more or less in alphabetical order within each section. If you believe you have found a violation of one of our licenses, please refer to our license violation page. If you have questions about free software licenses, you can email us at <>. Because our resources are limited, we do not answer questions that are meant to assist proprietary software development or distribution, and you'll likely get an answer faster if you ask a specific question that isn't already covered here or in our FAQ.

We welcome knowledgeable volunteers who want to help answer licensing questions. If you are contemplating writing a new license, please also contact us at <>. GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 (#GNUGPL) (#GNUGPLv3) ISC License (#ISC) Creative Commons. Artlibre - Copyleft.