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QUT | ePrints Archive - Patterns-based Evaluation of Open Source. Why is important. Ricardo Galli, de software libre » WP-Cache 2.0. WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make your site much faster and responsive. It works by caching Worpress pages and storing them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the file rather than loading and compiling the whole PHP code and then building the page from the database. WP-Cache allows to serve hundred of times more pages per second, and to reduce the response time from several tenths of seconds to less than a millisecond.

WP-Cache started from the “Staticize Reloaded” by matt and billzeller. Most of their recommendations also apply to WP-Cache. Current version, WP-Cache2, is a huge improvement over previous versions of WP-Cache. A note about compression Due to several glitches created by enabling compression ( inside PHP via ob_start() ) this WordPress feature is not supported by WP_Cache. Zlib.output_compression = On It works perfectly with WP-Cache. Introduction WP-Cache is composed of two parts: Two-phases Wordpress hooks. Other blog » Open Source Feminism. Spectrum: Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops for All. A little over two years ago, Mary Lou Jepsen flew to Boston to interview for a professorship at MIT Media Lab. A week later, she got a job in Cambridge—not the professorship, but something even better: chief technology officer of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, which is working on an ultracheap but versatile laptop for children in developing countries.

If you’re an engineer and a job interview turns into a brainstorming session, that’s probably a good sign. It certainly was for Jepsen, who spent 2 hours of her ”interview” kicking around ideas for the laptop with Nicholas Negroponte, the Media Lab’s cofounder. Negroponte had just launched OLPC, a nonprofit organization independent of MIT, and when he asked Jepsen to be its chief technology officer, she immediately agreed. Little did Jepsen, then a Californian, realize she had just signed up for a seemingly permanent seat on a globe-hopping flight.

Jepsen, now 41, spent her childhood on a family farm in Connecticut. Toronto2007 in OpenCities. OpenCities Toronto 2007. Developer Network. Platypus. Phios Corporation. ActiveBPEL Engine. The Fallacy of Open Source Proponents of open source make a very compelling and seductive argument that goes something like this... "All software has source code. The open source model grants every user access to that code, resulting in freedom. Freedom means choice and choice means power. You can see the code, you can change it and you can learn from it. New ideas and code travel the world in an instant. However the reality can be vastly different. The Power of Open Standards Software based on open standards however, delivers the interoperability benefits of open source with the assurance of traditional software models. ActiveVOS - Open Standards-Based BPM At ActiveEndpoints we're huge proponents of open standards. Request an ActiveVOS trial today. More about BPEL BPEL is an XML language for describing business process behavior based on Web services.

A BPEL process describes a business process. A process consists of activities connected by links. BPEL Files. Turn your $60 router into a $600 router - Lifehacker. Three No-Cost Ways To Get Started With BPM. Several business process management vendors now offer free, downloadable tools that let you model processes, analyze expected performance improvement and create most, if not all, of an actual executable design. You've heard all the promises about business process management (BPM)--how it can streamline outmoded practices, enhance efficiency, promote compliance and standardization, make your organization more agile and put you on the path of continuous performance improvement. But it all seems so abstract. How do you convince yourself, and the CFO, that you're going to get a solid return on what's probably a six-figure investment?

BPM isn't an enterprise application like ERP or CRM, but it's not really core infrastructure, either, so making the ROI clear and convincing to buyers is a challenge. In an example aimed at business analysts, Savvion offers its Process Modeler as a free download. The Process Modeler's simulation capabilities are excellent. More Insights. (void*) » Throwing in the towel. Open Source Workflow Engines Written in Java. Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby. SharpDevelop @ic#code. Free Software for You. JBoss Enterprise Middleware products For enterprise developers building a business' applications and services that are planned to go into production, require patches and updates, or require service-level agreement (SLA)-based support with a declared support policy.

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