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Ajax RSS reader. Reflector. Reflections are cool, as a certain fruit company made everyone believe. Because the script uses opacity-based fades, it works on any background, including image-based backgrounds. Reflector.reflect('nz'); The same image, with some options set. ZK - Simply Rich.

Database Journal: Microsoft Sql Server Administration News, Arti. If you are looking for a way to track the history of all the data changes to a table then SQL Server 2016 has you covered with the new temporal table support. With Temporal tables SQL Server is able to store all the older data records into in a history table while keeping the current records in the original table. Greg Larsen explores using the temporal table feature of SQL Server 2016 to create a history table for an existing SQL Server table. Arshad Ali discusses SQL Server 2016 Query Store and how it greatly simplifies the performance troubleshooting process. Row Level security is all about restricting database users from being able to view or update rows based on who they are and what roles they are in. But there are some users who you “might” not want to restrict access at the row level at all, like the database owner, or someone with sysadmin permissions.

In a recently published article we described the basic characteristics of Azure SQL Database elastic database jobs. Website Promotion, Plans and Website Promotion Services by infoS. [ws] Color Scheme Generator 2. Protolize | Essential web tools in one place. TopStyle. Style Master CSS Editor for Windows and Mac OS X. Latest Versions: 5.0 for Mac OS X 4.6 for Windows (5.0 under development) Platforms: Mac OS X 10.5/10.4 Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista Price: $US59.99/$US29.99 (Edu) Demo: 30 days full featured, feature limited after download buy now What is Style Master?

Style Master is the leading cross platform CSS development tool. Creating style sheets based on your HTML live CSS editing of PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby and other dynamically generated sites editing CSS via ftp and much much more. Fantastic product, I've gone from knowing nothing about web-design, to creating compliant XHTML and CSS.....Really, I have found Style Master an easier product to use than Golive or Dreamweaver, particularly because of the excellent hands-on tutorial included, and the user-intuitive interface.David Perkins What can Style Master do for you? We could go on about the features of Style Master. No other software helps you design, code, debug and even learn CSS better. Tutorials, demos and projects in Ajax (XMLHTTPRequest) Programmi. Ajax Project - Tabbed Page Interface Didn't find what you want? Try our search There are quite a few Javascript implementations of tabbed interfaces out there on the web. How much better, though, to be able to change from pagetab to pagetab without a page refresh?

Here's an example of a tabbed interface using Ajax to load the new pages. We are going to use the AHAH functions described in the Metatag Grabber project to implement the interface. The pages themselves are simply styled via CSS: Content for Page 1 The structure of the tab system contains an unordered list containing the tabs (each tab being a list item) and a DIV containing the content: Note that the list element and the content both have an id defined, while the list items themselves have a class which is initially set to null, and a unique id (tab1, tab2,....).

When a user clicks on a pagetab, we want to make that pagetab 'active' and show the associated content. Next we must change the class of the clicked pagetab to 'active'. Seekbot. Especificación HTML 4.01. Esta especificación define el Lenguaje de Formato de Documentos para Hipertexto (HyperText Markup Language, HTML), el lenguaje de publicación de la World Wide Web. Esta especificación define HTML 4.01, que es una versión de HTML 4.

Además de las características relativas a texto, multimedia e hipervínculos de las versiones anteriores de HTML (HTML 3.2 [HTML32] y HTML 2.0 [RFC1866]), HTML 4 soporta más opciones de multimedia, lenguajes de scripts, hojas de estilo, mejores capacidades de impresión, y documentos más accesibles a usuarios con discapacidades. HTML 4 también da un gran paso adelante hacia la internacionalización de los documentos, con la intención de hacer la Web auténticamente universal. HTML4 es una aplicación de SGML conforme al estándar internacional ISO 8879 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language [ISO8879]. Esta sección describe el estado de este documento en la fecha de su publicación. Otros documentos pueden reemplazar a este documento. Search: ajax. Amaya Home Page. Translations: be, da, de, es, fr, hi, hr, is, ja, kr, pl, ru, sr-latin, sr-cyrillic, th, uk, vn, zh-hans, zh-hant W3C's Editor Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web.

Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium. Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (RDF), XLink, and XPointer. Amaya - Open Source Amaya is an open source software project hosted by W3C. The application was jointly developed by W3C and the WAM project (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) at INRIA. Current Release Amaya 11.4.4 is now released (18 January 2012). CSSED - Editor CSS. Webmaster's Color Lab. AJAX:Primeros Pasos - MDC. Este artículo es una guía básica sobre AJAX e incluye dos ejemplos.

