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Sap. Bpri. Appian. BPM with SOA Forum - WebSphere Community Forum. Don't Let Process Become an Innovator's Dilemma. Businesses must be extremely vigilant that they aren't "automating out" exploratory innovation all in the name of process automation. Is your company focused on exploiting existing approaches and processes, or does the corporate culture encourage innovation? Everything we're hearing about the value of business process management and process modeling may revolve around this somewhat oblique question. And how you answer may determine how closely you may want to embrace the business process automation, service-oriented architecture and business process modeling trends du jour.

The crux of the issue, proposed in a 2002 article by two business school professors, Mary Benner and Michael Tushman, is that highly developed processes may be an excellent way of making companies more efficient, but they can become an inhibitor to that thinking-out-of-the-box creativity that drives what the authors call "exploratory innovation.

" So is process an innovator's dilemma? More Insights. Estimating the Effort of Documenting an As-Is Process -Tyner Bla. Estimating the gathering of requirements is hard. Not as hard as scheduling innovation, but easier than estimating implementation effort. One step in gathering requirements is often the documentation of the “as-is” process – how things exist today. We provide a framework for building those estimates – making the job a little bit easier. As-Is Process Documentation There are many methods of eliciting requirements. Different types of projects will use different methods of gathering the requirements. When working on migration projects where an existing system or process is being replaced, a good approach is to start by documenting the as-is process.

The as-is process is a simple as it sounds – it is a documentation of the existing steps that a business or individual takes in order to achieve an objective. One benefit of using the combination of flow and prose is that the documents can be used to target communication about the process at either a high or low level, as needed. Process Scope. ECM-BPM Corner » Glossaire BPM : quelques définitions / Partie 2. ECM-BPM Corner » Glossaire BPM : quelques définitions / Partie 1.