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How to Get a Blogger to Promote Your Product - Stepcase Lifehack. You have a product or service to promote.

How to Get a Blogger to Promote Your Product - Stepcase Lifehack

You’ve heard great things about “conversational marketing”, “viral marketing”, and the like. On the surface, it seems easy: identify a few big bloggers, schmooze with them a little, and wait for the flood of sales as your chosen bloggers start talking up your product. It’s a good idea. So good that thousands marketrs and PR folks have been deluging bloggers from the Technorati Top 100 on down with press releases, insulting emails, even bullying tactics to get them to promote their products.

So good that Lifehacker’s Gina Trapani posted a list of PR spammers and blocked emails from their domains. What went wrong? One reason this wonderful idea isn’t working the way it was expected to is that while bloggers have something pretty valuable to offer marketers, marketers so far have had little to offer in return. Another reason marketers have had a hard time connecting with bloggers has to do with control. But all is not lost… A few pointers. 17 Tips For Getting Bloggers To Write About You.

One of the best ways to get publicity and generate buzz is to get bloggers to write about what you're doing. Boing Boing co-author Cory Doctorow provides some tips on making it easy for bloggers to point to you. I edit a blog, Boing Boing, that's pretty darn popular (Technorati says we're one of the five most popular blogs), so there are a lot of people who try to get me to write about their stuff. That's cool -- I love getting good suggestions for things to write about. I couldn't find everything on my own. But often I can't write about the tips people send me, because the people who posted the material did something crazy to make life tough for bloggers.

What makes a site blogger-unfriendly? Have a link. Have a permanent link. Have a link for everything. Use real links. Use links that go to pages. Flash sites stink. 1 of 3 More Insights. Ten Tactics That Could Save Your Online Reputation. This is a guest posting by Andy Beal, co-author of Radically Transparent: Monitoring and Managing Reputations Online and CEO of online reputation monitoring tool Trackur.

Ten Tactics That Could Save Your Online Reputation

He outlines ten tactics that could prevent your company suffering its own online reputation meltdown. 1. Know your achilles heel Do you know your weaknesses? No, seriously! If Kryptonite had known their locks could be picked with Bic pen, they might have been able to react faster to the meme that spread like a virus. 2.

You should assume that every phone conversation will be taped, every internal memo leaked, and every hallway conversation shared with a blogger. This is at the essence of being radically transparent—the message you share behind closed doors should match the one you share with employees, customers, and investors. 3. You already know that a great suit can help you impress a VC or win that new client account, but what about the way you dress-up your web site? 4. 5. 6. 7.