¿Qué es AJAX? AJAX (JavaScript Asíncrono y XML) es un término nuevo para describir dos capacidades de los navegadores que han estado presentes por años, pero que habían sido ignoradas por muchos desarrolladores Web, hasta hace poco que surgieron aplicaciones como Gmail, Google suggest y Google Maps. Las dos capacidades en cuestión son: La posibilidad de hacer peticiones al servidor sin tener que volver a cargar la página. La posibilidad de analizar y trabajar con documentos XML. Primer Paso – Cómo realizar una petición HTTP al servidor Para realizar una petición HTTP usando JavaScript, es necesario crear una instancia de una clase que provea esta funcionalidad. Como resultado, para crear una instancia de la clase requerida que funcione en todos los navegadores, es necesario poner: (El código mostrado es una versión simplificada con fines ilustrativos. Http_request.onreadystatechange = nameOfTheFunction; (Source) <?

Hands-on AJAX Tutorial with AJAX Examples. What is AJAX AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It allows you to build web applications and involves at least 3 technologies: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) for your web pages JavaScript, and XML (Extensible Markup Language) for the data. Even though it is possible to write code using any text editor or even Notepad, it is time-consuming and error-prone. JavaScript Editor is a tremendous AJAX editor: use it for effortless JavaScript, HTML and XML design. Why is AJAX great for your web design When it comes to web applications, AJAX offers two crucial advantages: It is efficient: only a part of the web page that needs to be modified is being modified.

How to retrieve static data dynamically If your web page needs data that is already available (in a file) and does not need to be assembled, here is what to do: Place the data in a .js file, and Use the loadScript() function below to dynamically load and use the .js file you need Example #1 To see the example on-line, click here. Alta en Buscadores Gratis, tu web en mas de 40 buscdores. ¿Necesitas visitas? ¿No sabes como conseguirlas? Toda aquella empresa o particular que pretenda hacer negocio en Internet deberá potenciar al máximo la promoción de su sitio web en la Red. El primer paso, realmente indispensable, es el alta en buscadores de todo el mundo (Google, Terra, Yahoo, Altavista,, MSN...), para que los internautas puedan encontrar sus páginas cuando realicen búsquedas de contenidos sobre los productos y servicios que usted ofrece.

Es recomendable que esta alta en buscadores se haga dentro de una estrategia de marketing on-line para su sitio web, que incluirá otras acciones como la colocación de banners (anuncios) en páginas cuyos contenidos sean complementarios a los de su empresa, el posicionamiento en buscadores, etcétera. Añadimos tu web en más de 150.000 buscadores Nosotros te ahorraremos mucho trabajo dando de alta la web en centenares de buscadores, tanto internacionales como nacionales. Caracteristicas y Tarifas. Ajax &amp; XmlHttpRequest.

Asynchronous Javascript + XMLCreating client-side dynamic Web pages Ajax is only a name given to a set of tools that were previously existing. The main part is XMLHttpRequest, a server-side object usable in JavaScript, that was implemented into Internet Explorer since the 4.0 version. XMLHttpRequest was developed by Mozilla from an ActiveX object named XMLHTTP and created by Microsoft. The use of XMLHttpRequest in 2005 by Google, in Gmail and GoogleMaps has contributed to the success of this format. But this is the when the name Ajax was itself coined that the technology started to be so popular. Why use Ajax? But Ajax can selectively modify a part of a page displayed by the browser, and update it without the need to reload the whole document with all images, menus, etc...

Ajax is a set of technologies, supported by a web browser, including these elements: HTML for the interface. Dynamic HTML has same purpose and is a set of standards: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. How does it works? Attributes. Getting Started with Ajax. A List Apart is pleased to present the following excerpt from Chapter 27 of Web Design in a Nutshell (O’Reilly Media, Inc., third edition, February 21, 2006). —Ed. The start of 2005 saw the rise of a relatively new technology, dubbed “Ajax” by Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path. Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. In a nutshell, it is the use of the nonstandard XMLHttpRequest() object to communicate with server-side scripts. The DOM plays into Ajax in a number of ways.

