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My Name is Kate: PayPal Canada Gets an Extra Security Boost. I first read about security tokens for PayPal about a year or so ago and I was quite excited. I really like PayPal, but have had at least one friend who had their account hacked. At the time, however, the security token wasn't available in Canada. :( You can imagine my delight, then, when I got an email last week from PayPal Canada's PR firm letting me know that they were now available in Canada. W00t! They offered to send me a token to try. Once I got the token and tried to set it up, I did have the tiniest little glitch. But then I read the copy (no one reads when there are pictures) and figured it out. The idea behind the tokens is that they provide an additional security challenge when logging into your account. In order to register your token, you just input the ID code on the back of the token along with two subsequent random keys it generates.

Once you enter that correctly, you have access to your PayPal account as usual. Commerce Starter Kit. Canada | Merchant Resources. Arvic Secure. Psigate. Planet Payment. DXGreenGate. Beanstream Internet Payment Processing.