This probably sounds very confusing, but it is pretty easy once we go over a few simple examples. As with the DOM Scripting examples (above), for a blow-by-blow of what the script is doing, read the JavaScript comments. Example 1: Ajax with innerHTML#section1 For a simple innerHTML-based Ajax example, we’ll create a quasi-functional address book application. <! As you can see, we have a simple form with a select, from which to choose a person.

And now for the JavaScript. See this script in action. Adding &quot;OpenInNewWindow&quot; option to SharePoint Links li. Forward A very common question that pops up in the SharePoint newsgroups, list servers, and blogs surrounds the issue that the SharePoint Links Web Part doesn’t provide the option to open new links in new widnows. Many people have come up with their own work-around solutions. Todd Bleeker has a good solution that involves using the Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) in his Dashboard Web Part series, but you have to add the CEWP to every single page.[2] Wouldn’t it be nice if it was part of the solution OOTB on every new site you created? Of course! How would you do this? One way is to modify the Links list template in the site definitions.[1] In this article, I’ll show you how you can make a few modifications to add a new field to each link that allows contributors to specify if links should open in a new window or not.

All files created/modified of any importance are available for download at the end of this article. Tangent: List Templates and Site Definitions Overview Let’s get started! Centro de Asistencia para webmasters - ¿Qué es la guía para webm. Following the General Guidelines below will help Google find, index, and rank your site. We strongly encourage you to pay very close attention to the Quality Guidelines below, which outline some of the illicit practices that may lead to a site being removed entirely from the Google index or otherwise affected by an algorithmic or manual spam action.

If a site has been affected by a spam action, it may no longer show up in results on or on any of Google's partner sites. General Guidelines Ensure that all pages on the site can be reached by a link from another findable page. The referring link should include either text or, for images, an alt attribute, that is relevant to the target page. Crawlable links are <a> tags with an href attribute. Provide a sitemap file with links that point to the important pages on your site. Ways to help Google find your site: Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content. Quality guidelines. Web 2.0: la dimensión tecnológica (1) NO HA HABIDO GRAN revolución en la web desde que reventó la burbuja y, sin embargo, somos cada vez más numerosos los que la utilizamos para una gama cada vez más abierta de actividades. Algo está pasando que no sabemos definir y que, por comodidad se bautizó Web 2.0, el último término de moda en la región de San Francisco.

¿De qué se trata? El primer paso para reunir elementos de respuesta consiste en visitar sitios muchas veces tratados en esta columna, sitios que ofrecen aplicaciones concebidas para funcionar en la web., por ejemplo, permite a decenas de millones de gente almacenar fotos, compartirlas con otros y clasificarlas gracias a las etiquetas. Igual se puede hacer en, pero esta vez con direcciones de páginas web, las que uno considera importantes o divertidas, las de los amigos o de extraños cuyas selecciones nos parecen dignas de interés.

Web 2.0 está hecha de módulos, fragmentos,pedazos, aplicaciones, que son acoplados de manera suelta. Search Engines and Frames. Search engines have a tough time with frames. Using frames can prevent them from finding pages within a Web site or cause them to send visitors into a site without the proper frame "context" being established. Both problems can be corrected, with a little foresight by Webmasters. Say More Than Sorry To Search Engines Many sites use frames for navigation, and the fictional "Wonderful World of Stamp Collecting" site in this tutorial is a typical example of this. It has three frames: one for navigation, one for the site's title and one as the main content window. View the example, then return to this page (use your back button or click on the big, ugly link that says "BACK TO THE TUTORIAL. " Example 1 You saw a single page with three frames appear. In contrast, most search engine spiders will only see the master page.

So what do frame-challenged search engines see in our example? Sorry! Obviously, we need to provide search engines with a much better description of the site than this. Example 2. Venkman JavaScript Debugger project page. Css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design. Vitamin - A resource for web developers, designers and entrepren. SQL Server Developer Center. Windows SharePoint Services Highlights. - web 2.0 javascript. Rushi’s Ramblings » AJAX Resources for Beginners. Perfect Screen Ruler - you can find out the size of something on. Herramientas para medir espacios en la pantalla. Componentes de Visual Basic 2005 para el desarrollador que utili. Bitácora de Webmaster » Instalación de WAMP -BdW- Portal informático - Como Habilitar la opción seguridad en Windo. Mix 06. Beta Experience – The pleasure of testing.

Download details: SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases ( Such-A-Point : Sharepoint v.3 en el PDC&#039;05. Office Assistance: Customizing a SharePoint site in your Web bro.